PASI Code ValuesProvincial Approach to Student Information API
Used to identify the status of a specific core alert.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AcknowledgedAcknowledgedThe Advice provided has been reviewed and no updates to the data are required.All School Years
InProgressIn ProgressA resolution to the core alert is currently being worked on.All School Years
OverriddenOverriddenThe Warning provided has been reviewed and overridden by an internal Alberta Education department.All School Years
UnacknowledgedUnacknowledgedThe core alert has not been acknowledged.All School Years
Used to classify an address recorded within PASI.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DeliveryDelivery AddressDelivery AddressAll School Years
MailingMailing AddressMailing AddressAll School Years
PhysicalPhysical AddressPhysical AddressAll School Years
Format of an address.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ATSAlberta Township SystemAddress format for Alberta Township SystemAll School Years
Mail-CACanadian Mailing AddressMailing address format for Canadian addressesAll School Years
Mail-InternationalInternational Mailing AddressMailing address format for International addressesAll School Years
Mail-USUnited States Mailing AddressMailing address format for US addressesAll School Years
RuralAlbertaAddressRural Alberta AddressAddress format for Rural Alberta AddressesAll School Years
Used to identify the level of criticality associated with a specific core alert.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AdviceAdviceThe data provided is suspected of being invalid and may require updating in order to be corrected.All School Years
WarningWarningThe data provided is failing a business rule and requires updating in order to be corrected.All School Years
Used to identify what type of change was audited.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AAddThe record was added.All School Years
DDeleteThe record was deleted.All School Years
UUpdateThe record was updated.All School Years
Identifies the subject of a change in an audit event. For this set of codes, the Short Description contains a database table name and therefore no spaces.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CreateStudentStudentA change made by the Create Student service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitMedicalAlertMedicalAlertA change made by the Submit Medical Alert service and stored in the Medical Alert tableAll School Years
SubmitParentGuardianParentGuardianA change made by the Submit Parent Guardian service and stored in the Parent Guardian tableAll School Years
SubmitPrimaryLanguageAtHomeStudentA change made by the Submit Primary Language at Home service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentStudentA change made by the Submit Student service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentAddressStudent AddressA change made by the Submit Student Address service and it is stored in the Student Address table.All School Years
SubmitStudentAliasStudentIdentificationA change made by the Submit Student Alias service and stored in the Student Identification table.All School Years
SubmitStudentCitizenshipStatusStudentCitizenshipStatusA change made by the Submit Student Citizenship Status service and stored in the Student Citizenship Status table.All School Years
SubmitStudentContactEmailAddressStudentA change made by the Submit Student Contact Email Address service and stored in the Student table.Ending 2017/2018
SubmitStudentDeceasedStatusStudentA change made by the Submit Student Deceased Status service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentDisclosureRestrictionStudentDisclosureRestrictionA change made by the Submit Student Disclosure Restriction service and stored in the Student Disclosure Restriction table.All School Years
SubmitStudentEmailAddressStudentEmailAddressA change made by the Submit Student Email Address service and stored in the Student Email Address table.All School Years
SubmitStudentGenderStudentA change made by the Submit Student Gender service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentIdentificationInfoStudentIdentificationA change made by the Submit Student Identification Information service and stored in the Student Identification table.All School Years
SubmitStudentMailingAddressStudentAddressA change made by the Submit Student Mailing Address service and stored in the Student Address table.All School Years
SubmitStudentMaturityStatusStudentA change made by the Submit Student Maturity Status service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentPhoneNumberStudentPhoneA change made by the Submit Student Phone Number service and stored in the Student Phone table.All School Years
SubmitStudentPreferredMailingAddressStudentA change made by the Submit Student Preferred Mailing Address service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentPreferredNameStudentA change made by the Submit Student Preferred Name service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentPreferredPhoneNumberStudentA change made by the Submit Student Preferred Phone Number service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentProtectionStatusStudentProtectionA change made by the Submit Student Protection Status service and stored in the Student Protection table.Ending 2012/2013
SubmitStudentSection23EligibilityStatusStudentA change made by the Submit Student Section 23 Eligibility Status service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentStateProvinceIDStatusStudentA change made by the Submit Student State Province ID Status service and stored in the Student table.All School Years
SubmitStudentSyncStatusStudentA change to the Student Sync Status field in the Student table.All School Years
Used to identify why a person is legally entitled to remain in Canada.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
1Canadian CitizenCanadian CitizenAll School Years
2Permanent ResidentLawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence (student)All School Years
5Temporary ResidentTemporary Resident - e.g. Study Permit or visiting studentAll School Years
6Child of a Canadian CitizenChild of a Canadian CitizenAll School Years
7Child of a ResidentChild of an individual lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent or temporary residenceAll School Years
9Other/UnknownOther/UnknownAll School Years
Indicates the status of the Exam Mark provided. Includes permissible values for the Component Mark Status.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
INInvalidInvalidAll School Years
NWNot WrittenNot WrittenAll School Years
RERegisteredRegisteredAll School Years
RGRegular Exam MarkRegular Exam MarkAll School Years
WHWithheldWithheldAll School Years
Indicates the status of an connection between a PAS user (also known as an Education Account) and a Student within PASI.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AccessExpiredAccess ExpiredThe activated 3rd party connection between an Education Account and a student has expired as per the access expires on date.All School Years
ActiveActivatedThe connection between an external user and a student has been successfully established and can be used to gain access to the student's record.All School Years
DeletedDeletedThe connection between an external user and a student has been permanently deleted and cannot be used to gain access to the student's record.All School Years
ExpiredRequest ExpiredThe connection between an Education Account and a student was not activated in time and has expired.All School Years
FailedPINFailed PINThe connection between an external user and a student can no longer be activated since there have been too many attempts with an incorrect PIN.All School Years
PendingWaiting for ActivationThe connection has been set up and has not been activated by the external user.All School Years
StudentHoldStudent HoldThe connection between an external user and a student is temporary unavailable because the student has an active hold.All School Years
SuspendedSuspendedThe connection between an external user and a student has been temporarily suspended and cannot be used to gain access to the student's record.All School Years
Identifies the type of limitation or restriction that is placed on information pertaining to the student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CautionCautionThe student is deemed to have a disclosure restriction based on information other than legal documentation.All School Years
CourtOrderedCourt OrderedThe student is deemed to have a disclosure restriction based on legal documentation.All School Years
IndependentUnder18Independent Student under 18The student is deemed to have a disclosure restriction based on their designation as an independent student.All School Years
StudentOver18withGuardianStudent Over 18 with GuardianThe student's parent/guardian retains responsibility for student after the student has turned 18 years old.All School Years
Indicates the self-reported, unverified relationship to the student of the person that owns the Education Account (also known as a PAS user).
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AuntAuntThe Education Account owner is the student's aunt.All School Years
BrotherBrotherThe Education Account owner is the student's brother.All School Years
CousinCousinThe Education Account owner is the student's cousin.All School Years
FatherFatherThe Education Account owner is the student's father.All School Years
GrandfatherGrandfatherThe Education Account owner is the student's grandfather.All School Years
GrandmotherGrandmotherThe Education Account owner is the student's grandmother.All School Years
GuardianGuardianThe Education Account owner is the student's guardian.All School Years
MotherMotherThe Education Account owner is the student's mother.All School Years
OtherOtherThe Education Account owner has a unique relationship to the student that is not contained within the code values.All School Years
ParentParentThe Education Account owner is the student's parent.All School Years
SelfSelfThe Education Account owner is the student.All School Years
SiblingSiblingThe Education Account owner is the student's sibling.All School Years
SisterSisterThe Education Account owner is the student's sister.All School Years
UncleUncleThe Education Account owner is the student's uncle.All School Years
Used to identify the reason for updating an historical enrolment record.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
FundingCorrectionFunding CorrectionEnrolment data is updated as a result of funding correction.All School Years
IncorrectEnrolmentDataIncorrect Enrolment DataEnrolment data is incorrect, updated to reflect correct enrolment data.All School Years
MissedEnrolmentMissed EnrolmentEnrolment record was not included initially.All School Years
ProvincialAuditProvincial AuditEnrolment record requires update as a result of provincial audit.All School Years
Used to identify students for funding or data collection purposes.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
100Regular EnrolmentRegular EnrolmentEnding 2001/2002
121Independent StudentIndependent StudentAll School Years
130Resident Student of the GovernmentResident Student of the GovernmentEnding 2010/2011
200Department of National Defence StudentDepartment of National Defence StudentEnding 1993/1994
330First Nations Student residing on-reserveFirst Nation Student residing on-reserve, who attends a provincial public or private school off-reserve, funded by a First Nation or the Government of Canada thAll School Years
340Registered Indian Not Living on Crown LandRegistered Indian Not Living on Crown LandEnding 1993/1994
401Resident Student to another Alberta schoolResident Student: From this school to another Alberta schoolEnding 1993/1994
402Exchange Student to a school within CanadaResident Student: from this school to a school outside Alberta but within CanadaAll School Years
403Exchange Student to a school outside CanadaResident Student: from this school to a school outside CanadaAll School Years
411Non-resident Student from another Alberta schoolNon-resident Student: To this school from another Alberta schoolEnding 1993/1994
412Exchange Student from a school within CanadaExchange Student: to this school from a school outside Alberta but within CanadaAll School Years
413Exchange Student from a school outside CanadaExchange Student: to this school from a school outside CanadaAll School Years
414Student from outside CanadaStudent from outside Canada with a student visa not residing in Alberta receiving online instruction (non funded)Ending 2022/2023
415Visiting Student from within CanadaVisiting student from outside Alberta but within Canada residing in Alberta receiving instruction in person or online (non funded)All School Years
416Visiting Student from outside CanadaVisiting student from outside Canada residing in Alberta receiving instruction in person or online (non funded)All School Years
417Step-child of a Canadian CitizenStep-child of a Canadian CitizenAll School Years
418Step-child of a Temporary Foreign WorkerStep-child of a Temporary Foreign WorkerAll School Years
501British ColumbiaStudent attending a school in British ColumbiaAll School Years
502SaskatchewanStudent attending a school in SaskatchewanAll School Years
503ManitobaStudent attending a school in ManitobaAll School Years
504OntarioStudent attending a school in OntarioAll School Years
505QuebecStudent attending a school in QuebecAll School Years
506New BrunswickStudent attending a school in New BrunswickAll School Years
507Nova ScotiaStudent attending a school in Nova ScotiaAll School Years
508Prince Edward IslandStudent attending a school in Prince Edward IslandAll School Years
509Newfoundland and LabradorStudent attending a school in Newfoundland and LabradorAll School Years
510YukonStudent attending a school in the YukonAll School Years
511North West TerritoriesStudent attending a school in the North West TerritoriesAll School Years
512NunavutStudent attending a school in NunavutAll School Years
513Not AssignedNot AssignedEnding 2009/2010
521United States of AmericaStudent attending a school in the United States of AmericaAll School Years
522Outside of Canada, the United States, and ChinaStudent attending a school outside of Canada, the United States, and ChinaAll School Years
523ChinaStudent attending a school in ChinaAll School Years
600Displaced StudentStudent that has been temporarily displacedAll School Years
650At-home learning due to COVID-19Students that the school is supporting while they are at-home learning due to COVID-19Ending 2022/2023
651Alternating at-home learning and school due to COVStudents that the school is supporting while they alternate between at-home learning and school due to COVID-19Ending 2021/2022
670Non-Funded Pending EnrolmentsNon-Funded Pending EnrolmentsStarting 2023/2024
Indicates the status of the Exam Mark provided. Includes permissible values for the primary Exam Mark Status.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
FEFull ExemptionFull exemption granted.All School Years
ICIncompleteIdentifies when one of two exam components is not written.All School Years
INInvalidInvalidAll School Years
NWNot WrittenNot WrittenAll School Years
PEPartial ExemptionPartial exemption granted.All School Years
RERegisteredRegisteredAll School Years
RGRegular Exam MarkRegular Exam MarkAll School Years
SCSpecial CaseSpecial case approved.All School Years
SPSplit WritingSeparate writing approved.All School Years
WHWithheldWithheldAll School Years
Used to identify exceptional students. Also referred to as Special Education codes.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
10ECS Developmentally ImmatureECS Developmentally ImmatureAll School Years
20ECS Severely Disabled ChildECS Severely Disabled ChildEnding 1995/1996
30ECS Mild/Moderate Disability/DelayECS Mild/Moderate Disability/DelayAll School Years
40Severely Handicapped ChildSeverely Handicapped ChildEnding 1994/1995
41Intellectual Disability (Severe)Intellectual Disability (Severe)All School Years
42Severe Emotional/Behavioural DisabilitySevere Emotional/Behavioural DisabilityAll School Years
43Severe Multiple DisabilitySevere Multiple DisabilityAll School Years
44Severe Physical or Medical DisabilitySevere Physical or Medical DisabilityAll School Years
45DeafnessDeafnessAll School Years
46BlindnessBlindnessAll School Years
47ECS Severe Language DelayECS Severe Language DelayAll School Years
48ECS Moderate Language DelayECS Moderate Language DelayStarting 2021/2022
50Mildly/Moderately HandicappedMildly/Moderately HandicappedEnding 1994/1995
51Intellectual Disability (Mild)Intellectual Disability (Mild)All School Years
52Intellectual Disability (Moderate)Intellectual Disability (Moderate)All School Years
53Emotional/Behavioural DisabilityEmotional/Behavioural DisabilityAll School Years
54Learning DisabilityLearning DisabilityAll School Years
55Hearing DisabilityHearing DisabilityAll School Years
56Visual DisabilityVisual DisabilityAll School Years
57Communication Disability/DisorderCommunication Disability/DisorderAll School Years
58Physical or Medical DisabilityPhysical or Medical DisabilityAll School Years
59Multiple DisabilityMultiple DisabilityAll School Years
60Institutional/HomeboundInstitutional/HomeboundEnding 1999/2000
70Disabled AdultDisabled AdultEnding 2022/2023
80Gifted and TalentedGifted and TalentedAll School Years
90Classification UnclearClassification UnclearEnding 1993/1994
Used to identify a student's response at a school (if provided) to the standard FNMI Declaration.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
331Indigenous Learner - Status First NationsThe student has self-identified as Indigenous - Status First NationAll School Years
332Indigenous Learner - Non-Status First NationsThe student has self-identified as Indigenous - Non Status First NationAll School Years
333Indigenous Learner - MetisThe student has self-identified as Indigenous - MetisAll School Years
334Indigenous Learner - InuitThe student has self-identified as Indigenous - InuitAll School Years
Used to identify the gender of a person.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
FF - FemaleF - FemaleAll School Years
MM - MaleM - MaleAll School Years
UU - UnknownU - UnknownAll School Years
XX - UnspecifiedX - UnspecifiedAll School Years
Used to identify a grade level recognized by Alberta Education.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
01Grade 1Grade 1All School Years
02Grade 2Grade 2All School Years
03Grade 3Grade 3All School Years
04Grade 4Grade 4All School Years
05Grade 5Grade 5All School Years
06Grade 6Grade 6All School Years
07Grade 7Grade 7All School Years
08Grade 8Grade 8All School Years
09Grade 9Grade 9All School Years
10Grade 10Grade 10All School Years
11Grade 11Grade 11All School Years
12Grade 12Grade 12All School Years
ECECSEarly Childhood ServicesAll School Years
UGUngradedUngradedEnding 2008/2009
Used to identify the type or course of study in which a student is enrolled.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
100RegularRegularEnding 2008/2009
110DSEPSDesignated Special Education Private Schools (DSEPS) - parental decision after consult with resident boardAll School Years
140Education Services agreementEducation Services agreementEnding 2015/2016
145Francophone Tuition agreementFrancophone Tuition agreementEnding 2010/2011
150CardiffCardiff Student EnrolmentEnding 2011/2012
210French ImmersionFrench ImmersionEnding 2000/2001
211Alternative FrenchAlternative French Language ProgramsAll School Years
220FrancophoneFrancophoneEnding 2000/2001
221FrancophoneFrancophone Education ProgramAll School Years
230French as a Second LanguageFrench as a Second LanguageAll School Years
300English as a Second LanguageEnglish as a Second LanguageEnding 1994/1995
301English as an Additional Language - Foreign BornEnglish as an Additional LanguageAll School Years
302English as an Additional Language - Non-fundedEnglish as an Additional Language Non-fundedAll School Years
303English as an Additional Language - Canadian BornEnglish as an Additional Language - Canadian BornAll School Years
306Francisation - Canadian BornFrancisation - Canadian born (Francophone authorities - equivalent to EAL)All School Years
307Francisation - Foreign BornFrancisation - Foreign born (Francophone authorities - equivalent to EAL)All School Years
350Early Literacy InitiativeEarly Literacy InitiativeEnding 2003/2004
400No description available for code 400No description available for code 400Ending 2009/2010
401Arabic - Bilingual ProgramArabic Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
402ChineseChineseEnding 2000/2001
403Cree - Bilingual ProgramCree Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
404German - Bilingual ProgramGerman Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
405Hebrew - Bilingual ProgramHebrew Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
