PASI.DataContract NamespaceProvincial Approach to Student Information API
The PASI.DataContract .NET namespace contains all PASI data contracts exposed through the PASI core services.

On each response from PASI core the following four SOAP headers are injected into the the response:
CoreMessageIDGUID - An unique ID
CoreServerNameString - The name of the server which performed the web service request
CoreProcessIDInteger - The processor which processed the web service request
CoreResponseTimeMillisecondsInteger - The Core response time in milliseconds for the web service request

Public classExtendedInfo
A named element containing a list of associated name/value pairs
Public classExtendedInfoList
The ExtendedInfoList class encapsulates a generic list of type ExtendedInfo. This allows for the ExtendedInfoList to be the root element during XML serialization meaning it can be serialized independently of it's parent object.
Public classKeyValuePair
An object representing a key/value pair attribute, expressed as strings