CompressForAuditAttribute PropertiesProvincial Approach to Student Information API

The CompressForAuditAttribute type exposes the following members.


Public propertyIdPropertyName
(Optional) Name of the property within the data contract that should be used to extract as the identifier of the object NOTE: By default the property name "RefId" will be assumed as it is very common
Public propertyReplacementTypeName
(Optional) Static name to be used to identify the object being compressed, overrides the default usage of the class name of the decorated data contract. NOTE: By default the class name of the data contract will be used as the Type, secondly the TypePropertyName will be used (if provided) to extract the Type from a property on the decorated data contract. If TypePropertyName is provided, this property will be ignored.
Public propertyTypePropertyName
(Optional) Name of the property within the data contract that should be used to extract the Type of the decorated object. This should only be used if the Data contract this attribute is decorating is not viable. For instance CodeValueInfo NOTE: By default the class name of the data contract will be used as Type, only needed if this default behavior should be overridden.
Public propertyVersionPropertyName
(Optional) Name of the property within the data contract that should be used to extract the version of the object NOTE: By default the property name "PASICoreVersion" will be assumed as it is very common
See Also