406Ukrainian - Bilingual ProgramUkrainian Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
407Polish - Bilingual ProgramPolish Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
408Other - Bilingual ProgramOther Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
409Spanish - Bilingual ProgramSpanish Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
410Chinese (Mandarin) - Bilingual ProgramChinese (Mandarin) Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
411Chinese (Cantonese) - Bilingual ProgramChinese (Cantonese) Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
412Blackfoot - Bilingual ProgramBlackfoot Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
413French - Language and Culture CourseFrench Language and Culture CourseEnding 1903/1904
414Arabic - Language and Culture CourseArabic Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
415American Sign Language - Bilingual ProgramAmerican Sign Language Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
416American Sign Language and Deaf Culture CourseAmerican Sign Language and Deaf Culture CourseAll School Years
417Blackfoot - Language and Culture CourseBlackfoot Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
418Chinese (Cantonese) - Language and Culture CourseChinese (Cantonese) Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
419Chinese (Mandarin) - Language and Culture CourseChinese (Mandarin) Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
420Cree - Language and Culture CourseCree Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
421Dene - Bilingual ProgramDene Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
422Dene - Language and Culture CourseDene Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
423Dene Soultine - Bilingual ProgramDene Soultine Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
424Dene Soultine - Language and Culture CourseDene Soultine Language and Culture CourseEnding 2017/2018
425Dene Thá - Bilingual ProgramDene Thá Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
426Dene Thá - Language and Culture CourseDene Thá Language and Culture CourseEnding 2017/2018
427German - Language and Culture CourseGerman Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
428Greek - Bilingual ProgramGreek Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
429Greek - Language and Culture CourseGreek Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
430Hebrew - Language and Culture CourseHebrew Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
431Hungarian - Bilingual ProgramHungarian Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
432Hungarian - Language and Culture CourseHungarian Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
433Italian - Bilingual ProgramItalian Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
434Italian - Language and Culture CourseItalian Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
435Japanese - Bilingual ProgramJapanese Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
436Japanese - Language and Culture CourseJapanese Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
437Korean - Bilingual ProgramKorean Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
438Korean - Language and Culture CourseKorean Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
439Latin - Bilingual ProgramLatin Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
440Latin - Language and Culture CourseLatin Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
441Nakota - Bilingual ProgramNakota Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
442Nakota - Language and Culture CourseNakota Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
443Polish - Language and Culture CoursePolish Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
444Portuguese - Bilingual ProgramPortuguese Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
445Portuguese - Language and Culture CoursePortuguese Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
446Punjabi - Bilingual ProgramPunjabi Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
447Punjabi - Language and Culture CoursePunjabi Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
448Russian - Bilingual ProgramRussian Bilingual ProgramAll School Years
449Russian - Language and Culture CourseRussian Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
450Saulteaux - Bilingual ProgramSaulteaux Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
451Saulteaux - Language and Culture CourseSaulteaux Language and Culture CourseEnding 2018/2019
452Spanish - Language and Culture CourseSpanish Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
453Swedish - Bilingual ProgramSwedish Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
454Swedish - Language and Culture CourseSwedish Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
455Tsuu T'ina - Bilingual ProgramTsuu T'ina Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
456Tsuu T'ina - Language and Culture CourseTsuu T'ina Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
457Ukrainian - Language and Culture CourseUkrainian Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
458Vietnamese - Bilingual ProgramVietnamese Bilingual ProgramEnding 2017/2018
459Vietnamese - Language and Culture CourseVietnamese Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
460Other - Language and Culture CourseOther Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
462Filipino - Language and Culture CourseFilipino Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
464Hindi - Language and Culture CourseHindi Language and Culture CourseAll School Years
500Special Education FundingSpecial Education FundingEnding 2015/2016
550Designated Institutional SchoolFunding is provided for education programs where students are in custody at a correctional facility or reside in a facility licensed by Children's Services.All School Years
551Specialized Education ProgramFunding is provided for education programs in an emergency women's shelter, hospital or in a site that is not licensed by Children's Services as a residential fStarting 2020/2021
600Home Education ProgramHome Education ProgramAll School Years
610Shared Responsibility ProgramShared Responsibility ProgramAll School Years
611Home Education portion of a Shared Responsibility Home Education portion of a Shared Responsibility ProgramAll School Years
612School authority-provided portion of a Shared RespSchool authority-provided portion of a Shared Responsibility ProgramAll School Years
620Online ProgramOnline ProgramAll School Years
621Print-based Distance Education ProgramPrint-based Distance Education ProgramStarting 2018/2019
622Online Program - non-primary studentOnline Program for non-primary studentStarting 2021/2022
623Print-Based Distance Education Program - non-primaPrint-Based Distance Education Program for non-primary studentStarting 2021/2022
630Outreach ProgramOutreach ProgramAll School Years
640Refugee - Child/StudentRefugee - Child/StudentAll School Years
710Knowledge and EmployabilityKnowledge and Employability Courses (formerly IOP)All School Years
800VocationalVocationalEnding 2009/2010
910Adult Special Education ExtensionAdult Special Education ExtensionEnding 1993/1994
920Adult BasicAdult BasicEnding 1993/1994
The list of official languages that PASI will support.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ENEnglishEnglish LanguageAll School Years
FRFrenchFrench LanguageAll School Years
Allows users to input a search criterion to filter by a sets of Mark Calculation Method, such as Available/Unavailable/Deleted.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AvailableAvailableAssigned to an official mark record that will appear on the student's transcript.All School Years
UnavailableUnavailableAssigned to an official mark record that will not appear on the student's transcript. Does not include deleted marks.All School Years
Groups all Diploma related Mark Calculation Methods together to distinguish which belong to the Diploma Official Mark Type and which do not.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DiplomaDiplomaThis code is linked to Diploma-related Mark Calculation Methods via CodeRelationship. Used by View Official Mark functionality.All School Years
NonDiplomaNon-DiplomaThis code is the opposite of Diploma OfficialMarkType and therefore no additional Mark Calculation Methods are linked via CodeRelationship.All School Years
Used to identify how (if at all) an organization is currently associated to a student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CreatedStudentAssociation by Creation of StudentThe organization is associated to the student as they are the organization that created the student record and the student has never been enrolled.All School Years
CurrentEnrolAssociation by Current EnrolmentThe organization is associated to the student as they have the student enrolled currently or in the future.All School Years
ExamRegistrationAssociation by Exam RegistrationThe organization is associated to the student as they have the student registered for an exam currently or in the future.All School Years
LastEnrolAssociation by Last EnrolmentThe organization is associated to the student as they have the student's last enrollment and it happened within the last 6 months.All School Years
MinistryAssociation by MinistryAlberta Education is associated to all students.All School Years
NoneNo AssociationThe organization is not associated to the student.All School Years
RecentEnrolAssociation by Recent EnrolmentThe organization is associated to the student as they had the student enrolled within the last 12 months.All School Years
Used to classify a phone number stored within the PASI Core.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
HomeHome PhoneHome PhoneAll School Years
MobileMobile PhoneMobile PhoneStarting 2017/2018
Used to identify the status of the student just prior to being enrolled at a school.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
800Not ProvidedRegistration Entry Status has not been provided.All School Years
Used to identify the state of a specific Student School Enrolment record.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ActiveActiveThe student is currently attending classes.All School Years
CancelledCancelledThe student registered at the school, but cancelled the registration prior to attending any classes.Ending 1903/1904
ClosedClosedThe enrolment has ended, but exit information has not been provided.Ending 1903/1904
CompletedCompletedThe enrolment ended at the end of the school year as expected.All School Years
CreatedInErrorCreated In ErrorThe enrolment was created in error and has been deleted.All School Years
PreRegisteredPre-RegisteredThe enrolment record is for next school year.Ending 2010/2011
RegisteredRegisteredThe enrolment record is for a student who has not started attending classes.All School Years
WithdrawnWithdrawnThe enrolment ended prior to the expected registration exit date.All School Years
Used to identify the type of programming that a student is enrolled in.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CContinuing Education DayContinuing Education Day StudentAll School Years
DRegular DayRegular Day StudentAll School Years
EContinuing Education NightContinuing Education Night StudentAll School Years
NRegular Evening StudentRegular Evening StudentEnding 2009/2010
SSummerSummer SchoolAll School Years
TSummer NightSummer School Night StudentEnding 2009/2010
Used to classify school authorities based on the recognized classifications supported by Alberta Education.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
1Public CountyPublic CountyEnding 1996/1997
10CharterCharterAll School Years
11Private ECS OperatorPrivate ECS OperatorAll School Years
12Private SchoolPrivate SchoolAll School Years
13Private OtherPrivate OtherEnding 1996/1997
14First NationsFirst NationsAll School Years
15National DefenceNational DefenceEnding 1996/1997
16Federal JailFederal JailAll School Years
17Provincial JailProvincial JailAll School Years
18Other Provincial AuthorityOther Provincial AuthorityAll School Years
19Not in AlbertaNot in AlbertaEnding 2008/2009
2Public School DivisionPublic School DivisionAll School Years
20Not in Alberta - National ContractedNot in Alberta - National ContractedStarting 2009/2010
21Not in Alberta - International ContractedNot in Alberta - International ContractedStarting 2009/2010
3Public School DistrictPublic School DistrictAll School Years
4Public Regional School DistrictPublic Regional School DistrictEnding 1996/1997
5Public Consolidated School DistrictPublic Consolidated School DistrictEnding 1996/1997
6Public Regional DivisionPublic Regional DivisionAll School Years
7Separate School DistrictSeparate School DistrictAll School Years
8Separate Regional DivisionSeparate Regional DivisionAll School Years
9FrancophoneFrancophoneAll School Years
AAdult EducationAdult EducationAll School Years
BFirst NationsFirst NationsAll School Years
CCharterCharterAll School Years
EPrivate ECSPrivate ECSAll School Years
FFrancophoneFrancophoneAll School Years
IInternationalInternationalAll School Years
NNational - Other ProvincesNational - Other ProvincesAll School Years
PPublicPublicAll School Years
SSeparateSeparateAll School Years
VPrivatePrivateAll School Years
Used to identify the type of schedule being used for a specific school calendar.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
COP10 Month, Copernican10 Month, CopernicanEnding 1999/2000
EMA11 Months - Year Round11 Months - Year RoundAll School Years
EMB8 Month, 4.5 day school week8 Month, 4.5 day school weekEnding 1999/2000
NMA9 Month, Semester9 Month, SemesterEnding 1999/2000
OTHOtherOtherAll School Years
SDW1 Day School Week1 Day School WeekAll School Years
SuSSummer SchoolJuly, AugustAll School Years
TMA10 Month, 5 day school week10 Month, 5 day school weekEnding 1999/2000
TMB10 Month, 4 day school week10 Month, 4 day school weekEnding 1999/2000
TMC10 Month, 9 days out of 1010 Month, 9 days out of 10Ending 1999/2000
TMD10 Month, 14 days out of 1510 Month, 14 days out of 15Ending 1999/2000
TME10 Month, trimester10 Month, trimesterEnding 1999/2000
TMF10 Month, 4.5/6 rotation10 Month, 4.5/6 rotationEnding 1999/2000
TMG10 Month, 19 days out of 2010 Month, 19 days out of 20Ending 1999/2000
TMH10 Month, 4 Day Week, Copernican10 Month, 4 Day Week, CopernicanAll School Years
TMJ10 Month, 5 Day Week, Copernican10 Month, 5 Day Week, CopernicanAll School Years
TMK10 Month, 9 Days Out of 10, Copernican10 Month, 9 Days Out of 10, CopernicanAll School Years
TML10 Month, 5 Day Week, Semester10 Month, 5 Day Week, SemesterAll School Years
TMM10 Month, 5 Day Week, Non-Semester10 Month, 5 Day Week, Non-SemesterAll School Years
TMN10 Month, 4 Day Week, Semester10 Month, 4 Day Week, SemesterAll School Years
TMP10 Month, 4 Day Week, Non-Semester10 Month, 4 Day Week, Non-SemesterAll School Years
TMQ10 Month, 9 Days Out of 10, Semester10 Month, 9 Days Out of 10, SemesterAll School Years
TMR10 Month, 9 Days Out of 10, Non-Semester10 Month, 9 Days Out of 10, Non-SemesterAll School Years
TMS10 Month, Semester10 Month, SemesterEnding 1999/2000
YMA12 Months - Year Round12 Months - Year RoundAll School Years
Used to classify school based on the recognized classifications supported by Alberta Education.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AMAdministrativeAdministrativeAll School Years
CEContinuing EducationContinuing EducationAll School Years
CFCorrectional FacilityCorrectional FacilityAll School Years
CLColonyColonyAll School Years
CMCommunityCommunityEnding 1999/2000
DLDistance Learning CentreDistance Learning CentreEnding 2020/2021
HLHeritage LanguageHeritage LanguageAll School Years
OROutreachOutreachAll School Years
PSPost SecondaryPost SecondaryAll School Years
RGRegularRegularAll School Years
RIInstitutionInstitutionAll School Years
RSResidentialResidentialAll School Years
SPSpec Ed/Designated SE Priv SchSpec Ed/Designated SE Priv SchAll School Years
VIVirtualVirtualEnding 1997/1998
WCWriting CentreWriting CentreAll School Years
WSWomen's ShelterWomen's ShelterAll School Years
Used to identify the type of programming offered by the school for the identified School Grade Offering.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CContinuing EducationThe grade is offered via Continuing Education programming.All School Years
ESpecial EducationThe grade is offered via Special Education programming.All School Years
RRegularThe grade is offered via Regular programming.All School Years
SSummer SchoolThe grade is offered in Summer School programming.All School Years
Used to identify the type of program offered by the school.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AEAlberta Education Program of StudiesAlberta Education Program of StudiesAll School Years
AFAlternative FrenchAlternative FrenchAll School Years
ALAlternativeAlternativeAll School Years
APAdvanced PlacementAdvanced PlacementAll School Years
BLBilingual LanguagesBilingual LanguagesAll School Years
CRCorrespondenceCorrespondenceAll School Years
CTCareer and Technology StudiesCareer and Technology StudiesAll School Years
ECEarly Childhood ServicesEarly Childhood ServicesAll School Years
ELEnglish as a Second LanguageEnglish as a Second LanguageAll School Years
EXExchangeExchangeAll School Years
FIFrench ImmersionFrench ImmersionEnding 2000/2001
FLFrench as a Second LanguageFrench as a Second LanguageAll School Years
FRFrancophoneFrancophoneAll School Years
HBHome Education BlendedHome Education BlendedAll School Years
HEHome EducationHome EducationAll School Years
IBInternational BaccalaureateInternational BaccalaureateAll School Years
IHECS in HomeECS in HomeAll School Years
IOIntegrated OccupationalIntegrated OccupationalEnding 2009/2010
KEKnowledge and EmployabilityKnowledge and EmployabilityAll School Years
OROutreachOutreachAll School Years
RARegistered ApprenticeshipRegistered ApprenticeshipAll School Years
SESpecial EducationSpecial EducationAll School Years
SWSummer/Evening/WeekendSummer/Evening/WeekendEnding 1999/2000
VCVocationalVocationalAll School Years
VIOnlineOnlineAll School Years
WEWork ExperienceWork ExperienceAll School Years
YIYouth InternshipYouth InternshipEnding 1998/1999
Used to identify if a student is considered eligible under Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
BIneligibleIneligibleAll School Years
CUnknownAsked, but an answer has not yet been providedAll School Years
YEligibleEligibleAll School Years
Used to identify the business reason for calling a specific service.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
StudentEnrolmentStudent EnrolmentThis service is called as part of a Student Enrolment process.All School Years
Used to identify the type of extended student school enrolment information.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
EnrolmentTypeCodesEnrolment Type CodesUsed to identify students for funding or data collection purposes.All School Years
ExceptionCodesExceptionCodesUsed to identify exceptional students. Also referred to as Special Education codes.All School Years
ExitDescriptionExit DescriptionA five character alphanumeric code which records the reason for a student's exit from a school.All School Years
FNMIDeclarationFNMI DeclarationUsed to identify the FNMI Declaration response a student provided to a school.All School Years
FrancophoneBoardFrancophone BoardUsed to identify the appropriate francophone school authority when used with Grants Program code 145.All School Years
FrenchHoursOfInstructionFrench Hours Of InstructionUsed to calculate the entitlement to Federal Government Funding for French Language programs.All School Years
GrantsProgramCodesGrants Program CodesIdentifies the type or course of study in which a student is enrolled.All School Years
LocalStudentIdLocal Student IDThe ID used to identify a student locally within a school or school authority system.All School Years
RegistrationEntryStatusRegistration Entry StatusUsed to identify the status of a student on entry to the school for the current school year.All School Years
ResidentBoardResident BoardUsed to identify the appropriate school authority when used with Grants Program Codes 110 and 140.All School Years
Used to identify the quality level of an identification source document.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
100UnverifiedThis level indicates that the information came from a source other than a document.All School Years
200Self DeclaredThis level indicates that the information came from a document source that has been signed by the student/parent.All School Years
250SupportedThis level indicates that the information came from supporting documentation demonstrating that the identity is used in other contexts.All School Years
300VerifiedThis level indicates that the information came from a document source that is recognized as Government Issued documentation.All School Years
Used to identify the source of the information that has been provided as the student's identification information (Legal Name, Gender, and Birth Date).
