Contains the information needed to create a notification for home education
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: PASI.DataContract.System
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (
The HomeEducationNotification type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
HomeEducationNotification |
Name | Description | |
BirthDate | (Required)
The date the student was born
| |
ConfirmedAsn |
The Alberta Student Number (ASN) that has been confirmed
| |
Declaration | (Required)
The declaration part of the notification
| |
EducationAccountIdentifier | (Required)
The identifier of the PED Education Account this notification was submitted through
| |
Gender | (Required)
The gender of the student
| |
HomeNumber |
The home phone number of the student
| |
IsCanadianCitizen | (Required)
True if the student is a Canadian citizen
| |
IsParentMailingAddressSameAsStudent | (Required)
True if the parent's address is the same as the student's address
| |
LegalName | (Required)
The legal name of the student
| |
MailingAddress | (Required)
The mailing address of the student
| |
MobileNumber |
The mobile phone number of the student
| |
MyPassConnectionId |
The identifier of the myPass connection this notification was submitted through if applicable
| |
ParentEmailAddress |
The email address of the parent
| |
ParentHomeNumber |
The home number of the parent
| |
ParentMailingAddress | (Required)
The mailing address of the parent
| |
ParentMobileNumber |
The mobile number of the parent
| |
ParentName | (Required)
The name of the parent
| |
ParentSignature | (Required)
The text signature of the parent
| |
ParentWorkExtension |
The extension of the work number of the parent
| |
ParentWorkNumber |
The work number of the parent
| |
PreferredName |
The preferred name of the student
| |
ProvidedAsn |
The provided (unconfirmed) Alberta Student Number (ASN) of the student
| |
RefId | (Required)
A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) for the home education notification record
| |
RelationshipType | (Required)
The parent's relationship to the student
| |
ResidentSchoolBoard | (Required)
The public or separate school authority of the student
| |
SchoolYear | (Required)
The school year this notification is for
See Also