CourseCreditVersionInfo PropertiesProvincial Approach to Student Information API

The CourseCreditVersionInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCreditVersion
Identifies the number of credits for which the course can be offered. Typically, this is 1, 3 or 5 credits but can be any number.
Public propertyEffectiveEndDate
The effective end date for the credit version on the course permission.
Public propertyEffectiveStartDate
The effective start date for the credit version on the course permission.
Public propertyFirstSchoolYear
Identifies the first school year the school authority is permitted to offer the course.
Public propertyLastSchoolYear
Identifies the last school year the school authority is permitted to offer the course.
Public propertyUseEffectiveDates
(Required) Determine whether to use the FirstSchoolYear/LastSchoolYear or the EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate. If TRUE then the effective dates should be used.
See Also