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ABAdoptionAlberta Adoption OrderAlberta Adoption OrderAll School Years
ABBirthCertAlberta Birth CertificateAlberta Birth CertificateAll School Years
ABHealthCardAlberta Health CardAlberta Health Care CardAll School Years
ABIDCardAlberta Identification CardAlberta Identification Card. Must be current.All School Years
ABNameChangeCertAlberta Change of Name CertificateAlberta Change of Name Certificate. Must be current.All School Years
ABOpLicenseAlberta Driver's/Operator's LicenseAlberta Driver's/Operator's License. Must be current.All School Years
CABirthCertCanadian Birth CertificateCanadian Birth Certificate from outside AlbertaAll School Years
CACertIndianStatusCanadian Certificate of Indian StatusCanadian Certificate of Indian StatusAll School Years
CACitzCardCanadian Citizenship CardCanadian Citizenship Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.All School Years
CACitzCertCanadian Citizenship CertificateCanadian Citizenship CertificateAll School Years
CAIDCardCanadian ID CardIdentification Card from outside Alberta. Must be current.All School Years
CAMarriageCertCanadian Marriage CertificationCanadian Marriage CertificateAll School Years
CANameChangeCertCanadian Change of Name CertificateChange of Name Certificate from outside Alberta. Must be current.All School Years
CANRefProtClaimDocCanadian Issued Refugee Protection Claimant DocumeCanadian Issued Refugee Protection Claimant DocumentAll School Years
CAOpLicenseCanadian Driver's/Operator's LicenseDriver's/Operator's License from outside Alberta. Must be current.All School Years
CAPassportCanadian PassportCanadian PassportAll School Years
CAPermResVisaCanadian Permanent Resident CardCanadian Permanent Resident CardAll School Years
CAStudyPermitCanadian Study PermitCanadian Study PermitAll School Years
CATempResVisaCanadian Temporary Resident VisaCanadian Temporary Resident VisaAll School Years
CAWorkVisaCanadian Work VisaCanadian Work VisaAll School Years
ConsulateVisaConsulate VisaConsulate Visa issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Must be current.All School Years
ForeignBirthCertForeign Birth CertificateBirth Certificate from outside CanadaAll School Years
ForeignPassportForeign PassportPassport issued outside CanadaAll School Years
FromAlbertaEducationFrom Advanced EducationFrom the Stakeholder Registry (SHR) at Advanced EducationAll School Years
FromSISFrom SIS FileFrom a SIS File submitted via PASIprepAll School Years
FromStudentRecordsFrom Student RecordsProvided by the Student Records branch of Alberta EducationAll School Years
OtherAdoptionOther Adoption OrderAdoption Order from outside AlbertaAll School Years
PermanentResidenceConfirmationConfirmation of Permanent Residence DocumentConfirmation of Permanent Residence Document.All School Years
ProofMarriageProof of MarriageDocumentation confirming a marriage that is not a government issued Marriage CertificateAll School Years
RegFormRegistration FormRegistration FormAll School Years
StudentDocumentSelfDeclaredStudent Document Self-DeclaredA Student Document of a Document Type that is Self Declared.All School Years
StudentDocumentSupportedStudent Document SupportedA Student Document of a Document Type that is Supported.All School Years
StudentDocumentVerifiedStudent Document VerifiedA Student Document of a Document Type that is Verified.All School Years
SupportingDocumentNoLongerAvailableSupporting Document No Longer AvailableA Student Document that supported identity has been disposed or is no longer associated to this ASN and cannot support identity any longer. Also indicates that All School Years
TreatyCardTreaty CardTreaty Card.All School Years
Used to outline the status of an Alberta Student Number.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DeactivatedDeactivatedThe Alberta Student Number has been deactivated and can no longer be used for any purpose.All School Years
PrimaryPrimaryThe Alberta Student Number that should be used when referencing a student.All School Years
SecondarySecondaryAn Alberta Student Number that has been linked to a Primary ASN. This ASN should no longer be used.All School Years
Used to classify a name being recorded within PASI.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AliasAlias NameAlias or AKA Name.All School Years
LegalLegal NameLegal Name as supported by documentation.All School Years
Used to identify which level of protection is to be applied to a student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
InactiveInactiveThe record of the student's protection is no longer deemed active, and the student is no longer deemed protected.Ending 2012/2013
ProtectedProtectedThe student is deemed protected based on legal documentation.Ending 2012/2013
WarningWarningThe student is deemed protected based on information other than legal documentation.Ending 2012/2013
Internal. Used to identify which type of Student School Enrolments should be returned as part of a call when displaying the Submission Status Rpt. in PASIprep.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AllAllThe enrolment count includes all enrolments, there is no additional filter.All School Years
AsOfSeptember30As Of September 30The enrolment count includes only enrolments in effect as of September 30 of the school year.All School Years
Identifies how the course was delivered based on the presentation method of the largest component of instructional material.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CHACourse ChallengeIndicates the students in the section challenge the outcomes of this course by completing a Course Challenge.Starting 2017/2018
DDCDual Enrolled Dual CreditIndicates the instruction and/or supervision is provided by both a post-secondary instructor and an Alberta certified teacher.Starting 2019/2020
DSLDistance Learning - Print BasedLargest component of instruction provided through print-based materials and completed at a distance.All School Years
HEDHome EducationThe largest component of instruction delivered under the responsibility of a parent(s) or guardian(s) at home or otherwise.All School Years
OFCOff CampusInstruction in community-based work stations, work sites or volunteer agencies under the cooperative supervision of a teacher coordinator and the employer.All School Years
ONCOn CampusCourse was not delivered using distance learning, home education, online, outreach or off campus instruction. Completion must be prior to September 1, 2000.Ending 1999/2000
ORPOutreach ProgramLargest component of instruction delivered through an approved outreach program. Completion must be after September 1, 2000.Starting 2000/2001
REGRegularCourse was not delivered using distance learning, home education, online, outreach or off campus instruction. Completion must be after September 1, 2000.Starting 2000/2001
UNKUnknownUnknown at time of data conversion.Ending 2011/2012
VTLDistance Learning - Online InstructionLargest component of instruction provided online, regardless of location (classroom, home, etc.). Code can be used for students enrolled in online courses as paAll School Years
Indicates the school grade level a course is designated with. The code values for this come from the CIA IntendedGradeLevel code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
A code value indicating the language the course description is written in.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ENEnglishEnglishAll School Years
FRFrenchFrenchAll School Years
Defines which school years are accepted by PASI for course marks, including which years are considered Historical, Current, or Future.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AcceptedAcceptedDefines which school years are accepted by PASI for student school course marks.Ending 2024/2025
CurrentCurrentDefines which school year is considered to be the Current School Year for course marks.Ending 2024/2025
FutureFutureDefines which school years are considered to be Future School Years for course marks.Starting 2025/2026
HistoricalHistoricalDefines which school years are considered to be Historical School Years for course marks.Ending 2023/2024
Defines which school years are accepted by PASI for school enrolments, including which years are considered Historical, Current, or Future.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AcceptedAcceptedDefines which school years are accepted by PASI for student school enrolments.Ending 2024/2025
CurrentCurrentDefines which school year is considered to be the Current School Year for enrolments.Ending 2024/2025
FutureFutureDefines which school years are considered to be Future School Years for enrolments.Starting 2025/2026
HistoricalHistoricalDefines which school years are considered to be Historical School Years for enrolments.Ending 2018/2019
The mark value assigned to a student for a course. Mark Value includes a numeric value between 0 to 100 or one of the following code values.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AAA Letter GradeAll School Years
ASApproaching minimum standard (AS)Approaching minimum standard (AS)Starting 2023/2024
BBB Letter GradeAll School Years
CCC Letter GradeAll School Years
DDD Letter GradeEnding 1995/1996
DMSDoes not meet minimum standard (DMS)Does not meet minimum standard (DMS)Starting 2023/2024
ESExceeds minimum standard (ES)Exceeds minimum standard (ES)Starting 2023/2024
FFailFailAll School Years
MSMeets minimum standard (MS)Exceeds minimum standard (ES)Starting 2023/2024
PPassPassAll School Years
Assists students in course selection based on interest, credential program or special circumstances.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CTSBundled CTS CoursesBundled CTS CoursesStarting 1904/1905
IOCIntegrated Occupational CoreCoreStarting 1904/1905
IOOIntegrated Occupational ProgOccupationalStarting 1904/1905
KAEKnowledge and EmployabilityKnowledge and EmployabilityStarting 2006/2007
MSOMature Student OnlyFor mature students onlyStarting 1904/1905
RAPRegistered Apprenticeship ProgRAPStarting 1904/1905
REGRegularDefaultStarting 1904/1905
SUMSummary CTSCTS Summary coursesStarting 1904/1905
Indicates the status of a Course Enrolment.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ActiveActiveIndicates the student is currently enrolled in the course.All School Years
CompletedCompletedIndicates the student finished the enrolment as anticipated.All School Years
ContinuingContinuingIndicates the student is continuing their study across Course Enrolments and this Course Enrolment is expected to have a related successor course enrolment.All School Years
IncompleteIncompleteIndicates the student did not finish taking the prescribed CTS course material.All School Years
RegisteredRegisteredIndicates the enrolment has not yet started.All School Years
WithdrawnWithdrawnIndicates the student withdrew early from the enrolment after completing a portion of the course.All School Years
Indicates the type of evaluation associated with a course. The code values for this come from the CIA EvaluationMethod code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CAECanadian Adult Education Credential Canadian Adult Education Credential Starting 2023/2024
DPEDiploma ExamDiploma ExamStarting 1904/1905
GEDGeneral Educational Dev TestsGEDStarting 1904/1905
LUP-EVALLUPA - Evaluation MethodLUPA - Evaluation MethodEnding 2024/2025
PATProvincial Achievement TestsPATStarting 1904/1905
PDEPilot Diploma ExamPilotStarting 1904/1905
SCHSchoolSchoolStarting 1904/1905
SPESpecial EvaluationSPEStarting 1904/1905
TERNWT Diploma ExamNorthwest Territories Diploma ExamStarting 1904/1905
Indicates the rigor of the curriculum and thus the level of skills taught within a CTS course. The code values for this come from the CIA InstructionLevel code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ADVAdvancedHighest levelStarting 1904/1905
IMDIntermediateMiddle levelStarting 1904/1905
INTIntroductoryLowest levelStarting 1904/1905
Indicates the order in which related courses should be taken. The code values for this come from this code class in PASI.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
1/2/31/2/3CTSAll School Years
10/20/3010/20/30StandardAll School Years
11/21/3111/21/3111/21/31All School Years
12/22/3212/22/3212/22/32All School Years
13/23/3313/23/3313/23/33All School Years
14/24/3414/24/3414/24/34All School Years
15/25/3515/25/3515/25/35All School Years
16/26/3616/26/3616/26/36All School Years
17/27/3717/27/3717/27/37All School Years
18/28/3818/28/3818/28/38All School Years
19/29/3919/29/3919/29/39All School Years
4/5/64/5/64/5/6All School Years
41/51/6141/51/6141/51/61All School Years
42/52/6242/52/6242/52/62All School Years
7/8/97/8/97/8/9All School Years
Indicates the strand (or career area) a CTS Course is related to. The code values for this come from the CIA Discipline code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ABAAuto Body ApprenticeshipAuto Body ApprenticeshipStarting 2013/2014
AEAAgri Equip ApprenticeshipAgri Equip ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
AGRAgricultureAgricultureStarting 1904/1905
ASAAuto Service Technician ApprenAuto Service Technician ApprenStarting 1904/1905
BKABaker ApprenticeshipBaker ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
CCSCommunity Care ServicesCommunity Care ServicesStarting 1904/1905
CJSCriminal Justice StudiesCriminal Justice StudiesStarting 2015/2016
CKACook ApprenticeshipCook ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
CMACabinetmaker ApprenticeshipCabinetmaker ApprenticeshipStarting 2015/2016
CMHCommunity HealthCommunity HealthStarting 1904/1905
COMCommunication TechnologyCommunication TechnologyStarting 1904/1905
CONConstruction TechnologiesConstruction TechnologiesStarting 1904/1905
COSCosmetologyCosmetologyStarting 1904/1905
CRACarpenter ApprenticeshipCarpenter ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
CSEComputing ScienceComputing ScienceStarting 1904/1905
CTACommunication ApprenticeshipCommunication ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
CTRCareer TransitionsCareer TransitionsStarting 1904/1905
CTSCareer and Technology StudiesCareer and Technology StudiesStarting 1999/2000
DESDesign StudiesDesign StudiesStarting 1904/1905
EAIEnterprise and InnovationEnterprise and InnovationStarting 1904/1905
ELTElectro-technologiesElectro-technologiesStarting 1904/1905
ENMEnergy and MinesEnergy and MinesStarting 1904/1905
ENSEnvironmental StewardshipEnvironmental StewardshipStarting 1904/1905
ESTEstheticsEstheticsStarting 1904/1905
ETAElectrician ApprenticeshipElectrician ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
EXTOther Subject AreaOther Subject AreaStarting 2018/2019
FABFabrication StudiesFabrication StudiesStarting 1904/1905
FASFashion StudiesFashion StudiesStarting 1904/1905
FINFinancial ManagementFinancial ManagementStarting 1904/1905
FODFoodsFoodsStarting 1904/1905
FORForestryForestryStarting 1904/1905
HCAHealth Care AideHealth Care AideStarting 1904/1905
HCSHealth Care ServicesHealth Care ServicesStarting 1904/1905
HEAHeavy Equipment ApprenticeshipHeavy Equipment ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
HESHealth ServicesHealth ServicesStarting 1904/1905
HSAHairstylist ApprenticeshipHairstylist ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
HSSHuman and Social ServicesHuman and Social ServicesStarting 1904/1905
INAInsulator ApprenticeshipInsulator ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
INFInformation ProcessingInformation ProcessingStarting 1904/1905
ISAInstrument ApprenticeshipInstrument ApprenticeshipStarting 2014/2015
LGALandscape HorticulturistLandscape HorticulturistStarting 1904/1905
LGSLegal StudiesLegal StudiesStarting 1904/1905
LOGLogisticsLogisticsStarting 1904/1905
MAMManagement and MarketingManagement and MarketingStarting 1904/1905
MECMechanicsMechanicsStarting 1904/1905
MWAIndustrial Mechanic (MWA)Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)Starting 1904/1905
NETNetworkingNetworkingStarting 1904/1905
PDAPainter ApprenticeshipPainter ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
PE55th Class Power Engineering5th Class Power EngineeringStarting 2015/2016
PENPower EngineeringPower EngineeringStarting 2015/2016
PLAPlumber ApprenticeshipPlumber ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
PRSPrimary ResourcesPrimary ResourcesStarting 1904/1905
PSIPost-Secondary InstitutionPost-Secondary Institution CourseStarting 2017/2018
PTAParts Technician ApprenticeParts Technician ApprenticeStarting 1904/1905
RECRecreation LeadershipRecreation LeadershipStarting 1904/1905
SPASolar PowerSolar PowerStarting 1904/1905
TOUTourismTourismStarting 1904/1905
WDAWelder ApprenticeshipWelder ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
WLDWildlifeWildlifeStarting 1904/1905
Indicates the subject area (i.e. branch of learning) a course is related to. The code values for this come from the CIA Subject code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CTCareer and Technology StudiesCareer and Technology StudiesStarting 1904/1905
FAFine ArtsFine ArtsStarting 1904/1905
IOIntegrated OccupationalIntegrated OccupationalStarting 1904/1905
KEKnowledge and EmployabilityKnowledge and EmployabilityStarting 2006/2007
LALanguage ArtsLanguage ArtsStarting 1904/1905
MAMathematicsMathematicsStarting 1904/1905
OTOtherOtherStarting 1904/1905
PDPersonal DevelopmentPersonal DevelopmentStarting 1904/1905
RARegistered ApprenticeshipRegistered ApprenticeshipStarting 1904/1905
SCScienceScienceStarting 1904/1905
SLSecond LanguagesSecond LanguagesStarting 1904/1905
SOSocial SciencesSocial SciencesStarting 1904/1905
SSSocial StudiesSocial StudiesStarting 1904/1905
Provides a more meaningful and expressive definition of the rules that were used to derive the resulting official mark.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CourseChallengeEquivalencyCourse Challenge Equivalency{CourseCode}: This {CourseDescription} course challenge was not awarded credit as credit was already awarded for equivalent course {EquivCourseCode}: {EquivCourAll School Years
CourseEquivalencyCourse Equivalency{CourseCode}: {CourseDescription} was not awarded credit as credit was already awarded for equivalent course {EquivCourseCode}: {EquivCourseDescription}.All School Years
DiplomaCourseEvaluationDiploma Course EvaluationOfficial mark calculated as 100% of school mark due to evaluation.Ending 2015/2016
DualEnrolmentDual EnrolmentThis dual credit course was taken in partnership with {PSIInstitution} ({Coursecode} {CourseName}).All School Years
ExamExemptionsExam ExemptionsPartial Exemption exam mark selected for official mark calculation.Ending 2014/2015
FullExemptionMarkFull Exemption MarkOfficial mark calculated as 100% of a mark awarded from a Full Exemption.All School Years
HighestCreditHighest CreditHighest credit selected for official mark calculation.Ending 2014/2015
HighestMarkHighest Contributing MarkSchool or Exam mark used to calculate the Official Mark.All School Years
MatureExamMarkMature Exam MarkThe official mark is based on the exam mark because the student is a mature student at the time of writing the exam.All School Years
MaturePrerequisiteCreditMature Prerequisite CreditCredit granted for a prerequisite course due to mature status.Ending 2014/2015
MissingMarkMissing MarkBoth school and exam marks are required to be awarded an official mark for a diploma course.All School Years
MissingRequiredPrereqMissing Required PrerequisiteMissing Required Prerequisite: {CourseCode} {CourseDescription} was not awarded credit as one or more required prerequisites {ListofRequiredPrerequisites} for tAll School Years
PartialExemptionMarkPartial Exemption MarkPartial Exemption exam mark selected for official mark calculation.All School Years
PilotDiplomaPilot DiplomaOfficial mark calculated as 100% of school mark due to pilot diploma course.All School Years
RescoreRescoreDiploma exam rescored.All School Years
SpecialCaseSpecial CaseOfficial mark calculated as 100% of school or exam mark.All School Years
TranscriptHighestMarkTranscript Highest MarkMark not used to calculate Official Mark. Highest school or exam mark displayed on transcript.All School Years
The language a document is requested in.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ENEnglishThe document is requested to be provided in English.All School Years
FRFrenchThe document is requested to be provided in French.All School Years
Details regarding the official mark as it applies to the student on a Statement of Marks.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AccumulatedCreditAccumulated CreditAn official mark that has been identified as accumulated and has a mark value and credit assigned.Ending 2014/2015
ExemptedExamMarkExempted Exam MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark is an exam mark provided by an exemption for a given course code.Ending 2014/2015
HighestCreditHighest Credit AwardedAssigned to an official mark when there are different credits awarded and the credits for the given course code are not accumulated.Ending 2014/2015
HighestExamMarkHighest Exam MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark is the highest exam mark for a given course code.Ending 2014/2015
HighestSchoolMarkHighest School MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark is the highest school mark for a given course code.Ending 2014/2015
MatureExamMarkMature Exam MarkAssigned to a selected exam mark when it equals one hundred percent of the official mark.Ending 2014/2015
MaturePrerequisiteMature Prerequisite CreditAn official mark that has been assigned to a lower level course when a mature student passes a higher level course in the same sequence.All School Years
MaximumCreditMaximum CreditAssigned to an official mark when the maximum credit value has been reached.Ending 2014/2015
RetroactiveCreditRetroactive Credit AwardedAdditional credit that has been awarded by the ministry for course work completed by the student.All School Years
WaivedPrerequisiteWaived Prerequisite CreditAn official mark that has been assigned to a lower level course when a student passes a higher level course in the same sequence.Ending 2014/2015
Indicates the method used to determine the Evaluated Mark.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AAMAlberta Awarded MarkIndicates an Evaluated Mark assigned by Alberta Education.All School Years
CHACourse ChallengeCourse ChallengeEnding 2017/2018
CONConcurrent RegistrationIndicates a mark assigned for one course while concurrently enrolled in another course.Ending 1995/1996
ELOExternal Learning Opportunity CreditStudents are allowed to receive high school credits for learning opportunities they take on their own to support career and life planning.Starting 2020/2021
EXCREDExternal Credential Pathway CreditThe student was awarded credit in this course because it is in a credentialed pathway that they have received the associated external credential for.Starting 2014/2015
EXPExemptionExemption submitted by a School or Alberta EducationEnding 2014/2015
JRHJunior HighUsed by a high school when submitting a mark for a course that was taken at the junior high level.Ending 2017/2018
LGCLedger Card MarkIndicates a Ledger Card Mark that equals one hundred percent of the Official Mark.Ending 1970/1971
MPCMature Prerequisite CreditUsed to award credits that are granted to Mature Students for prerequisite courses after they successfully complete a higher level course.Ending 2013/2014
MUSMusic EvaluationMusic EvaluationAll School Years
OUT-BCOut of Province: British ColumbiaOut of Province: British ColumbiaAll School Years
OUT-MBOut of Province: ManitobaOut of Province: ManitobaAll School Years
OUT-NBOut of Province: New BrunswickOut of Province: New BrunswickAll School Years
