CredentialDefinitionRequirementInfo ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
Defines the information associated with a credential requirement definition.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V201507
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class CredentialDefinitionRequirementInfo

The CredentialDefinitionRequirementInfo type exposes the following members.


Public methodCredentialDefinitionRequirementInfo

Public propertyClientCanManuallySetAchievement
(Required) True if the client has the appropriate permissions for this credential requirement to modify the requirement's achievement.
Public propertyCodeText
(Required) Uniquely identifies the credential requirement definition.
Public propertyCredentialRequirementExemptionReasons
(Required) The list of Credential Requirement Exemption Reasons associated with this Credential Requirement.
Public propertyDescription
(Required) The long description of the credential requirement definition.
Public propertyDisplaySequence
(Required) PASI-defined display order of the credential requirements for a given credential requirement set.
Public propertyFrenchDescription
(Required) The long French description of the credential requirement definition.
Public propertyFrenchShortDescription
(Required) A short French description of the credential requirement definition.
Public propertyIsAssessmentTrigger
(Required) True if the credential requirement is used to trigger credential assessment for a student.
Public propertyIsManuallyAchieved
(Required) True if the credential requirement has been configured so that only certain clients can modify the achievements.
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) The PASI Core version which will be the maximum of either the credential requirement definition, the code relationship between the credential requirement and the credential requirement set, or the security defined for the credential requirement.
Public propertyShortDescription
(Required) A short description of the credential requirement definition.
See Also
