OrganizationAssociationRequestOrganizationCode Property Provincial Approach to Student Information API
(Required) (Required - MaxLength(6)) The organization the user is requesting associations for. In the same format as OrganizationCode on CallerInfo.User.OrganizationCode.

Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V2009
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public string OrganizationCode { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: String
The value for the organization in the form "type.code" where "type" is the organization type and "code" is the organization code. The type may be "S" for School, "A" for School Authority, or "O" for Ministry Client. The code must be a four-digit number unless it is a Ministry Client. Some examples: "S.0982" = School 0982 "A.0050" = School Authority 0050 "O.1" = Ministry Client 1

A client may only provide an organization that is associated with their PASI client. If the organization is a School the school must be associated with the PASI client directly or under a School Authority that is associated with the PASI client. If the organization is a School Authority the authority must be associated with the PASI client.

Field Validation

  • This field is Required.
  • Value must be no more than 6 characters.
See Also