OUT-NLOut of Province: Newfoundland and LabradorOut of Province: Newfoundland and LabradorAll School Years
OUT-NSOut of Province: Nova ScotiaOut of Province: Nova ScotiaAll School Years
OUT-NTOut of Province: Northwest TerritoriesOut of Province: Northwest TerritoriesAll School Years
OUT-NUOut of Province: NunavutOut of Province: NunavutAll School Years
OUT-OCOut of Province: Outside CanadaOut of Province: Outside CanadaAll School Years
OUT-ONOut of Province: OntarioOut of Province: OntarioAll School Years
OUT-PEOut of Province: Prince Edward IslandOut of Province: Prince Edward IslandAll School Years
OUT-QCOut of Province: QuebecOut of Province: QuebecAll School Years
OUT-SKOut of Province: SaskatchewanOut of Province: SaskatchewanAll School Years
OUT-YTOut of Province: YukonOut of Province: YukonAll School Years
PVTPrivate School EvaluationPrivate School EvaluationAll School Years
SCH-HSEDSchool Awarded Adult Equivalency CreditsSchool awarded Adult Equivalency Credits for High School Equivalency Diploma.Starting 2018/2019
SCSSpecial Cases EvaluationIndicates credits awarded based on a Special Cases evaluation.Starting 2013/2014
UNAUnallocated CreditsUsed to provide credits to a student as a result of a temporary situation that prevents a student from completing elective course work that may negatively impacEnding 2020/2021
WPCWaived Prerequisite CreditWaived Prerequisite CreditEnding 2017/2018
Indicates the specific block of time in which exams are written.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
APRAprilApril Exam SessionAll School Years
AUGAugustAugust Exam SessionAll School Years
DECDecemberDecember Exam SessionAll School Years
FEBFebruaryFebruary Exam SessionAll School Years
JANJanuaryJanuary Exam SessionAll School Years
JULJulyJuly Exam SessionAll School Years
JUNJuneJune Exam SessionAll School Years
MARMarchMarch Exam SessionAll School Years
MAYMayMay Exam SessionAll School Years
NOVNovemberNovember Exam SessionAll School Years
OCTOctoberOctober Exam SessionAll School Years
SEPSeptemberSeptember Exam SessionAll School Years
Indicates the type of exam, for example, diploma, GED, or pilot diploma exam.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DPEDiplomaDiploma ExamAll School Years
PDEPilot DiplomaPilot Diploma ExamAll School Years
Indicates the language used when providing instruction for a Section.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ALASLAmerican Sign LanguageAll School Years
ARArabicArabicAll School Years
BLBlackfootBlackfoot (Siksika)All School Years
CCCantoneseChinese (Cantonese, Yue)All School Years
CMMandarinChinese (Mandarin)All School Years
CRCreeCreeAll School Years
DEGermanGermanAll School Years
DNDeneDene (Chipewyan)All School Years
ENEnglishEnglishAll School Years
FLFilipinoFilipinoAll School Years
FRFrenchFrenchAll School Years
GRGreekGreek (Ancient)All School Years
HEHebrewHebrewAll School Years
HIHindiHindiAll School Years
HUHungarianHungarianAll School Years
ITItalianItalianAll School Years
JAJapaneseJapaneseAll School Years
KOKoreanKoreanAll School Years
NKNakotaNakota (Dakota)All School Years
NLDutchDutchAll School Years
OTOtherOtherAll School Years
PLPolishPolishAll School Years
PTPortuguesePortugueseAll School Years
PUPunjabiPunjabiAll School Years
RURussianRussianAll School Years
SPSpanishSpanishAll School Years
SVSwedishSwedishAll School Years
SXSaulteauxSaulteaux (Ojibwa)All School Years
TITigrinianTigrinian (Tigrinya)All School Years
TUTsuu T'inaTsuu T'inaAll School Years
UKUkrainianUkrainianAll School Years
URUrduUrduAll School Years
VIVietnameseVietnameseAll School Years
Indicates the method used to calculate an official mark.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AccumulatedAccumulatedAn official mark that has been identified as accumulated and has a mark value and credit assigned.All School Years
AccumulatedDCAccumulated - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified as accumulated during data conversion and has a mark value and credit assigned.All School Years
AccumulatedUnavailableAccumulated UnavailableAn official mark that has been identified as accumulated and does not have a mark value or credit assigned.All School Years
AccumulatedUnavailableDCAccumulated Unavailable - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified as accumulated during data conversion and does not have a mark value or credit assigned.All School Years
CAECCanadian Adult Education CredentialAn official mark that has been identified as Canadian Adult Education Credential and has a mark value.Starting 2023/2024
CAECUnavailableCAEC UnavailableAn official mark that has been identified as Canadian Adult Education Credential and and does not have a mark value or credit assigned.Starting 2023/2024
DataConversionData ConversionPlaceholder code value that will be replaced by more specific data conversion calculation methods.All School Years
DeletedDeletedIndicates that the Official Mark no longer has a valid selected mark(s).All School Years
DiplomaDiplomaAn official mark that has been identified as diploma and has a mark value and credit assigned.All School Years
DiplomaDCDiploma - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified as diploma during data conversion and has a mark value and credit assigned.All School Years
DiplomaDCNSDiploma - Data Conversion No SelectionAn official mark that has been identified as diploma during data conversion with no selection records.All School Years
DiplomaMissingExamMarkDiploma Missing Exam MarkAn official mark that has been identified as diploma and has no mark value or credits assigned as the exam mark is missing.All School Years
DiplomaMissingExamMarkDCDiploma Missing Exam Mark - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified as diploma during data conversion and has no mark value or credits assigned as the exam mark is missing.All School Years
DiplomaMissingSchoolMarkDiploma Missing School MarkAn official mark that has been identified as diploma and has no mark value or credits assigned as the school mark is missing.All School Years
DiplomaMissingSchoolMarkDCDiploma Missing School Mark - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified as diploma during data conversion and has no mark value or credits assigned as the school mark is missing.All School Years
DiplomaNoMatchingExamMarkDCDiploma No Matching Exam Mark - Data ConversionTEMPORARILY USED BY DATA CONVERSION THEN UPDATED: Official mark identified as diploma during data conversion but no matching exam mark was found in PASI.All School Years
DiplomaNoMatchingSchoolMarkDCDiploma No Matching School Mark - Data ConversionTEMPORARILY USED BY DATA CONVERSION THEN UPDATED: Official mark identified as diploma during data conversion but no matching school mark was found in PASI.All School Years
DiplomaSpecialCaseDCDiploma Special Case - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified during data conversion as having been assigned in a special case circumstance.All School Years
DiplomaUnavailableDiploma UnavailableAn official mark that has been identified as Diploma and does not have a mark value or credit assigned.All School Years
GEDGeneral Educational DevelopmentAn official mark that has been identified as General Educational Development and has a mark value.All School Years
GEDDCGED - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified during data conversion as General Educational Development and has a mark value.All School Years
GEDUnavailableGED UnavailableAn official mark that has been identified as General Educational Development and and does not have a mark value or credit assigned.All School Years
MaturePrerequisiteCreditMature Prerequisite CreditAn official mark that has been assigned to a lower level course when a mature student passes a higher level course in the same sequence.All School Years
PilotDiplomaDCPilot Diploma - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified during data conversion as belonging to a Pilot Diploma Course.All School Years
RegularRegularAn official mark that has been identified as regular and has a mark value and credit assigned.All School Years
RegularDCRegular - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified as regular during data conversion and has a mark value and credit assigned.All School Years
RegularDCNSRegular - Data Conversion No SelectionAn official mark that has been identified as regular during data conversion with no selection records.All School Years
RegularUnavailableRegular UnavailableAn official mark that has been identified as regular and does not have a mark value or credit assigned.All School Years
RegularUnavailableDCRegular Unavailable - Data ConversionAn official mark that has been identified as regular during data conversion and does not have a mark value or credit assigned.All School Years
RetroactiveCreditRetroactive CreditAdditional credit that has been awarded by the ministry for course work completed by the student.Starting 1986/1987
RetroactiveCreditDCRetroactive Credit - Data ConversionAdditional credit that has been awarded by the ministry for course work completed by the student, and identified during data conversion.Starting 1986/1987
RetroactiveCreditDCNSRetroactive Credit - Data Conversion No SelectionAdditional credit awarded by the ministry for course work completed by the student, identified during data conversion with missing passed and/or failed courses.Starting 1986/1987
WPCWaived Prerequisite CreditAdditional credit that has been awarded by the ministry for higher level course work being completed by the student.All School Years
WPCDCWaived Prerequisite Credit - Data ConversionA WPC official mark created as part of a data conversion.All School Years
Indicates the format of the mark assigned, such as letter, numerical score, percentage, pass/fail.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AchievementLevelAchievement LevelAchievement LevelStarting 2023/2024
LetterLetterLetterAll School Years
PassFailPass/FailPass/FailAll School Years
PercentPercentagePercentageAll School Years
ScoreNumerical ScoreNumerical ScoreAll School Years
Indicates the reason why a particular mark was selected as input to an official mark calculation.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AccumulatedCourseEvaluationAccumulated Course EvaluationAssigned to an Official Mark in an Accumulated Course when choosing an Evaluated Mark is in the best interest of the student.All School Years
AccumulatedCreditAccumulated CreditAssigned to an official mark when credits are accumulated and the maximum credit value has not been reached.All School Years
AlternateCourseAlternate CourseAn official mark that was identified as a passed alternative course that could lead to Retroactive Credit.All School Years
AttemptedCourseAttempted CourseAn official mark that was identified as a failed course that could lead to Retroactive Credit.All School Years
CourseEvaluationCourse EvaluationAssigned to an Official Mark in a Regular Course when choosing an Evaluated Mark is in the best interest of the student.All School Years
DataConversionData ConversionPlaceholder code value that will be replaced by more specific data conversion selection reasons.All School Years
DiplomaCourseEvaluationDiploma Course EvaluationAssigned to an official mark when choosing an Evaluated Mark is in the best interest of the student.All School Years
ExamMarkExam MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark was the only exam mark for a given course code.All School Years
ExemptedExamMarkExempted Exam MarkAssigned to an official mark when the student was exempted from writing the diploma exam and given an exempted diploma mark.Ending 2013/2014
FullExemptionHighestMarkFull Exemption Highest MarkAssigned when there is more than one exam mark and the selected exempted mark equals one hundred percent of the official mark.All School Years
FullExemptionMarkFull Exemption MarkAssigned to a selected exempted mark when it equals one hundred percent of the official mark.All School Years
HigherLevelCourseHigher Level CourseAn official mark of a higher level course that could lead to the application of a Mature Prerequisite Credit on a lower level course of the same sequence.All School Years
HighestCreditHighest CreditAssigned to an official mark when there are different credits awarded and the credits for the given course code are not accumulated.All School Years
HighestExamMarkHighest Contributing Exam MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark was highest contributing exam mark for a given course code.All School Years
HighestSchoolMarkHighest Contributing School MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark was highest contributing school mark for a given course code.All School Years
MarkNotAchievedMark Not AchievedAssigned to an official mark when the student did not receive a mark value for a given course code, e.g. student withdrew from course.All School Years
MatureExamMarkMature Exam MarkAssigned to a selected exam mark when it equals one hundred percent of the official mark.All School Years
MatureHighestExamMarkMature Highest Exam MarkAssigned when there is more than one exam mark and the selected mark equals one hundred percent of the official mark.All School Years
MaxCreditMaximum CreditAssigned to an official mark when the maximum credit value has been reached.All School Years
PartialExemptionHighestMarkPartial Exemption Highest MarkAssigned when there is more than one exam mark and the selected Exam Mark has an Exam Status of Partial Exemption.All School Years
PartialExemptionMarkPartial Exemption MarkAssigned when the selected Exam Mark has an Exam Status of Partial Exemption.All School Years
SchoolMarkSchool MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark was the only school mark for a given course code.All School Years
SpecialCaseSpecial CaseAssigned when a special case evaluation was conducted for the student.All School Years
TranscriptExamMarkTranscript Exam MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark was highest exam mark for a given course code which is displayed on the Transcript.All School Years
TranscriptSchoolMarkTranscript School MarkAssigned to an official mark when the selected mark was highest school mark for a given course code which is displayed on the Transcript.All School Years
Indicates the type of mark being submitted, such as Evaluated, Exam, or Course (School) mark.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CAECCanadian Adult Education CredentialCanadian Adult Education Credential Exam MarkStarting 2023/2024
CourseCourse Enrolment MarkCourse Enrolment MarkAll School Years
EvaluatedEvaluated MarkEvaluated MarkAll School Years
ExamExam MarkExam MarkAll School Years
GEDGeneral Educational DevelopmentGeneral Educational Development Exam MarkAll School Years
Indicates the reason that the student is considered to be a Mature Student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
19YearsOfAge19 Years Of AgeThe student is at least 19 years of age as of September 1 of the school year.All School Years
AlbertaAwardedCredentialAlberta Awarded CredentialThe student is younger than 19 years of age but has been awarded a credential by the province of Alberta.All School Years
SpecialCaseSpecial CaseMaturity criteria have not been met by the student but circumstances need to be considered to provide an exception.All School Years
Indicates the language the student wrote the exam in.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ENEnglishEnglishAll School Years
FRFrenchFrenchAll School Years
SPSpanishSpanishAll School Years
An Official Mark calculation is triggered by several Process Starters but is saved only if triggered by a related Process and not detrimental to the student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
RelatedRelatedIndicates a process starter related to that of newly calculated Official Mark.All School Years
UnrelatedUnrelatedIndicates a process starter unrelated to that of newly calculated Official Mark.All School Years
Indicates which term the Section is associated with.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ContinuousContinuousIndicates the section duration is continuous across school years.Starting 2011/2012
FullYearFull YearIndicates the section duration is for the entire school year.All School Years
Quarter1Quarter 1Indicates the section is during Quarter 1 of the school year.All School Years
Quarter2Quarter 2Indicates the section is during Quarter 2 of the school year.All School Years
Quarter3Quarter 3Indicates the section is during Quarter 3 of the school year.All School Years
Quarter4Quarter 4Indicates the section is during Quarter 4 of the school year.All School Years
Semester1Semester 1Indicates the section is during Semester 1 of the school year.All School Years
Semester2Semester 2Indicates the section is during Semester 2 of the school year.All School Years
SummerSummerIndicates the section duration is for the summer school year.All School Years
Indicates ways the delivery of a section can be scheduled.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
EVGEveningEvening course for credit.All School Years
MAJMajority ESLMajority of time spent in ESL for credit.Ending 1999/2000
REGRegularRegular course for credit.All School Years
SATWeekendCourse taken on weekend.All School Years
UNKUnknownUnknown at time of data conversion.Ending 2011/2012
Indicates the series of exam, for example, 2002 series.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
APre-2002 Exam SeriesGED Exam Series before the 2002 exam seriesEnding 2001/2002
I2002 Exam SeriesGED Exam Series in effect in 2002.Starting 2001/2002
A code value indicating the type of student credential.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ADEXAdvanced High School Diploma with ExcellenceThe highest of three diplomas awarded to students enrolled in senior high school between 1984 and 1995.All School Years
ADVDAdvanced High School DiplomaThe second highest of three diplomas awarded to students enrolled in senior high school between 1984 and 1995.All School Years
AHSDAlberta High School DiplomaThe diploma that came into existence after 1995 replacing the previous three tiered high school diplomas available between 1984 and 1995.All School Years
CHSACertificate of High School AchievementA certificate that is pursued by students enrolled in Knowledge and Employability courses.All School Years
COSCCertificate of School CompletionA certificate awarded to students with significant cognitive delays who meet the qualification criteria.All School Years
GHSDGeneral High School DiplomaThe base diploma of three diplomas awarded to students enrolled in senior high school between 1984 and 1995. The only diploma prior to 1984.All School Years
HHSDHonorary High School DiplomaA diploma awarded directly by the minister.All School Years
HSEDHigh School Equivalency DiplomaA diploma awarded to mature students or students that have passed a complete series of GED exams.All School Years
IOPCCertificate of AchievementA certificate pursued by students enrolled in Integrated Occupational Program courses and enrolled in senior high school between 1990 and 2008.All School Years
Indicates whether the Student has achieved a credential such as Alberta High School Diploma. Includes interim statuses used by the PASI Credential Calculator.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AchievedAchievedThe student has met all the requirements for a credential.All School Years
CalculationOutstandingTBDThis status is returned when credential data is requested and there is a calculator trigger that has not been processed.All School Years
NotAchievedNot AchievedThe student has met all the trigger requirements for a credential, but has not met all the requirements for a credential.All School Years
NotAssessingNot AssessingThe credential requirement triggers are no longer met.All School Years
ToBeAssessedTo Be AssessedIndicates that the last Not Achieved credential requirement of a manually assessed credential is a manual credential requirement that is Not Assessed.All School Years
Describes the status of an awarded Student Credential.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AwardedAwardedThe student achieved all the requirements for the associated credential and was given a credential number.All School Years
NotAwardedNot AwardedThe student has not been awarded a credential number for the specific credential.All School Years
RevokedRevokedThe student achieved the requirements for the credential and was given a credential number, but was reassessed and should no longer be awarded that credential.All School Years
Defines valid credential requirements.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
100Credits-81105100 Credits Awarded100 or more credits are required.All School Years
100Credits-81190100 Credits Awarded100 or more credits are required.All School Years
100Credits-81595100 Credits Awarded100 or more credits are required.All School Years
100Credits-81653100 Credits Awarded100 or more credits are required.All School Years
10CreditsAdditional-81110Additional 30 Level Course(s)10 credits in eligible additional 30 level courses are required.All School Years
10CreditsAdditional-81115Additional Credit10 credits in any combination of eligible courses are required.All School Years
5CreditsAdditional-81170Additional 30 Level Course(s)5 credits in eligible additional 30 level courses are required.All School Years
5CreditsAdditional-81720Additional 30 Level Course(s)5 credits in eligible additional 30 level courses are required.All School Years
60HighSchoolCredits-8159060 Credits in High School60 or more credits are required.All School Years
80Credits-8146080 Credits Awarded80 or more credits are required.All School Years
AcademicActivity2010-2018-81480Academic Activity in 2010-2018Student was academically active in at least one school year starting in 2010 through to 2018 (inclusive).All School Years
AcademicActivityPost2018-81485Academic Activity Post 2018Student has academic activity in the 2018/2019 school year or after.All School Years
AchievedLessThan35Credits-81320Achieved Less Than 35 CreditsCannot achieve more than 35 credits.All School Years
CAECOfficialMarkExists-81980CAEC Official Mark ExistsMust have at least one Canadian Adult Education Credential official mark.All School Years
CALM-81160Career And Life Management3 credits in Career and Life Management are required.All School Years
CannotAchieveHSCred-81310Cannot Achieve Other High School CredentialsMust not be able to achieve any other Alberta high school credentials due to significant cognitive disabilities.All School Years
CodedWithExceptions-81315Coded With ExceptionsMust be coded with one of the following exception codes 41, 43, 44 or 52 during the nomination school year.All School Years
CreditAdditional-81465Additional Credit5 credits in 30 level occupational courses and 5 credits in 30 level practicum courses or 5 credits in RAP courses are required.All School Years
English-8113030 Level English Language ArtsCredit in a 30 level English Language Arts course is required.All School Years
English-8113530 Level English Language ArtsCredit in a 30 level English is required as part of the Francophone alternative of the Alberta High School Diploma.All School Years
English-81410English Language Arts 20-2 or 30-4Credit in English 20-2 or 30-4 is required.All School Years
English-81415English Language Arts 20-2 or 30-4Credit in English 20-2 or 30-4 is required.All School Years
English-8170530 Level English Language Arts5 credits in a 30 Level English Language Arts course is required.All School Years
EnglishFrancophone-81420English Language Arts 20-2 or 30-4Credit in English 20-2 or 30-4 is required as part of the Francophone alternative of the Certificate of High School Achievement.All School Years
