Document Order Total Amount

A sum of the total amounts from all the order items on the Document Order.

Data Format Decimal

The value of this data element is calculated by the system based on the Total Amount from all Document Order Items.

Total Amount may also refer to:

Business Object References

This data element is used in the following business objects:

Validation Rule References

This data element is used in the following validation rules:

Functional References

User Interface Guidelines

Unless otherwise specified, this data element should adhere to the guidelines below.

Data Format Guidelines

When this data element is presented, it should be formatted using dollars and cents - $#.##

Read Only Field

When this data element is displayed it should adhere to the following guidelines:

Field Name Total Cost
Null Values Blank
Hint Text None
Security Requirements None

Editable Field

As this field is calculated by the system, it cannot be editted by a user.

Data Grid Column

This data element is not displayed in any data grids.