Credential Document Order Fields

Credential Document Orders are created with the following values when ordering credentials:

Document Order

Document Order Request PropertiesOptionalityCredential Document Order Values
Document Order ID Mandatory {Generated by the system}
PASI Client ID Optional Must be a valid PASI Client ID
Order Received By Method Mandatory Not Applicable
Name of Requestor Optional “Alberta Education”
Order Placed Date/Time Optional Current Date/Time
Order Status Mandatory Ordered
Is Deleted Mandatory False

The Document Order will have a list of containing a single Document Order Item.

Document Order Item

The Document Order Itemwill have the following values:

Document Order Item Data ElementOptionalityCredential Document Order Item Values
Student ASN Mandatory Student ASN
Document Type Mandatory The Document Type that correspond to the Credential Type of the Student Credential selected (see Credential)
Amount Collected Mandatory 0
Control Schedule ID Optional Null
Delivery Method MandatorySpecified by user either through myPass or PASIprep. The delivery method can be set to AutomatedPlusCardboard, ManualMail, Certification, Courier, or Certification and Courier
Language Mandatory See Default Credential Document Language
Number of Copies Mandatory 1
Recipient is Student Mandatory True
Recipient Name Mandatory Legal Name of the Student
Recipient Address Lines Conditional

Student’s Mailing Address is determined based on the selection criteria specified in Mailing Address Selection
If a mailing address is found, Address Lines should be populated based on the guidelines defined in the Student Address to Document Order Item Address Mapper on mapping Student’s address to document order item mailing addresses.
Otherwise this is null.

Recipient City Conditional

If a mailing address is found, City should be populated based on the guidelines defined in the Student Address to Document Order Item Address Mapper on mapping Student’s address to document order item mailing addresses.
Otherwise this is null.

Recipient Province/State Conditional

If a mailing address is found, Province/State should be populated based on the guidelines defined in the Student Address to Document Order Item Address Mapper on mapping Student’s address to document order item mailing addresses.
Otherwise this is null.

Recipient Postal/ZIP Code Conditional

If a mailing address is found, Postal/ZIP Code should be populated based on the guidelines defined in the Student Address to Document Order Item Address Mapper on mapping Student’s address to document order item mailing addresses.
Otherwise this is null.

Recipient Country Conditional

If a mailing address is found, Country should be populated based on the guidelines defined in the Student Address to Document Order Item Address Mapper on mapping Student’s address to document order item mailing addresses.
Otherwise this is null.

Special Handling Status Code Mandatory Not Required
Document Processing Expectation Mandatory ASAP
Credential Number Mandatory The Credential Number of the selected Student Credential

Default Credential Document Language

The document language for credential document order items is determined by the following:

  1. If the Student has a Student School Enrolment meeting the following criteria, the document language will be set to ‘French’:
    • SSE status <> “Created In Error” or “Cancelled”
    • in a Francophone school (School Authority Classification Type == Francophone)
    • in the school year of credential achievement, .
  2. If the Student does not have a school enrolment in a Francophone school authority in the school year of credential achievement, the document language will be set to ‘English’.
  3. If more than one school enrollment is found and at least one school enrolment is in a Francophone school authority, the document language will be set to ‘French’.