EnglishFrancophone-81425English Language Arts 20-2 or 30-4Credit in English 20-2 or 30-4 is required as part of the Francophone alternative of the Certificate of High School Achievement.All School Years
EnrolledInGrade12-81325Student Is Enrolled In Grade 12Must be enrolled in grade 12 during the nomination school year.All School Years
ExamTakenInAlberta-81570Exam Taken In AlbertaMust pass at least one General Educational Development exam in Alberta.All School Years
ExamTakenInAlberta-81970Exam Taken In AlbertaMust pass at least one Canadian Adult Education Credential exam in Alberta.All School Years
Francais-8114030 Level FrançaisCredit in a 30 level Français course is required.All School Years
Francais-81490Francais 20-2 or 30-4Credit in Français 20-2 or 30-4 are required.All School Years
FrancophoneEnrolmentExists-81175Francophone Enrolment ExistsA school enrolment in a high school within a Francophone authority is required.All School Years
GEDOfficialMarkExists-81580GED Official Mark ExistsMust have at least one General Education Development official mark.All School Years
GEDPriorToExpiry-81582GED Official Marks Exist Prior to Program ExpiryGeneral Education Development official marks must have been achieved prior to the program end date.All School Years
GrantCode500-81345Grant Code 500Must have school enrolment with Grant Code 500 during the nomination school year.All School Years
HasAlbertaSchoolMark-81180Has Alberta School MarkAt least 5 credits in eligible courses through an Alberta accredited institution are required.All School Years
HasOneIOP-81657Has one Integrated Occupational Program course.At least one academic Integrated Occupational Program course is required.All School Years
HasOneKAE-81470Minimum of one Knowledge and Employability CourseAt least one academic Knowledge and Employability course is required.All School Years
HasSeniorHighYear-81165Has Senior High YearAt least one official mark and one high school enrolment are required.All School Years
IPPGoalsAndObjectives-81330Worked Towards IPP Goals And ObjectivesMust have worked towards goals and objectives of an Individualized Program Plan that is consistent with Alberta Education requirements.All School Years
IsKAEStudent-81475Student is a Knowledge and Employability StudentThe Student is a Knowledge and Employability Student.All School Years
LAReading-81540Language Arts ReadingMust have passed the Language Arts Reading exam.All School Years
LAReading-81940Language Arts ReadingMust have passed the Language Arts Reading exam.All School Years
LastEnrolledPost2016-81357Last school enrolment after 2016 School YearThe student's last school enrolment was after the 2016 school year.All School Years
LastEnrolledPre2017-81356Last school enrolment Prior to the 2017 School YeaThe student's last school enrolment was prior to the 2017 school year.All School Years
LAWriting-81510Language Arts WritingMust have passed the Language Arts Writing exam.All School Years
LAWriting-81910Language Arts WritingMust have passed the Language Arts Writing exam.All School Years
ManuallyAssessed-81615Manually AssessedAchievements must be manually assessed and must meet the requirements of the Advanced High School Diploma with Excellence.All School Years
ManuallyAssessed-81640Manually AssessedAchievements must be manually assessed and must meet the requirements of the Alberta High School Diploma prior to 2010.All School Years
ManuallyAssessed-81650Manually AssessedAchievements must be manually assessed and must meet the requirements of the Certificate of High School Achievement prior to 2010.All School Years
ManuallyAssessed-81660Manually AssessedAchievements must be manually assessed and must meet the requirements of the Certificate of Achievement.All School Years
ManuallyAssessed-81680Manually AssessedAchievements must be manually assessed and must meet the requirements of the General High School Diploma.All School Years
ManuallyAssessed-81690Manually AssessedAchievements must be manually assessed and must meet the requirements of the Advanced High School Diploma.All School Years
Mathematics-8112020 Level MathematicsCredit in a 20 level Mathematics course is required.All School Years
Mathematics-81440Mathematics 10-3 or 20-4Credit in Mathematics 10-3 or 20-4 is required.All School Years
Mathematics-81445Mathematics 10-3 or 20-4Credit in Mathematics 10-3 or 20-4 is required.All School Years
Mathematics-81550MathematicsMust have passed the Mathematics exam.All School Years
Mathematics-81710Mathematics - 5 Credits5 credits in a Mathematics course is required.All School Years
Mathematics-81950MathematicsMust have passed the Mathematics exam.All School Years
MinisterAwarded-81800Minister AwardedThe minister has approved the awarding of an Honorary High School Diploma to the student.All School Years
NoHigherOrderCredential-81663No Higher Order or Equivalent CredentialMust not have been previously awarded a higher order or equivalent credential.All School Years
NoHigherOrderCredential-81664No Higher Order or Equivalent CredentialMust not have been previously awarded a higher order or equivalent credential.All School Years
NoHigherOrderCredential-81665No Higher Order or Equivalent CredentialMust not have been previously awarded a higher order or equivalent credential.All School Years
NoHigherOrderCredential-81666No Higher Order or Equivalent CredentialMust not have been previously awarded a higher order or equivalent credential.All School Years
NoHigherOrderCredential-81667No Higher Order or Equivalent CredentialMust not have been previously awarded a higher order or equivalent credential.All School Years
NoHigherOrderCredential-81668No Higher Order or Equivalent CredentialMust not have been previously awarded a higher order or equivalent credential.All School Years
NominatedInLastSchoolYear-81335Nomination Submitted In Last School YearThe nomination school year must be the student's last year of school programming.All School Years
NominationConfirmation-81340Nomination ConfirmedThe Principal or Assistant Principal of the school must confirm that the information contained in the nomination request is correct.All School Years
PhysicalEducation-8115510 Level Physical Education3 credits in Physical Education 10 are required.All School Years
Science-8112520 Level ScienceCredit in a 20 level Science course is required.All School Years
Science-81450Science 14 or 20-4Credit in Science 14 or 20-4 is required.All School Years
Science-81455Science 14 or 20-4Credit in Science 14 or 20-4 is required.All School Years
Science-81530ScienceMust have passed the Science exam.All School Years
Science-81715Science - 3 Credits3 credits in a Science course is required.All School Years
Science-81930ScienceMust have passed the Science exam.All School Years
SeniorHighSchoolPost2010-81185Senior High School Year activity in or after 2010Student must have high school activity in the 2010 school year or after.All School Years
SeniorHighSchoolPre1995-81630Senior High School Year Prior to 1995First year of high school must be prior to 1995.All School Years
SeniorHighSchoolPre2008-81637Senior High School Year Prior to 2008First year of high school must be prior to 2008.All School Years
SeniorHighSchoolPre2010-81643Senior High School Year Prior to 2010The student's first year of senior high school is prior to 2010.All School Years
SingleExamSeries-81560Single Exam SeriesMust take all General Educational Development exams within the same series.All School Years
SingleExamSeries-81960Single Exam SeriesMust take all Canadian Adult Education Credential exams within the same series.All School Years
SocialStudies-8115030 Level Social StudiesCredit in a 30 level Social Studies course is required.All School Years
SocialStudies-81430Social Studies 10-2 or 20-4Credit in Social Studies 10-2 or 20-4 is required.All School Years
SocialStudies-81435Social Studies 10-2 or 20-4Credit in Social Studies 10-2 or 20-4 is required.All School Years
SocialStudies-81520Social StudiesMust have passed the Social Studies exam.All School Years
SocialStudies-81920Social StudiesMust have passed the Social Studies exam.All School Years
StudentIsEnrolledAtNominatingSchool-81305Student is Enrolled at Nominating SchoolThe student being nominated has a valid school enrolment at the nominating school prior to the nomination date.All School Years
StudentIsNominated-81350Student Is NominatedMust be nominated by the Principal or Assistant Principal of their school.All School Years
StudentRequested-81700Student Requested Credential AssessmentAssessment for this credential must be explicitly requested.All School Years
A set of credential requirements that must be met in order to be awarded a credential.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ADEX-80140Advanced High School Diploma with ExcellenceAdvanced High School Diploma with Excellence for students starting senior high school between 1984 and 1995 inclusiveAll School Years
ADVD-80130Advanced High School DiplomaAdvanced High School Diploma for students starting senior high school between 1984 and 1995 inclusiveAll School Years
AHSD-80040Alberta High School Diploma: English 2010-2018A credential granted to a student that has completed a prescribed program of instructionAll School Years
AHSD-80041Alberta High School Diploma: EnglishA credential granted to a student that has completed a prescribed program of instructionAll School Years
AHSD-80050Alberta High School Diploma: Francophone 2010-2018Alberta High School Diploma credential and the student has passed Français 30 so may receive an exemption for English 30All School Years
AHSD-80051Alberta High School Diploma: FrancophoneAlberta High School Diploma credential and the student has passed Français 30 so may receive an exemption for English 30All School Years
AHSD-80080Alberta High School Diploma: Pre-2010Alberta High School Diploma for students starting senior high school between 1995 and 2010 inclusiveAll School Years
CHSA-80060Certificate of High School Achievement: English 20Certificate of High School Achievement credential for students not taking Français (2010-2018)All School Years
CHSA-80061Certificate of High School Achievement: EnglishCertificate of High School Achievement credential for students not taking FrançaisAll School Years
CHSA-80070Certificate of High School Achievement: FrancophonCertificate of High School Achievement credential for students taking Français (2010-2018)All School Years
CHSA-80071Certificate of High School Achievement: FrancophonCertificate of High School Achievement credential for students taking FrançaisAll School Years
CHSA-80160Certificate of High School Achievement: Pre-2010Certificate of High School Achievement for students starting senior high school between 2006 and 2010 inclusiveAll School Years
COSC-80090Certificate of School Completion: Pre-2017A certificate awarded to students with significant cognitive delays who meet the qualification criteria. Only achievable by students that have completed school All School Years
COSC-80091Certificate of School CompletionA certificate awarded to students with significant cognitive delays who meet the qualification criteria.All School Years
GHSD-80120General High School DiplomaGeneral High School Diploma for students starting senior high school prior to 1995All School Years
HHSD-80190Honorary High School DiplomaAn honorary credential awarded by the Province of AlbertaAll School Years
HSED-80150High School Equivalency Diploma: Alternative 2Alberta High School Equivalency Diploma (Alternative 2 - GED Exams)All School Years
HSED-80155High School Equivalency Diploma: Alternative 3Alberta High School Equivalency Diploma (Alternative 2 - CAEC Exams)All School Years
HSED-80170High School Equivalency Diploma: Alternative 1High School Equivalency Diploma (Alternative 1 - High School Credits and Mature Credits)All School Years
IOPC-80100Certificate of AchievementCertificate of Achievement for students starting senior high school between 1990 and 2008 inclusiveAll School Years
Used to organize credential requirement sets.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CurrentRequirementSetCurrent Requirement SetThese requirement sets are defined by the current Guide to Education.All School Years
MinistryOnlyMinistry OnlyThese requirement sets are no longer or may never have been assessed by schools and authorities.All School Years
PriorRequirementSetPrior Requirement SetThese requirement sets were defined by the past Guide to Education.All School Years
Used to organize credentials.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CurrentCredentialCurrent CredentialThese credentials are listed in the current Guide to Education.All School Years
MinistryOnlyCredentialMinistry Only CredentialThese credentials are no longer or may never have been assessed by schools and authorities.All School Years
PriorYearCredentialPrior Year CredentialThese credentials are listed in past Guide to Education documents.All School Years
Identifies reasons why an awarded credential has been revoked.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CorrectionToMarksCorrection To MarksIndicates that the revoked credential number was originally awarded based on a mark that has received a correction.All School Years
FraudFraudIndicates that the revoked credential number was originally awarded based on fraudulent information.All School Years
IncorrectCredentialIncorrect CredentialIndicates that the revoked credential number was originally awarded to the wrong credential.All School Years
IncorrectDataEntryIncorrect Data EntryIndicates that the revoked credential number was originally awarded based on incorrect data entry.All School Years
NotAchievedFromRescoreRescored and Not AchievedIndicates that the credential number is revoked based on a mark that was lowered because of a rescore.All School Years
Identifies reasons why an awarded credential has been deleted.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CorrectionToMarksCorrection To MarksIndicates that the deleted credential number was originally awarded based on a mark that has received a correction.All School Years
FraudFraudIndicates that the deleted credential number was originally awarded based on fraudulent information.All School Years
IncorrectCredentialIncorrect CredentialIndicates that the deleted credential number was originally awarded to the wrong credential.All School Years
IncorrectDataEntryIncorrect Data EntryIndicates that the deleted credential number was originally awarded based on incorrect data entry.All School Years
NotAchievedFromRescoreRescored and Not AchievedIndicates that the credential number is deleted based on a mark that was lowered because of a rescore.All School Years
WrongNameWrong NameIndicates that the deleted credential number was originally awarded on a wrong name.All School Years
WrongSchoolYearWrong School YearIndicates that the deleted credential number was originally awarded for a wrong school year.All School Years
Defines valid Exemption Reasons.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CALMMatureStatusMature Status - CALMThis exemption allows a student with mature student privileges to achieve the associated credential without achieving the Career and Life Management requirementEnding 2014/2015
CALMMinisterialMinisterial OrderAn exemption was granted by the Minister's Office at the request of a student's parent or guardian.All School Years
CALMOutOfProvinceOut Of Province Transfer - CALMThe student transferred from out of province during grade 12 year.All School Years
CriteriaExceptionCriteria ExceptionCriteria has not been met by the student but circumstances need to be considered to provide an exception.All School Years
CriteriaExceptionStudentRecordsCriteria Exception - Student RecordsCriteria has not been met by the student but the student's circumstance persuade Student Records to make an exception and exempt the student from the requiremenAll School Years
EnglishDCEnglish Exemption - Data ConversionAn English exemption has been granted to the student, and identified during data conversion.All School Years
FrancophoneEnteredABFrancophone Entered AlbertaA Francophone student entered Alberta within five years of graduating.All School Years
MinistryDCMinistry Exemption - Data ConversionAn exemption has been granted by the ministry, and identified during data conversion.All School Years
PhysEdMatureStatusMature Status - PhysEdThis exemption allows a student with mature student privileges to achieve the associated credential without achieving the 10 Level Physical Education requiremenEnding 2014/2015
PhysEdMedicalMedicalA doctor provided a letter to exempt the student for medical reasons.All School Years
PhysEdNoAccessToFacilitiesNo Access to FacilitiesThe student does not have access to a facility to perform physical education activities.All School Years
PhysEdOutOfProvinceOut Of Province Transfer - PhysEdThe student transferred from out of province during grade 12 year.All School Years
PhysEdReligiousReligious BeliefThe student's parent or guardian provided a letter to exempt the student for religious reasons.All School Years
SpecialCasesSpecial CasesExemption provided by the Special Cases and Accommodations Unit in the Assessment Sector.All School Years
Indicates whether the Student has achieved the credential requirement.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AchievedAchievedIndicates a student has met a credential requirement.All School Years
NotAchievedNot AchievedIndicates a student no longer meets a credential requirement.All School Years
NotAssessedNot AssessedIndicates that this requirement achievement has not been assessed by a user.All School Years
Indicates whether the Student is exempted from the credential requirement.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ApprovedApprovedAlberta Education has approved the exemption for the credential requirement.All School Years
DeniedDeniedAlberta Education has denied the exemption for the credential requirement.All School Years
PendingPendingThe exemption request was reviewed by Alberta Education and they are waiting for more information from the requesting school.All School Years
RequestedRequestedA request to exempt a student from having to meet a credential requirement has been requested.All School Years
A code value that relates to the function using the schedule.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CloseCurrentSchoolYearClose Current School YearClose out the current years, The current school years will now span one school yearAll School Years
CredentialAvailabilityCredential AvailabilityThe date that the credentials are awarded and available within myPassAll School Years
CredentialMailOutCredential Mail-OutThe date credentials will be mailed outAll School Years
DERResultStatementReleaseDateResult Statement Release DateThe date the exam result statements are publicly availableEnding 2015/2016
DiplomaExamRegistrationDeadlineDiploma Exam Registration DeadlineA schedule to control PASI Diploma Exam Registration functionsAll School Years
DiplomaExamSchoolMarksDiploma Exam School Mark Submission DeadlineThe date diploma exam school marks are to be submitted to PASIAll School Years
DiplomaExamSittingDeadlineDiploma Exam Sitting DeadlineA schedule to control PASI Diploma Exam Sitting functionsAll School Years
HomeEducationRegistrationNotificationHome Education Registration NotificationThe operational control schedule record that controls the date the yearly Home Education Registration Notification is sent.Starting 2020/2021
MakeNextYearCurrentMake Next Year CurrentUpdate the current school year to include the next school year. Current school years will now span two school yearsAll School Years
NonDiplomaExamSchoolMarksNon Diploma School MarksThe date non-diploma school marks are to be submitted to PASIAll School Years
NonGraduateLetterNon Graduate LetterNon Graduate letter schedule release dateAll School Years
ProgramUnitFundingSystemProgram Unit Funding System (PUFS)The date that schools need to be aware of for FinanceAll School Years
RescoreResultsReleaseDateRescore Results Release DateThe date the rescore results are publicly availableEnding 2016/2017
SISEnrolmentCountSIS Enrolment Count DeadlineThe date schools should have all student school enrolments completedAll School Years
StartAcceptingNextYearStart Accepting Next YearOpen up the next school in PASI to accept school enrolments and course marks for the next school yearAll School Years
TranscriptReleaseDateTranscript Release DateA schedule to control the release of a PASI TranscriptAll School Years
The Status of the Payment Process for the invoice.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CancelledCancelledThe Payment Process for the Invoice was cancelled.All School Years
DeclinedDeclinedThe Payment Process for the Invoice has been completed and a response confirming payment was declined from EPS has been received.All School Years
InitiatedInitiatedThe Payment Process for the Invoice has been initiated on EPS.All School Years
SuccessfulSuccessfulThe Payment Process for the Invoice has been completed and a response confirming payment was accepted from EPS has been received.All School Years
Identifies the method in which the request was first received by the Ministry.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CounterCounterThe Ministry received the document order request over the Alberta Education front counter.All School Years
ExceptionException ProcessThe order was created via an exception process.Starting 2017/2018
FaxFaxThe Ministry received the document order request by fax.All School Years
IntegratedIntegrated SystemThe document order was received through an integrated interface to PASI.All School Years
MailMailThe Ministry received the document order request through the mail.All School Years
NotApplicableNot ApplicableThe document order was created due to a background process within PASI Core that is not being tracked.All School Years
OnlineOnlineThe document order was received though an online submission to PASI.All School Years
Identifies the status of a Document Order.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
OrderedOrderedThe order has successfully been built and fully paid for. The order is now ready for PASI to process.All School Years
PaymentNotReceivedPayment Not ReceivedThe attempt to obtain payment resulted in an error that caused the payment to not be successfully processed. Payment is still outstanding.All School Years
PaymentPendingPayment PendingThe order has successfully been built and the payment is being made.All School Years
UnderConstructionUnder ConstructionThe order is being built and is not ready to be processed by PASI.All School Years
Identifies the document that is being ordered on the Document Order Item.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
3rdPartySignupHSmyPass 3rd Party Signup PIN LetterIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a myPass signup letter for a 3rd Party connecting to a high school student.Ending 2017/2018
3rdPartySignupK9myPass 3rd Party Signup PIN Letter (K-9)Indicates that the Document Order Item is for a myPass signup letter for 3rd Party connecting to a student not yet in high school.Ending 2017/2018
ADEXAdvanced High School Diploma with ExcellenceIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed Advanced High School Diploma with Excellence.All School Years
ADVDAdvanced High School DiplomaIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed Advanced High School Diploma.All School Years
AHSDAlberta High School DiplomaIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed Alberta High School Diploma.All School Years
