No Higher Order Credential (Advanced High School Diploma with Excellence)

Credential Requirement Details

No Higher Order or Equivalent CredentialThe student has not previously been awarded a credential of a higher order or that is equivalent to the Advanced High School Diploma with Excellence credential.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
The student does not have a higher order or equivalent credential with a status of “awarded”.
See the PASI Awarding Credential Overview
The student has not previously been awarded a higher order or equivalent credential.Une attestation de niveau supérieur ou équivalent n’a jamais été attribuée à l’éléve.
Not Achieved
The student does have a higher order or equivalent credential with a status of “awarded”.
Student has been awarded {Credential Name}.

The Credential Name should be the highest credential (from the hierarchy) or the awarded equivalent credential that satisfies this situation.
L’attestation {credentialName} a été attribuée à l’élève.

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

Only the system can set the achievement of this requirement.

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable

Credential Requirement Exemption Management