CodeValueInfo PropertiesProvincial Approach to Student Information API

The CodeValueInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCodeClassName
(Required) Identifies the name for a group of code values.
Public propertyCodeText
(Required) Uniquely identifies a code value within a group of code values.
Public propertyDescription
The long description of the code value.
Public propertyDisplaySequence
(Required) Identifies the sequence in which PASI displays the list of code values in a given code group.
Public propertyEffectiveSchoolYear
A school year that the code value is effective. If there is no effective school year, then the code value is effective since the beginning of time.
Public propertyExpirySchoolYear
A school year that the code value expires. If there is no expiry school year, then the code value will be valid until the end of time.
Public propertyFrenchDescription
The French long description of the code value.
Public propertyFrenchShortDescription
(Required) A French short description of the code value.
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) The PASI Core version of this particular code value.
Public propertyShortDescription
(Required) A short description of the code value.
See Also