CHSACertificate of High School AchievementIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed Certificate of High School Achievement.All School Years
COSCCertificate of School CompletionIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed Certificate of School Completion.All School Years
ExpressSignupDER Signup LetterIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a myPass signup letter generated based on existing Diploma Exam Registrations.All School Years
ExpressSignupASNASN Signup LetterIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a myPass signup letter generated as a response to a request for their ASN and to help them get connected to myPassEnding 2017/2018
GHSDGeneral High School DiplomaIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed General High School Diploma.All School Years
HHSDHonorary High School DiplomaIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed Honorary High School Diploma.All School Years
HSEDHigh School Equivalency DiplomaIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed High School Equivalency Diploma.All School Years
IOPCCertificate of AchievementIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a physically printed Certificate of Achievement.All School Years
NonGraduateNon Graduate LetterIndicates that the Document Order item is for a physically printed Non-Graduate letter.All School Years
SelfServiceSignupmyPass Signup PIN LetterIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a myPass signup letter generated from a self-service signup.Ending 2014/2015
SelfServiceSignupMyPassSelf Service Signup LetterIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a self-service signup letter based on student's request via myPass.All School Years
StudentSignupHSmyPass Student Signup PIN LetterIndicates that the Document Order Item is for a myPass signup letter for a high school student.Ending 2017/2018
StudentSignupK9myPass Student Signup PIN Letter (K-9)Indicates that the Document Order Item is for a myPass signup letter for a student not yet in high school.Ending 2017/2018
TranscriptTranscriptIndicates that the Document Order Item is for an Official Transcript.All School Years
Indicates the method of payment that was used for the document order.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AmericanExpressAmerican ExpressAmerican ExpressAll School Years
CashCashCashAll School Years
ChequeChequeChequeAll School Years
DebitDebitDebitAll School Years
MasterCardMasterCardMasterCardAll School Years
MoneyOrderMoney OrderMoney OrderAll School Years
NotApplicableNo Payment NecessaryNo Payment Necessary.All School Years
OnlineOnlineDirect Payment was made Online through an electronic payment system.All School Years
POSStudent Records Point of Sale SystemPayment was made using Student Record's Point of Sale system.Ending 2016/2017
VisaVisaVisaAll School Years
Identifies the status of a Document Order Item.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CancelledCancelledThe order item has been permanently cancelled and no further processing or delivery attempts will occur.All School Years
DeliveredInErrorDelivered in ErrorThe order item was sent for delivery, then it was identified that the order item details were incorrect.All School Years
DownloadedDownloadedThe order item has been downloaded by the Digital Official Document Consumer.Starting 2017/2018
ExpiredExpiredAccess to the order item has expired.Starting 2017/2018
FailedDeliveryFailed DeliveryThe order item was sent for delivery and the delivery failed.All School Years
OnHoldUser HoldThe order item has been put on hold by a user and no further processing will occur until the status has been changed.All School Years
OrderedOrderedThe order item has been ordered and is waiting to be processed by PASI.All School Years
ProcessedIn ProgressThe order item has been processed. The Document Data has been gathered and stored.All School Years
SentSent for DeliveryThe order item has completed all processing and has been sent for delivery.All School Years
SystemHoldSystem HoldThe order item has been put on hold by PASI and no further processing will occur until the status has been changed.All School Years
UnderConstructionUnder ConstructionThe order item is being built and is not ready to be processed by PASI.All School Years
Identifies the reasons why a Document Order Item has had a status change.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DeceasedDeceasedThe students 'Is Deceased' flag was set before the document was to be delivered.All School Years
DeletedDeletedThe document order is deleted.All School Years
DigitalOfficialDocumentExpiredDigital Official Document ExpiredThe document was delivered to the Digital Access Application but access to it expired before it was downloaded.Starting 2017/2018
DuplicateDuplicate StudentThe document order is on a student that is a duplicate of another student.All School Years
EnteredInErrorEntered in ErrorThe document order was entered in error.All School Years
IncorrectASNIncorrect ASN linked to Order ItemThe Order Item was entered for the wrong ASN resulting in the wrong student's information sent to the recipient.All School Years
IncorrectRecipientThe Recipient on the Order Item is incorrectThe Recipient Information on the Order item was incorrect resulting in the student's information being sent to the wrong recipient.All School Years
MarksInvestigationMarks InvestigationThe document order status was changed due to an investigation into the student's marks.All School Years
MissingDemographicMissing Demographic DataThe document order status was changed due to missing demographic information on the student.All School Years
MyPassReqCancelI do not wish to send my transcript to this post-sThe document order was cancelled by the myPass individual/party that originally made the request.All School Years
MyPassReqCancelNotRequiredRecipient no longer requires documentThe document order was cancelled by the myPass individual/party that originally made the request and is no longer required.All School Years
MyPassReqCancelOrderedInErrorOrdered in errorThe document order was cancelled by the myPass individual/party that originally made the request as it was ordered in error.All School Years
MyPassReqCancelOtherOtherThe document order was cancelled by the myPass individual/party that originally made the request for reasons that are not contained within the code values.All School Years
NoAddressDocument Order Item with No AddressThe Order Item was created with no recipient address and was put on system hold while processing.All School Years
NoMarksNo Course Marks AvailableThe document order status was changed since the student does not have any marks.All School Years
NotReceivedNot ReceivedThe order item was sent for delivery and it was not received.All School Years
ProcessingErrorProcessing ErrorThe document order status was changed due to an error encountered during processing.All School Years
ReqCancelRequestor CancellationThe document order was cancelled by the individual/party that originally made the request.All School Years
ReturnedBadAddressReturned Due to Bad AddressThe document was sent for delivery and has been returned back to the Ministry because the address was not valid for that recipient.All School Years
ReturnedMailRecipient Does not Receive Mail at Valid AddressThe document was sent for delivery and has been returned to the ministry because the recipient does not receive mail at the valid address.All School Years
StudentHoldStudent has an active holdThe Order Item was created while the student was locked out and was put on system hold while processing.All School Years
StudentInvestigationStudent InvestigationThe document order status was changed due to an investigation into the student.All School Years
WaitingForInfoWaiting for Additional InformationThe document order status was changed due to some additional information that is needed to successfully process and deliver the document order.All School Years
Identifies the StatusChangeReason codes specific to myPass.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CancelledmyPass Cancellation StatusChangeReason CodesIdentifies the myPass specific StatusChangeReason codes that can be associated with the cancellation of a Document Order Item where OrderItemStatus = Cancelled.All School Years
Indicates which method of delivery to use for the order item.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ApplyAlbertaApply AlbertaThe order item is to be sent electronically to an ApplyAlberta enabled post-secondary institution.Ending 2020/2021
AutomatedMailAutomated MailThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing and then to deliver via physical mail.All School Years
AutomatedPlusCardboardAutomated, plus cardboardThe order item is to be sent electronically to the print provider for printing, manual insertion into envelope with a cardboard insert, then delivered via physiAll School Years
CertificationCertificationThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing and then returned to Alberta Education for certification and notarization by Alberta Justice.All School Years
CertificationAndCourierCertification and CourierThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing and then returned to Alberta Education for certification and notarization by Alberta Justice and theAll School Years
CourierCourier ArrangementsThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing and then returned to Alberta Education for delivery via student arranged courier.All School Years
DigitalOfficialDocumentDigital Official DocumentThe order item is to be delivered electronically as a Digital Official Document PDF.Starting 2017/2018
ElectronicElectronicThe order item is to be delivered electronically using PESC compliant messaging.All School Years
FaxMailFax and MailThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing and then returned to Alberta Education for them to deliver via fax and then using physical mail.Ending 2020/2021
InPersonIn-Person PickupThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing and then returned to Alberta Education for the requestor to pick up in-person.Ending 2020/2021
MailScanScan and MailThe document will be manually mailed after being scanned.Ending 2020/2021
ManualInsertManual InsertThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing, manual insertion into envelopes, and then to deliver via physical mail.All School Years
ManualMailManually MailThe order item is to be sent to print provider for printing and then returned to Alberta Education for them to deliver via physical mail.All School Years
RequestorRetrievalRequestor RetrievalRequestor will retrieve processed document from PASI.Ending 2020/2021
Identifies if the student has provided consent.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
NoNoThe student has indicated that they do not provided consent.All School Years
UnknownUnknownThere was no indication of whether the student provided consent.All School Years
YesYesThe student has indicated that they do provide consent.All School Years
Identifies the reason why the order item was re-ordered.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ASNCorrectionASN CorrectionRe-ordered due to a correction to the ASN associated to the document order.All School Years
DemographicsCorrectionDemographics CorrectionRe-ordered due to a correction to the student's demographics.All School Years
LostDocumentLost DocumentRe-ordered due to a lost document.All School Years
MarksCorrectionMarks CorrectionRe-ordered due to a correction to one or more marks for the student.All School Years
OtherOrderCorrectionOther Order CorrectionRe-ordered due to a miscellaneous correction to the document order.All School Years
RecipientCorrectionRecipient CorrectionRe-ordered due to a correction to the recipient.All School Years
ScheduleCorrectionSchedule CorrectionRe-ordered due to a correction to the delivery schedule.All School Years
ThirdPartyRequestThird Party RequestRe-ordered due to a third party request.All School Years
Student Notification Message Type
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AdHocMessageNews from Alberta EducationNews from Alberta Education.All School Years
DEM-PendingDiploma Exam Marks PendingMessage to inform students that their diploma exam marks are currently being processed.All School Years
DEM-ReleasedDiploma Exam Marks ReleasedMessage to inform students that their diploma exam marks have been released.All School Years
DER-NewNew Diploma Exam RegistrationMessage to inform students they have a new diploma exam registration.All School Years
DER-ReminderDiploma Exam Registration ReminderMessage to inform students they have an upcoming diploma exam in 7 days.All School Years
DER-UpdateDiploma Exam Registration UpdateMessage to inform students that an update has been made to their upcoming diploma exam registration.All School Years
DocumentOrder-CertificationInstructionsReminderCertification and or Authentication Instructions RUsed to notify students that they must submit the necessary correspondence to Student Records before their documents can be processed.All School Years
DocumentOrder-CredentialDownloadedCredential DownloadedUsed to notify a student that their credential was successfully downloaded.All School Years
DocumentOrder-CredentialIssuedCredential IssuedUsed to notify a student that a credential has been issued for them.All School Years
DocumentOrder-CredentialNotDownloadedCredential Not DownloadedUsed to notify a student that their credential was successfully delivered but not downloaded by the recipient.All School Years
DocumentOrder-CredentialUndeliverableCredential Order UndeliverableUsed to notify a student that their credential order could not be delivered.All School Years
DocumentOrder-TranscriptCancelledTranscript Request CancelledUsed to notify a student that their transcript request has been cancelled.All School Years
DocumentOrder-TranscriptDownloadedTranscript DownloadedUsed to notify a student that their transcript was successfully downloaded.All School Years
DocumentOrder-TranscriptNotDownloadedTranscript Not DownloadedUsed to notify a student that their transcript was successfully delivered but not downloaded by the recipient.All School Years
DocumentOrder-TranscriptReceivedTranscript Request ReceivedUsed to notify a student that their transcript request has been received.All School Years
DocumentOrder-TranscriptSentTranscript SentUsed to notify a student that their transcript request has been processed and is being sent for delivery.All School Years
DocumentOrder-TranscriptUndeliverableTranscript UndeliverableUsed to notify a student that their transcript order could not be delivered.All School Years
DocumentOrder-WaybillInstructionsReminderWaybill and Instructions ReminderUsed to notify students that they must send a waybill and instructions to Student Records before the order can be picked up by the shipping provider.All School Years
HomeEd-ProcessedHome Education Notification ProcessedHome Education Notification ProcessedAll School Years
HomeEd-ReceivedHome Education Notification ReceivedHome Education Notification ReceivedAll School Years
HomeEd-ReminderHome Education Notification ReminderHome Education Notification ReminderAll School Years
HomeEd-ReturnedHome Education Notification ReturnedHome Education Notification ReturnedAll School Years
myPass-ActivationActivated myPass ConnectionUsed to notify a student when another user has been given access to their information in myPass.All School Years
myPass-AuthUserAddedmyPass - Authorized User AddedUsed to notify a parent/guardian that the student has added myPass access for an authorized user.All School Years
myPass-ExpiryExpiring Authorized user myPass ConnectionUsed to notify a student that the Authorized user access to their information in myPass will soon expire.All School Years
myPass-ParentExpirymyPass - Parent ExpiryUsed to notify a student that a parent/guardian's myPass access to their information has expired.All School Years
NONGRAD-ENNon-Graduation English MessageA message, in English, to inform students they appear to be no longer attending an Alberta High School and that they have not achieved a credential.All School Years
PaymentPending-ExamRescorePayment Pending on a Diploma Exam Rescore RequestThis is used to notify a student that there is a payment pending on their Diploma Exam Rescore request.All School Years
PaymentPending-TranscriptPayment Pending on Transcript OrderThis is used to notify a student that there is a payment pending on their transcript Document Order.All School Years
PaymentUnsuccessful-DERUnsuccessful Payment on a Diploma Exam RegistratioThis is used to notify a student that there was an unsuccessful payment on their Diploma Exam Registration request and the registration request is now expired.All School Years
SchoolMarkMessages-OfficialMarkNew School Mark on Official RecordThis is used to notify a student that their official mark was updated on their transcript.All School Years
StudentRecordAccessRequest-ApprovedAlberta Student Link Request ApprovedUsed to notify a student that their student record has been accessed by an external individual.All School Years
Identifies the status of the original transcript request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CancelledCancelledA transcript request cancellation was sent to ApplyAlberta along with details of the encountered validation/processing errors.All School Years
FailedValidationFailed ValidationA problem was found in validation or during processing of the request and a cancel request needs to be sent to ApplyAlberta.All School Years
OrderedOrderedThe transcript request has been ordered and is waiting to be processed by PASI.All School Years
ReadyToValidateReady To ValidateThe transcript request has been received and is ready for business validation and the creation of the order.All School Years
TransmittedTransmittedThe requested transcript has been generated and sent to ApplyAlberta.All School Years
Identifies the timeframe expectation of the processing of a document order item and is used to determine priority in processing.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ASAPAs Soon as PossibleThe order item is required as soon as possible and the order item will be placed in a processing queue.All School Years
RealTimeNear Real-timeThe order item is required near real-time and order item will be given processing priority over other order items in a processing queue.All School Years
ScheduledScheduledThe order item is scheduled for a future date. On the scheduled date this order item will be processed as soon as possible through a processing queue.All School Years
Identifies how the delivery will be fulfilled. There are different elements that must be overlaid on the document to fulfill delivery requirements.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
OfficialDownloadingOfficial DownloadingOfficial downloading by consumerAll School Years
OfficialPrintingOfficial PrintingOfficial Printing by print providerAll School Years
UnofficialViewingUnofficial ViewingViewing of an unofficial document.All School Years
Identifies the purpose for the email override. Specifies which functional area the override is being used for.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ASLRequestASL RequestAlberta Student Link Request email address notificationAll School Years
StudentDocumentDisposalStudent Document DisposalDocument disposal email address notificationAll School Years
Identifies the paper source for the physical printing of the document. This will be printed on the Job Print information summary that accompanies the print job.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
TranscriptTranscriptAlberta Education High School TranscriptAll School Years
Identifies the content of the delivery. For example, PDF, XML, PDF Embedded XML.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
PDFPDFPDF identified as delivery document.All School Years
PDFEmbedXMLPDF with Embedded XMLPDF with embedded PASI XML identified as delivery document.All School Years
XMLXMLPASI XML identified as delivery document.All School Years
Identifies the status of special handling performed by Student Records on Document Order Items.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CompletedCompletedSpecial Handling has been completed for this Order Item.All School Years
NotRequiredNot RequiredSpecial Handling is not required for this Order Item.All School Years
OutstandingOutstandingSpecial Handling is outstanding for this Order Item.All School Years
PendingPendingSpecial Handling has started and is pending – waiting for information from the student (e.g. waybill).All School Years
Identifies the status of the print job.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DeletedDeletedThe associated print job files has been deleted and the details are no longer available.All School Years
FailedFailedThe print job has not been sent to the printer due to a transmission failure and transmission of the print job will no longer be attempted by the system.All School Years
OpenedOpenedThe print job has been opened and additional print files can be added.All School Years
ReleasedReleasedThe print job is been prepared to be released to the print provider. No additional print files can be added to this Print Job.All School Years
RetryingRetryingThe print job has not been sent to the printer due to a transmission failure however the system will attempt to re-try the transmission at a later time.All School Years
TransmittedTransmittedThe print job has been sent to the printer for printing by the print provider.All School Years
Identifies the document category to group different document types found in PASI.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CredentialCredentialDocument category used to organize document types related to Alberta Education Credentials.All School Years
LetterLetterDocument category used to organize document types related to Letters produced by Alberta Education.All School Years
TranscriptTranscriptDocument category used to organize document types related to Transcripts.All School Years
Official Mark Annotation is used to denote the type and the message to use for an annotation.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CourseChallengeEquivalencyCourse Challenge EquivalencyThis course challenge was not awarded credit as credit was already awarded for equivalent course.All School Years
CourseEquivalencyCourse EquivalencyThis course was not awarded credit as credit was already awarded for equivalent course.All School Years
MissingRequiredPrereqMissing Required PrerequisiteThis course was not awarded credit as one or more required prerequisites for the course do not have awarded credit.All School Years
WaivedPrerequisiteCreditEquivalencyWaived Prerequisite Credit EquivalencyThe Waived Prerequisite Credit based Official Mark was not awarded credit as credit was awarded in an equivalent course.All School Years
Identifies which order the invoice references.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ExamRegistrationExam RegistrationInvoice references an exam registration request.All School Years
RescoreRescore RequestInvoice references an exam rescore request.All School Years
TranscriptTranscriptInvoice references a transcript order.All School Years
Identifies type of fee associated with the order/request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
NonfundedDERNon-funded RegistrationNon-funded Registration.All School Years
NonfundedRegistrationVisiting Non-funded Student RegistrationVisiting Non-funded Diploma Exam Registration for Non-funded students that are not rewritersEnding 2015/2016
