StudentSchoolEnrolment ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
Contains all information of a student's registration at a school and the corresponding program enrolment information.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V2018
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class StudentSchoolEnrolment

The StudentSchoolEnrolment type exposes the following members.


Public methodStudentSchoolEnrolment
Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedInfoList class.

Public propertyEffectiveUtc
The time a record become effective. This is a PASI generated value, any value entered will be ignored.
Public propertyExtendedSchoolEnrolmentInfo
(Required) Additional registration and program enrolment information
Public propertyGrade
(Required) The grade the student registered in.
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) The PASI version of this object. This is used for updating the object. Value is ignored when new.
Public propertyRefId
(Required) A unique identifier for this registration
Public propertyRegistrationExitDate
The exit date of the registration.
Public propertyRegistrationStartDate
(Required) The date the registration becomes active.
Public propertyRegistrationStatus
(Required) Describes the state of the registration.
Public propertyRegistrationType
(Required) Indicates the type of program or courses the student is registering for.
Public propertySchoolCode
(Required) The school code where the registration occurred.
Public propertySchoolProvidedProgramPercentage
The percentage of the school program as part of school enrolment information submitted to PASI.
Public propertySchoolYear
(Required) The school year for which the registration is applicable.
Public propertyStateProvinceId
(Required) The Alberta Student Number at the time of registration.
See Also
