PrerequisiteRuleInfo PropertiesProvincial Approach to Student Information API

The PrerequisiteRuleInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCanBeWaived
(Required) Identifies if a school can waive the Prerequisite Rule.
Public propertyFirstSchoolYear
Identifies the first school year the prerequisite rule applies. If not provided, it signifies that the prerequisite came into effective when the course comes into effect.
Public propertyLastSchoolYear
Identifies the last school year the prerequisite rule applies. If not provided, it signifies that the prerequisite will expire when the course expires.
Public propertyNumberOfCourses
(Required) Used to identify the number of Prerequisite Courses that must be taken to satisfy this Prerequisite Rule.
Public propertyPrerequisiteCourses
(Required) Identifies a set of courses that can satisfy this Prerequisite Rule.
See Also