NonfundedRewriteDERVisiting Non-Funded Rewrite RegistrationVisiting Non-funded Rewrite Diploma Registration.All School Years
RewriteRegistrationRewrite RegistrationRewrite RegistrationAll School Years
TranscriptTranscriptTranscriptAll School Years
Identifies the state of the request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
PaymentNotReceivedPayment Not ReceivedThe attempt to obtain payment resulted in an error that caused the payment to not be successfully processed. Payment is still outstanding.All School Years
PaymentPendingPayment PendingThe request has successfully been built and the payment is being made.All School Years
RegisteredRegisteredThe request has successfully been built.All School Years
UnderConstructionUnder ConstructionThe request is being built.All School Years
Identifies the status of the fee coupon.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AvailableAvailableThe fee coupon is not associated with any undeleted exam mark.All School Years
DeletedDeletedThe fee coupon has been deleted.All School Years
ExpiredExpiredThe fee coupon is expired.All School Years
UsedUsedThe fee coupon has been used to pay for exam registration where payment amount was due and an exam mark is assignedAll School Years
Identifies the message that appears on the credential and describes in general terms how the credential was fulfilled.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ADEXADEX Credential fulfillment messagewho has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for graduation from high school in the Province of Alberta, CanadaAll School Years
ADVDADVD Credential fulfillment messagewho has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for graduation from high school in the Province of Alberta, CanadaAll School Years
AHSDAHSD Credential fulfillment messagewho has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for graduation from high school in the Province of Alberta, CanadaAll School Years
CHSACHSA Credential fulfillment messagewho has completed Knowledge and Employability courses and fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for completion of high school in the ProvinAll School Years
COSCCOSC Credential fulfillment messagewho has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for completion of school in the Province of Alberta, CanadaAll School Years
GHSDGHSD Credential fulfillment messagewho has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for graduation from high school in the Province of Alberta, CanadaAll School Years
HHSDHHSD Credential fulfillment messageAll School Years
HSEDHSED Credential fulfillment messagewho has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for graduation from high school in the Province of Alberta, CanadaAll School Years
IOPCIOPC Credential fulfillment messagewho has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by Alberta Education for graduation from the Integrated Occupational Program in the Province of Alberta, CanadaAll School Years
Identifies if consent from the parent and/or student was recieved or not required.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
NotReceivedNot ReceivedConsent not received.All School Years
NotRequiredNot RequiredConsent is not required as student is independent.All School Years
ReceivedReceivedConsent has been received.All School Years
Identifies the payment status for a recore request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
PaymentNotReceivedPayment Not ReceivedPayment not recieved.All School Years
PaymentPendingPayment PendingPayment pending.All School Years
PaymentReceivedPayment ReceivedPayment recieved.All School Years
PaymentWaivedPayment WaivedPayment waived.All School Years
Identifies the status for a recore request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CancelledCancelledRescore request is cancelled.All School Years
IncompleteIncompleteRescore request is incomplete.All School Years
RequestedRequestedRescore request is requested.All School Years
RescoredRescoredRescore request is complete.All School Years
Identifies the method the rescore request was recieved.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ManualManual Request FormRescore request was entered manually from the request form.All School Years
OnlineOnline RequestRescore request was entered online.All School Years
Identifies the method the payment was received for the rescore request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
OnlineOnlineRescore payment was entered online.All School Years
OtherOtherRescore payment was received by some method other than online.All School Years
Identifies the Province in which the student wrote the GED exam.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
GED-ABGED Exam: AlbertaGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in AlbertaAll School Years
GED-BCGED Exam: British ColumbiaGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in British ColumbiaAll School Years
GED-MBGED Exam: ManitobaGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in ManitobaAll School Years
GED-NBGED Exam: New BrunswickGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in New BrunswickAll School Years
GED-NLGED Exam: Newfoundland and LabradorGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in Newfoundland and LabradorAll School Years
GED-NSGED Exam: Nova ScotiaGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in Nova ScotiaAll School Years
GED-NTGED Exam: Northwest TerritoriesGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in the Northwest TerritoriesAll School Years
GED-NUGED Exam: NunavutGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in NunavutAll School Years
GED-ONGED Exam: OntarioGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in OntarioAll School Years
GED-PEGED Exam: Prince Edward IslandGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in Prince Edward IslandAll School Years
GED-QCGED Exam: QuebecGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in QuebecAll School Years
GED-SKGED Exam: SaskatchewanGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in SaskatchewanAll School Years
GED-YTGED Exam: YukonGeneral Educational Development (GED) Exam written in the YukonAll School Years
Identifies the medium (paper/online) the student wrote the GED exam.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CBTCBTComputer-based testingAll School Years
PaperPaperPaperAll School Years
UNKUnknownUnknown at time of data conversionAll School Years
Indicates the status of the GED Exam Mark provided.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
INInvalidInvalidAll School Years
RERegisteredRegisteredAll School Years
RGRegular Exam MarkRegular Exam MarkAll School Years
Identifies the preferred format of the transcript when using electronic delivery.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
PDFPDFElectronic version of the transcript will be a PDF.All School Years
PDFWithEmbeddedDataPDF With Embedded DataElectronic version of the transcript will be a PDF of the transcript embedded within the PESC High School Transcript xml.All School Years
XMLXMLElectronic version of the transcript will be in PESC High School Transcript xml.All School Years
Identifies the state of the credential
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AchievedAchievedThe student achieved all the requirements for the associated credential.All School Years
AwardedAwardedThe student achieved all the requirements for the associated credential and was given a credential number.All School Years
CurrentlyNotApplicableCurrently Not ApplicableThe student has not achieved any of the requirements for the associated credential.All School Years
InProgressIn ProgressThe student achieved the trigger requirements for the associated credential.All School Years
RevokedRevokedThe student achieved the requirements for the credential and was given a credential number, but was reassessed and should no longer be awarded that credential.All School Years
The list of objects that can be affected when linking ASNs.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ClassroomAccommodationClassroom AccommodationClassroom AccommodationAll School Years
CourseEnrolmentCourse EnrolmentCourse EnrolmentAll School Years
CRExemptionCredential Requirement - ExemptionCredential Requirement - ExemptionAll School Years
CRManualAchievementCredential Requirement - Manual AchievementCredential Requirement - Manual AchievementAll School Years
DiplomaExamMarkDiploma Exam MarkDiploma Exam MarkAll School Years
DiplomaExamRegistrationDiploma Exam RegistrationDiploma Exam RegistrationAll School Years
EvaluatedMarkEvaluated MarkEvaluated MarkAll School Years
ExamRegistrationFeeExam Registration FeeExam Registration FeeAll School Years
ExternalCredentialExternal CredentialExternal CredentialAll School Years
GEDExamineeGED ExamineeGED ExamineeAll School Years
GEDExamMarkGED Exam MarkGED Exam MarkAll School Years
myPassConnectionmyPass ConnectionmyPass ConnectionAll School Years
PATResultPAT ResultPAT ResultAll School Years
ResponsibleSchoolResponsible SchoolResponsible SchoolAll School Years
SchoolEnrolmentSchool EnrolmentSchool EnrolmentAll School Years
StudentDocumentStudent DocumentStudent DocumentAll School Years
WaivedFeeWaived FeeWaived FeeAll School Years
Action taken upon an object when linking ASNs.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DeletedDeletedObject record was deleted on the secondary ASNAll School Years
MovedMovedObject record was moved to primary ASNAll School Years
Used to identify the type of relationship that a student is in with another person.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
GrandparentGrandparentGrandparentAll School Years
ParentParentParentAll School Years
PermanentGuardianPermanent GuardianPermanent GuardianAll School Years
RelativeRelativeRelativeAll School Years
StepParentStep ParentStep ParentAll School Years
TemporaryGuardianTemporary GuardianTemporary GuardianAll School Years
The language the document is created in
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ENEnglishThe document has been provided in English.All School Years
FRFrenchThe document has been provided in French.All School Years
OtherOtherThe document has been provided in a language other than those defined in the code table.All School Years
Indicates the general document group or grouping.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AdminAdminAdministrative documentation that relates directly to one student onlyAll School Years
CitizenshipCitizenshipCitizenship document that supports a student's citizenshipStarting 2018/2019
CustodyCustodyDocuments that support custody for the studentAll School Years
DisciplineDisciplineDisciplinary information including letters or suspensionsAll School Years
GuardianCitizenshipGuardian CitizenshipGuardian citizenship document that supports a student's citizenship by identifying the guardians citizenshipStarting 2018/2019
IdentityIdentityDocuments used to demonstrate a student's IdentityAll School Years
IPPIndividual Program PlansIndividualized plans to help students achieve their learning objectives.All School Years
MedicalMedicalMedical information provided by parents or studentsAll School Years
SchoolReportsSchool ReportsReport Cards or Progress ReportsAll School Years
SecondLanguageSecond LanguageDocuments relating to the student's language comprehension and delivery.All School Years
SpecializedAssessmentsSpecialized AssessmentsAssessment Documents (eg. ELL, Speech) that relate directly to one studentAll School Years
StandardizedAssessmentsStandardized AssessmentsDiagnostic or Achievement Test results from tests given to a large section of the student populationAll School Years
Indicates the length of time the document needs to be kept active in PASI.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
3Years3 Years from Document DateThe document is eligible for disposal 3 years from the document's date.All School Years
Grade12Plus7YearsSeptember 1 of Grade 12 graduation year + 7 YearsThe document is eligible for disposal 7 years from when the student has completed (or expected to complete) grade 12.All School Years
The information security designation identifying the minimum level of security for the document.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ProtectedAProtected AApplies to information assets that, if compromised, could cause injury to an individual, organization or government. As per A000025 GOA Standard.All School Years
ProtectedBProtected BApplies to information assets that, if compromised, could cause serious injury to an individual, organization or government. As per A000025 GOA Standard.All School Years
ProtectedCProtected CApplies to information assets that, if compromised, could cause extremely grave injury to an individual, organization or government. As per A000025 GOA StandardAll School Years
PublicPublicApplies to information assets that will not result in injury to individuals, governments or to private sector institutions; and financial loss will be insignifiAll School Years
Indicates the action taken on the document when the retention period ends.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AllDestroy AllAll evidence of the document will be permanently delete once the retention period has passed.All School Years
ArchiveArchiveAll evidence of the document will be suppressed to the PASI UI and core services. Only visible by Student Records.All School Years
ImageDestroy Image OnlyThe image will be permanently deleted once the retention period has passed.All School Years
Indicates the status of the document within the Quality Assurance process.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
FailedFailedUsed to indicate that the document has gone through quality assurance and has failed.All School Years
PassedPassedUsed to indicate that the document has gone through quality assurance and has passed.All School Years
PendingPendingUsed to indicate that a document has been identified and waiting the results of quality assurance.All School Years
The type of problem that has been identified on the student document.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
BadASNAttached to Wrong StudentThe document is attached to the wrong student.All School Years
BadDocTypeIncorrect Document TypeThe document has a document type that does not match what the document is.All School Years
BadPageOrderPages Out of OrderThe pages in the document are not in the correct order.All School Years
DuplicateDuplicateThe document is a duplicate and a document that already exists on the student.All School Years
IncompleteDocumentIncomplete DocumentThe document is missing or incomplete.All School Years
MissingPagesMissing PagesThe document is missing one or more pages.All School Years
NotReadableNot ReadableThe document is not readable.All School Years
The action taken to resolve a problem reported against a student document.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AddedNewDocNew Document AddedThe problem was addressed by adding a new document to the student.All School Years
DocCorrectedMetadata CorrectedThe metadata was addressed by updating the metadata of the student document.All School Years
DocDeletedDocument DeletedThe problem was addressed by deleting the document from the student.All School Years
DocReplacedReplaced Original DocumentThe problem was addressed by replacing the document on the student record.All School Years
RejectedProblem Report RejectedThe reported problem was rejected.All School Years
A description of the date used along with the Expiration Offset to determine the Expiry Date of the message.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DateSentDate SentOffset is from the date the message is sent.All School Years
ScheduledExamDateScheduled Exam DateOffset is from the date of the scheduled exam date.All School Years
State of the Alberta Student Link request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ApprovedApprovedThe Alberta Student Link request is approved.All School Years
CancelledCancelledThe Alberta Student Link request is cancelled.All School Years
DeclinedDeclinedThe Alberta Student Link request is declined.All School Years
DownloadedDownloadedThe student record zip file has been downloaded.All School Years
ExpiredExpiredThe Alberta Student Link request is expired.All School Years
SubmittedSubmittedThe Alberta Student Link request is submitted.All School Years
Reason for requesting the student's records.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
OtherOtherRequire the student's record for reasons other than student transferring.Ending 2012/2013
StudentTransferStudent Transferring to My SchoolThe student is transferring to my school and therefore require the student's records.Ending 2012/2013
State of the progress of a document submission.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
LoadingLoadingThe document submission is in the process of loading to PASIAll School Years
PendingPendingThe document submission is awaiting processingAll School Years
ProcessedProcessedIndicates the student document submission has been processedAll School Years
ProcessingProcessingIndicates the student document submission is processing.All School Years
RejectedRejectedThe document submission was rejectedAll School Years
State of the progress of a document submission item.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
PendingPendingThe document submission item is awaiting processingAll School Years
ProcessedProcessedIndicates the student document submission item has been processedAll School Years
RejectedRejectedIndicates the student document submission item was rejected and could not be processedAll School Years
The type of Student Hold being applied.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
OfficialMarkHoldOfficial Mark HoldLimits access to Official Marks and related information.All School Years
StudentDocumentDisposalOverrideStudent Document Disposal OverrideOverrides the disposal of student documents that would otherwise be eligible for disposal.All School Years
Identifies the status of synchronization for the student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DisabledDisabledSynchronization has been manually disabledAll School Years
EnabledEnabledSynchronization has been manually enabledAll School Years
OffOffNot being synchronizedAll School Years
OnOnEligible for synchronizationAll School Years
The reason for declining an Alberta Student Link request.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DuplicateRequestDuplicate Request.The Alberta Student Link request is declined because it is a duplicate request.All School Years
OtherOtherThe Alberta Student Link is declined for a reason other than the available decline reasons.All School Years
RequestorNotAuthorizedRequestor Not Authorized to Receive this InformatiThe Alberta Student Link request is declined because the requestor is not authorized to receive this information.All School Years
RequestorNotConfirmedRequestor Could Not Be Confirmed.The Alberta Student Link request is declined because the requestor could not be confirmed.All School Years
StudentNotFoundStudent not found.The Alberta Student Link request is declined because the student could not be found.All School Years
WrongSchoolStudent did not attend this school.The Alberta Student Link request is declined because the student did not attend this school.All School Years
WrongSchoolYearStudent did not attend this school in their last yThe Alberta Student Link request is declined because the student did not attend our school in their last year of schooling.All School Years
Identifies if the connection is for a Student, Parent/Guardian, or Third-Party.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AuthorizedUserAuthorized UserConnection is for an Authorized user.All School Years
ParentGuardianParent/Guardian ConnectionConnection is for a parent/guardian.All School Years
StudentStudent ConnectionConnection is for a student.All School Years
Status of the myPass connection.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ActiveActiveThe myPass connection is active.All School Years
DeletedDeletedThe myPass connection is permanently deleted and cannot be used to gain access to the student's record.All School Years
ExpiredExpiredThe myPass connection has expired.All School Years
PendingPending ActivationThe myPass connection is pending activation.All School Years
StudentHoldStudent HoldThe myPass connection to the student is temporarily unavailable because the student has an active hold.All School Years
SuspendedSuspendedThe myPass connection has been suspended.All School Years
Authorized user's relationship to the student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AuntAuntThe Authorized User is the student's aunt.All School Years
CounsellorAdvisorCounsellor/AdvisorThe Authorized User is the student's counsellor or advisorAll School Years
CousinCousinThe Authorized User is the student's cousin.All School Years
FriendFriendThe Authorized User is the student's friend.All School Years
GrandparentGrandparentThe Authorized User is the student's grandparent.All School Years
GuardianGuardianThe Authorized User is the student's guardian.All School Years
OtherOtherThe Authorized user has a unique relationship to the student that is not contained within the code values.All School Years
ParentParentThe Authorized User is the student's parent.All School Years
SchoolPersonnelSchool PersonnelThe Authorized User is a person within the student's school.All School Years
SiblingSiblingThe Authorized User is the student's sibling.All School Years
UncleUncleThe Authorized User is the student's uncle.All School Years
The type of Medical Alert.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AllergySevere AllergySevere AllergyAll School Years
AsthmaAsthmaAsthmaAll School Years
DiabetesDiabetesDiabetesAll School Years
EpilepsyEpilepsyEpilepsyAll School Years
HeartHeart ConditionHeart ConditionAll School Years
HemophiliaHemophiliaHemophiliaAll School Years
IllnessChronic IllnessChronic IllnessAll School Years
MentalMental DisabilityMental DisabilityAll School Years
OtherOther Medical ConditionOther Medical ConditionAll School Years
PhysicalPhysical DisabilityPhysical DisabilityAll School Years
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AAAfarAfarAll School Years
ABAbkhazianAbkhazianAll School Years
AEAvestanAvestanAll School Years
AFAfrikaansAfrikaansAll School Years
AKAkanAkanAll School Years
ALAmerican Sign LanguageAmerican Sign LanguageAll School Years
AMAmharicAmharicAll School Years
ANAragoneseAragoneseAll School Years
ARArabicArabicAll School Years
ASAssameseAssameseAll School Years
AVAvaricAvaricAll School Years
AYAymaraAymaraAll School Years
AZAzerbaijaniAzerbaijaniAll School Years
BABashkirBashkirAll School Years
BEBelarusianBelarusianAll School Years
BGBulgarianBulgarianAll School Years
BHBihari languagesBihari languagesAll School Years
BIBislamaBislamaAll School Years
BLBlackfoot (Siksika)Blackfoot (Siksika)All School Years
BMBambaraBambaraAll School Years
BNBengaliBengaliAll School Years
BOTibetanTibetanAll School Years
BRBretonBretonAll School Years
BSBosnianBosnianAll School Years
CACatalanCatalanAll School Years
CCCantoneseCantoneseAll School Years
CEChechenChechenAll School Years
CHChamorroChamorroAll School Years
CMMandarinMandarinAll School Years
COCorsicanCorsicanAll School Years
CRCreeCreeAll School Years
CSCzechCzechAll School Years
CUChurch SlavonicChurch SlavonicAll School Years
CVChuvashChuvashAll School Years
CYWelshWelshAll School Years
DADanishDanishAll School Years
DEGermanGermanAll School Years
DNDeneDeneAll School Years
DVMaldivianMaldivianAll School Years
DZDzongkhaDzongkhaAll School Years
EEEweEweAll School Years
ELGreek, Modern (1453-)Greek, Modern (1453-)All School Years
