CredentialDefinitionRequirementSetInfo PropertiesProvincial Approach to Student Information API

The CredentialDefinitionRequirementSetInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCodeText
(Required) Uniquely identifies the credential requirement set definition.
Public propertyCredentialRequirements
(Required) The list of Credential Requirements associated with this Credential Requirement Set Definition.
Public propertyDescription
(Required) The long description of the credential requirement set definition.
Public propertyFrenchDescription
(Required) The long French description of the credential requirement set definition.
Public propertyFrenchShortDescription
(Required) A short French description of the credential requirement set definition.
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) The PASI Core version which will be the maximum of either the credential requirement set definition or the code relationship between the credential requirement set and the credential definition.
Public propertyShortDescription
(Required) A short description of the credential requirement set definition.
See Also