ENEnglishEnglishAll School Years
EOEsperantoEsperantoAll School Years
ESSpanishSpanishAll School Years
ETEstonianEstonianAll School Years
EUBasqueBasqueAll School Years
FAPersianPersianAll School Years
FFFulahFulahAll School Years
FIFinnishFinnishAll School Years
FJFijianFijianAll School Years
FLFilipinoFilipinoAll School Years
FOFaroeseFaroeseAll School Years
FRFrenchFrenchAll School Years
FYWestern FrisianWestern FrisianAll School Years
GAIrishIrishAll School Years
GDScottish GaelicScottish GaelicAll School Years
GLGalicianGalicianAll School Years
GNGuaraniGuaraniAll School Years
GUGujaratiGujaratiAll School Years
GVManxManxAll School Years
HAHausaHausaAll School Years
HEHebrewHebrewAll School Years
HIHindiHindiAll School Years
HOHiri MotuHiri MotuAll School Years
HRCroatianCroatianAll School Years
HTHaitian CreoleHaitian CreoleAll School Years
HUHungarianHungarianAll School Years
HYArmenianArmenianAll School Years
HZHereroHereroAll School Years
IAInterlingua (International Auxiliary Language AssoInterlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)All School Years
IEInterlingueInterlingueAll School Years
IGIgboIgboAll School Years
IISichuan YiSichuan YiAll School Years
IKInupiaqInupiaqAll School Years
IOIdoIdoAll School Years
ISIcelandicIcelandicAll School Years
ITItalianItalianAll School Years
IUInuktitutInuktitutAll School Years
JAJapaneseJapaneseAll School Years
JVJavaneseJavaneseAll School Years
KAGeorgianGeorgianAll School Years
KGKongoKongoAll School Years
KIKikuyuKikuyuAll School Years
KJKwanyamaKwanyamaAll School Years
KKKazakhKazakhAll School Years
KLGreenlandicGreenlandicAll School Years
KMCentral KhmerCentral KhmerAll School Years
KNKannadaKannadaAll School Years
KOKoreanKoreanAll School Years
KRKanuriKanuriAll School Years
KSKashmiriKashmiriAll School Years
KUKurdishKurdishAll School Years
KVKomiKomiAll School Years
KWCornishCornishAll School Years
KYKyrgyzKyrgyzAll School Years
LALatinLatinAll School Years
LBLuxembourgishLuxembourgishAll School Years
LGGandaGandaAll School Years
LILimburgishLimburgishAll School Years
LNLingalaLingalaAll School Years
LOLaoLaoAll School Years
LTLithuanianLithuanianAll School Years
LULuba-KatangaLuba-KatangaAll School Years
LVLatvianLatvianAll School Years
MGMalagasyMalagasyAll School Years
MHMarshalleseMarshalleseAll School Years
MIMaoriMaoriAll School Years
MKMacedonianMacedonianAll School Years
MLMalayalamMalayalamAll School Years
MNMongolianMongolianAll School Years
MRMarathiMarathiAll School Years
MSMalayMalayAll School Years
MTMalteseMalteseAll School Years
MYBurmeseBurmeseAll School Years
NANauruNauruAll School Years
NDNdebele, NorthNdebele, NorthAll School Years
NENepaliNepaliAll School Years
NGNdongaNdongaAll School Years
NKNakotaNakotaAll School Years
NLDutchDutchAll School Years
NONorwegianNorwegianAll School Years
NRNdebele, SouthNdebele, SouthAll School Years
NVNavajoNavajoAll School Years
NYChewaChewaAll School Years
OCOccitan (post 1500)Occitan (post 1500)All School Years
OJOjibwa (Saulteaux)Ojibwa (Saulteaux)All School Years
OMOromoOromoAll School Years
OROriyaOriyaAll School Years
OSOssetianOssetianAll School Years
OTOtherOtherAll School Years
PAPunjabiPunjabiAll School Years
PIPaliPaliAll School Years
PLPolishPolishAll School Years
PSPashtoPashtoAll School Years
PTPortuguesePortugueseAll School Years
QUQuechuaQuechuaAll School Years
RMRomanshRomanshAll School Years
RNRundiRundiAll School Years
RORomanianRomanianAll School Years
RURussianRussianAll School Years
RWKinyarwandaKinyarwandaAll School Years
SASanskritSanskritAll School Years
SCSardinianSardinianAll School Years
SDSindhiSindhiAll School Years
SENorthern SamiNorthern SamiAll School Years
SGSangoSangoAll School Years
SISinhaleseSinhaleseAll School Years
SKSlovakSlovakAll School Years
SLSlovenianSlovenianAll School Years
SMSamoanSamoanAll School Years
SNShonaShonaAll School Years
SOSomaliSomaliAll School Years
SQAlbanianAlbanianAll School Years
SRSerbianSerbianAll School Years
SSSwatiSwatiAll School Years
STSotho, SouthernSotho, SouthernAll School Years
SUSundaneseSundaneseAll School Years
SVSwedishSwedishAll School Years
SWSwahiliSwahiliAll School Years
TATamilTamilAll School Years
TETeluguTeluguAll School Years
TGTajikTajikAll School Years
THThaiThaiAll School Years
TITigrinya (Tigrinian)Tigrinya (Tigrinian)All School Years
TKTurkmenTurkmenAll School Years
TLTagalogTagalogAll School Years
TNTswanaTswanaAll School Years
TOTonga (Tonga Islands)Tonga (Tonga Islands)All School Years
TRTurkishTurkishAll School Years
TSTsongaTsongaAll School Years
TTTatarTatarAll School Years
TUTsuu T'inaTsuu T'inaAll School Years
TYTahitianTahitianAll School Years
UGUyghurUyghurAll School Years
UKUkrainianUkrainianAll School Years
URUrduUrduAll School Years
UZUzbekUzbekAll School Years
VEVendaVendaAll School Years
VIVietnameseVietnameseAll School Years
VOVolapükVolapükAll School Years
WAWalloonWalloonAll School Years
WOWolofWolofAll School Years
XHXhosaXhosaAll School Years
YIYiddishYiddishAll School Years
YOYorubaYorubaAll School Years
ZAZhuangZhuangAll School Years
ZHChineseChineseAll School Years
ZUZuluZuluAll School Years
Accommodation Type
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AmbientNoiseAmbient Noise AudioRecorded audio background soundAll School Years
AudioLearningAudio Materials (for learning or physical disabiliAn audio version of the materials designed to assist a student with a Physical or Learning disabilityAll School Years
AudioVisualAudio Materials (for a visual imparement)An audio version of the materials designed to assist a student with a visual imparementAll School Years
BrailleBraille MaterialsA version of materials printed in Braille formatAll School Years
BreaksFrequent breaksPermission for the student to take breaks as neededAll School Years
ColouredPaperOrOverlayColoured Paper or OverlayA coloured paper version of the learning materials or a coloured overlayAll School Years
ElectronicDictionaryElectronic DictionaryPermission for the student to use an electronic dictionary toolAll School Years
ExtraTimeExtra Writing TimeApproval for extra time to complete an assignment that extends beyond the allotted time other students are permittedAll School Years
LargePrintLarge-print versionA version of the material printed in large font formatAll School Years
OtherOther AccommodationA unique or special accommodation that is not in the current list of accommodation typesAll School Years
ReaderReaderAn assistant that will read the material to the student, verbatimAll School Years
ScribeScribeAn assistant that will record the student's response in handwriting or using a computerAll School Years
SignLanguageSign-language InterpreterAn assistant that supports a student by interpreting all words spoken during an assignment that are intended for all studentsAll School Years
SpeechToTextSpeech-To-Text SoftwareComputer software that will translate the student's verbal responses to textAll School Years
TextToSpeechText-to-Speech SoftwareComputer software that will translate the student's text responses to speechAll School Years
WritingInIsolationWriting in Isolation and Use of Computers for WritWriting in isolation and the use of computers to write the written response componentAll School Years
Accommodation Format
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
BlueBlueBlue paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
BuffBuffBuff paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
CDAudioCD AudioCD audio is provided to students with visual impairments.All School Years
DarkGreenDark GreenDark green paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
GoldenRodGolden RodGolden rod paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
GreenGreenGreen paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
GreyGreyGrey paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
MauveMauveMauve paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
MP3AudioMP3 AudioMP3 audio is provided to students with visual impairments.All School Years
OtherOtherOther FormatAll School Years
PaleBluePale BluePale Blue paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
PeachPeachPeach paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
PinkPinkPink paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
PurplePurplePurple paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
RedRedRed paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
SalmonSalmonSalmon paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
TanTanTan paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
YellowYellowYellow paper or overlay required by student.All School Years
The frequency in which PASI will send email notifications.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DayDailyEmail notifications will be distributed daily as required.All School Years
WeekWeeklyEmail notifications will be distributed weekly as required.All School Years
The status of a digital transcript consumer.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ActiveActiveThe organization is an active Digital Transcript Consumer.All School Years
DeclinedDeclinedThe organization is not eligible to be setup as a Digital Transcript Consumer.All School Years
InactiveInactiveThe organization is not currently an active Digital Transcript Consumer.All School Years
PendingPendingEligibility of the Digital Transcript Consumer is being assessed.All School Years
Used to support synchronization of student information to Elections Alberta.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ActiveActiveThis student is being synchronized with Elections Alberta.All School Years
ExcludedExcludedThis student is excluded from synchronization with Elections Alberta.All School Years
ExpiredExpiredThis student can be synchronized with Elections Alberta, but updates are no longer being sent.All School Years
NotEligibleNot EligibleThis student is not eligible to be synchronized with Elections Alberta.All School Years
Identifies the type of PASI Client
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ExternalExternal PASI ClientA PASI Client used by a system that is external to the Government of Alberta.All School Years
InternalInternal PASI ClientA PASI Client that is used by a system internal to the Government of Alberta.All School Years
PASIPASI ComponentA PASI Client used by a component of the PASI solution.All School Years
The Status of a PAT Result
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AbsentAbsentThe student was expected to write the PAT but was absent.All School Years
ExcusedExcusedThe student was not expected to write the PAT.All School Years
IncompleteIncompleteThe student did not write all the components of a PAT.All School Years
InvalidInvalidPAT was Invalid.All School Years
RegularRegularThe student wrote all the components of a PAT.All School Years
WithheldWithheldThe student wrote the PAT, but the results are being withheld.All School Years
The Status of a PAT Component Result
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AbsentAbsentThe student was expected to write the component, but was absent.All School Years
ExcusedExcusedThe student was not expected to write the component.All School Years
ExpungedExpungedThe student didn't have access to write the component due to factors outside of their control.All School Years
InvalidInvalidPAT component was Invalid.All School Years
RegularRegularThe student wrote the PAT component.All School Years
WithheldWithheldThe student wrote the component, but the results are being withheld.All School Years
Accommodation used for a PAT
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
10x10MultiplicationTable10x10 multiplication table10x10 multiplication tableAll School Years
AdditionalWritingTimeadditional writing timeadditional writing timeAll School Years
BraillebraillebrailleAll School Years
LargePrintlarge printlarge printAll School Years
LearningPhysicallearning disability, audio versionlearning or physical disability, used audio versionAll School Years
ReaderreaderreaderAll School Years
RecordedResponserecorded responserecorded responseAll School Years
Scribescribescribe and speech-to-textAll School Years
SignLanguagesign language interpretersign language interpreterAll School Years
VisualImpairmentVI, audio versionvisual impairment, used audio versionAll School Years
The school's locality
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
NoNoThe student is not attending school.All School Years
UnknownUnknownIt is unknown if the student is attending school.All School Years
YesYesThe student is attending school.All School Years
The reason for the student's transition
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ChoiceStudent's ChoiceStudent is over 16 and is no longer attending and is no longer required by law to attend.All School Years
CompletedK12Completed K-12The student has completed K-12.All School Years
ConversionData ConversionThe Transition Reason is unspecified as part of data conversion.All School Years
DeceasedDeceasedStudent has passed away.All School Years
EmploymentEmploymentStudent has left school for employment purposes.All School Years
ExpulsionExpulsionStudent transitioned due to expulsion.All School Years
GradeGrade OfferingStudent has transitioned to the school to attend a grade not offered by their previous school.All School Years
HomeEdHome EducationHome Education not supervised by a School Authority.All School Years
MovedMovedStudent transitioned due to moving.All School Years
NewNew StudentThe student is attending school for the first time.All School Years
NotProvidedNot ProvidedStudent has not provided a reason for leaving school.All School Years
OtherOtherStudent has transitioned for reasons other than listed.All School Years
ProgrammingProgram OfferingStudent has transitioned to the school to obtain programming not offered by their previous school.All School Years
ToBeDeterminedTo Be DeterminedThe student has had a change in their responsible school and the transition reason is unknown.All School Years
UpdatedByASLUpdated By ASLUpdated By Alberta Student Link.All School Years
The digital official document consumer's preferred official document type(s) to receive digitally.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CredentialCredentialThe digital official document consumer has elected to receive digital credentials.All School Years
CredentialAndTranscriptCredential And TranscriptThe digital official document consumer has elected to receive digital credentials and transcripts.All School Years
TranscriptTranscriptThe digital official document consumer has elected to receive digital transcripts.All School Years
Identifies Parent/Guardian's Physical Address shall be a Custom Address, or same as the Parent/Guardian's Mailing Address, or same as the Student's Mailing Address, or same as the Student's Physical Address.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
MailingAddressMailing AddressIdentifies Parent-Guardian's Physical Address shall be same as the Parent/Guardian's Mailing Address.All School Years
PhysicalAddressOther AddressUser enters Parent-Guardian's Physical Address.All School Years
StudentMailingAddressStudent's Mailing AddressIdentifies Parent-Guardian's Physical Address shall be same as the Student's Mailing Address.All School Years
StudentPhysicalAddressStudent's Physical AddressIdentifies Parent-Guardian's Physical Address shall be same as the Student's Physical Address.All School Years
Used to identify the type of programming being offered to the student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ContinuingEducationContinuing EducationContinuing Education ProgrammingAll School Years
RegularRegularRegular ProgrammingAll School Years
SummerSchoolSummer SchoolSummer School ProgrammingAll School Years
Used to identify at what timeframe programming is being offered to the student.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
DayDayDay Time Education ProgrammingAll School Years
NightNightNight Time Education ProgrammingAll School Years
Identifies the meaning of the School Enrolment Exit Date.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CompletionDateCompletion DateIndicates the Exit Date provided is the normal Exit Date for enrolment.All School Years
WithdrawalDateWithdrawal DateIndicates the Exit Date provided is earlier than the normal Exit Date for enrolments.All School Years
Identifies which options student has to complete the course. The code values for this come from the CIA CompletionMethod code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
Identifies if the course is developed provincially by Alberta Education, or is a Locally Developed Course. The code values for this come from the CIA CourseType code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
Used to categorize the course based on the new discipline or occupational area. The code values for this come from the CIA Discipline code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
Categorizes the course based on the level of funding provided for the course. The code values for this come from the CIA FundingTier code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
Identifies all the relationships a course may have. The code values for this come from the CIA RelationshipType code class.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
Are Prerequisites Waived
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
NoNoNo – the prerequistes are not waivedAll School Years
NotReportedNot ReportedWaived prerequistes are not reportedEnding 2017/2018
YesYesYes – the prerequistes are waivedAll School Years
Course Series
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
Document Types used when submitting student supporting documenting as part of an Home Education Notification.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
AbBirthCertAlberta Birth CertificateAlberta Birth CertificateAll School Years
AbChgNmCertAlberta Change of Name CertificateAlberta Change of Name CertificateAll School Years
AbDrvLicAlberta Driver's/Operator's LicenseAlberta Driver's/Operator's LicenseAll School Years
AbIdCardAlberta Identification CardAlberta Identification CardAll School Years
CaBirthCertCanadian Birth CertificateCanadian Birth CertificateAll School Years
CaChgNmCertCanadian Change of Name CertificateCanadian Change of Name CertificateAll School Years
CaCitCardCanadian Citizenship CardCanadian Citizenship CardAll School Years
CaCitCertCanadian Citizenship CertificateCanadian Citizenship CertificateAll School Years
CaDrvLicCanadian Driver's/Operator's LicenseCanadian Driver's/Operator's LicenseAll School Years
CaIDCardCanadian ID CardCanadian ID CardAll School Years
CaIndianCertCanadian Certificate of Indian StatusCanadian Certificate of Indian StatusAll School Years
CaPermResCardCanadian Permanent Resident CardCanadian Permanent Resident CardAll School Years
CaStudyPermCanadian Study PermitCanadian Study PermitAll School Years
CaTempResVisaCanadian Temporary Resident VisaCanadian Temporary Resident VisaAll School Years
CaWorkPermCanadian Work PermitCanadian Work PermitAll School Years
ConsulateVisaConsulate VisaConsulate VisaAll School Years
PassportCanadian PassportCanadian PassportAll School Years
PermResDocConfirmation of Permanent Residence DocumentConfirmation of Permanent Residence DocumentAll School Years
TreatyCardTreaty CardTreaty CardAll School Years
Identifies the meaning of the Home Education Registration Exit Date.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CompletionDateCompletion DateThe registration ended at the end of the school year as expected.Starting 2020/2021
WithdrawalDateWithdrawal DateThe registration ended prior to the expected registration exit date.Starting 2020/2021
Identifies the Province in which the student wrote the CAEC exam.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CAEC-ABCAEC Exam: AlbertaCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in AlbertaAll School Years
CAEC-BCCAEC Exam: British ColumbiaCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in British ColumbiaAll School Years
CAEC-MBCAEC Exam: ManitobaCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in ManitobaAll School Years
CAEC-NBCAEC Exam: New BrunswickCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in New BrunswickAll School Years
CAEC-NLCAEC Exam: Newfoundland and LabradorCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in Newfoundland and LabradorAll School Years
CAEC-NSCAEC Exam: Nova ScotiaCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in Nova ScotiaAll School Years
CAEC-NTCAEC Exam: Northwest TerritoriesCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in the Northwest TerritoriesAll School Years
CAEC-NUCAEC Exam: NunavutCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in NunavutAll School Years
CAEC-ONCAEC Exam: OntarioCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in OntarioAll School Years
CAEC-PECAEC Exam: Prince Edward IslandCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in Prince Edward IslandAll School Years
CAEC-QCCAEC Exam: QuebecCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in QuebecAll School Years
CAEC-SKCAEC Exam: SaskatchewanCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in SaskatchewanAll School Years
CAEC-YTCAEC Exam: YukonCanadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam written in the YukonAll School Years
Identifies the medium (paper/online) the student wrote the CAEC exam.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
CBTCBTComputer-based testingAll School Years
PaperPaperPaperAll School Years
Indicates the status of the CAEC Exam Mark provided.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
INInvalidInvalidAll School Years
RERegisteredRegisteredAll School Years
RGRegular Exam MarkRegular Exam MarkAll School Years
Indicates the series of exam.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
A2024 Exam Series2024 Exam SeriesAll School Years
State/Province Code is used to verify state/province for permanenet American/Canadian address.
Code ValueShort DescriptionFull DescriptionEffective School Years
ABAlbertaAlberta, Canada
BCBritish ColumbiaBritish Columbia, Canada
MBManitobaManitoba, Canada
NBNew BrunswickNew Brunswick, Canada
NSNova ScotiaNova Scotia, Canada
NTNorthwest TerritoriesNorthwest Territories, Canada
NUNunavutNunavut, Canada
ONOntarioOntario, Canada
QCQuebecQuebec, Canada
SKSaskachewanSaskachewan, Canada
YTYukonYukon, Canada
AKAlaskaAlaska, USA
ALAlabamaAlabama, USA
ARArkansasArkansas, USA
AZArizonaArizona, USA
CACaliforniaCalifornia, USA
COColoradoColorado, USA
CTConnecticutConnecticut, USA
DCDistrict of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia, USA
DE DelawareDelaware, USA
FLFloridaFlorida, USA
GAGeorgiaGeorgia, USA
HIHawaiiHawaii, USA
IAIowaIowa, USA
IDIdahoIdaho, USA
ILIllinoisIllinois, USA
INIndianaIndiana, USA
KSKansasKansas, USA
KYKentuckyKentucky, USA
LALouisianaLouisiana, USA
MAMassachusetts Massachusetts, USA
MD MarylandMaryland, USA
MEMaineMaine, USA
MIMichiganMichigan, USA
MNMinnesotaMinnesota, USA
MOMissouriMissouri, USA
MSMississipiMississipi, USA
MTMontanaMontana, USA
NCNorth CarolinaNorth Carolina, USA
NDNorth DakotaNorth Dakota, USA
NENebraskaNebraska, USA
NHNew HampshireNew Hampshire, USA
NJNew JerseyNew Jersey, USA
NMNew MexicoNew Mexico, USA
NVNevadaNevada, USA
NYNew York New York, USA
OHOhio Ohio, USA
OKOklohamaOklohama, USA
OROregonOregon, USA
PAPennsylvaniaPennsylvania, USA
RIRhode IslandRhode Island, USA
SCSouth CarolinaSouth Carolina, USA
SDSouth DakotaSouth Dakota, USA
TNTennessee Tennessee, USA
TXTexasTexas, USA
UTUtahUtah, USA
VAVirginiaVirginia, USA
VTVermontVermont, USA
WAWashingtonWashington, USA
WIWisconsinWisconsin, USA
WVWest VirginiaWest Virginia, USA
WYWyomingWyoming, USA