View Credential Requirement

This page displays the details for a single Student Credential Requirement and has two tabs available to the user:

The screen presents the data using the PASIprep View Item Template.

Secured By

To access this screen the user must:

If the user does not meet above security requirements, an unexpected error will be displayed as per PASIprep Error Page Template.

Common Student Elements

Identifier Subtitle As described in the Page Title Header guideline.
Student Status Badges See Student Status Badges for full details on the status badges that can be displayed on a student record.

Action Menu Options

The following options are available in the Action Menu option area where the user has PASIprep Level 02 Permission - Modify Student permissions:

ActionDescriptionSecurity Requirements
Edit Achievement

* Where the user has selected a record from the list of credential requirements, this will launch the Edit Credential Requirement Achievement page for the selected record.

  • Where the user has selected a record from the list of credential requirements that they cannot edit the achievement for, a dialog with a title of “Invalid Action” and a message of “The achievement information for the selected requirement cannot be edited.” Is displayed to the user.

Available as per the data_access_rules.

Only available for Student Credential Requirement where the user is able to manually manage the achievement(as restricted by Is System Updateable) for the student.

Edit Exemption

Where the user has selected a record from the list of credential requirements, this will launch the Edit Credential Requirement Exemption page for the selected record.

  • Where the user has selected a record from the list of credential requirements that they cannot edit the exemption information for, a dialog with a title of “Invalid Action” and a message of “The exemption information for the selected requirement cannot be edited.” Is displayed to the user.

Available as per the data_access_rules.

Only available for requirements where the user is able to request or approve at least one exemption reason associated to the requirement.

Note: Navigation occurs in alignment with the UI Navigation Guidelines

Details Tab

The Details tab displays the Student Credential Requirement Information in the View Credential Requirement page.

View Credential Requirement Details - Data Fields

Section HeaderDataDescription
N/AAlberta Student NumberThis is the ASN associated to the Student Identity record.
Links to View Student - Summary Tab for the ASN.
N/ARequirementDisplays the short description for the requirement, as defined on the Credential Requirement code value.
N/AAchievement MessageDisplays the Achievement Message for the requirement and student.
N/ARequirement Set Trigger?Where Is Assessment Trigger = 1 or True, to display a “Yes”, otherwise display “No”.
N/ADescriptionDisplays the long description for the requirement, as defined on the code value.
Achievement InformationRequirement Achievement StatusDisplays the requirement Achievement Status for the requirement and student.
Exemption InformationExemption ReasonDisplays the Exemption Reason for the Student Credential Requirement.
Exemption InformationExemption StatusDisplays the Exemption Status for the Student Credential Requirement.
Exemption InformationExemption DetailsDisplays the Exemption Details for the Student Credential Requirement.

Remove Exemption Function

Where a credential requirement exemption exists on the credential requirement, a “Remove” function is available to the right of the “Exemption Information” section heading. Where the user selects the “Remove” action, this initiate the Clear Credential Requirement Exemption dialog which allows the user to confirm to remove the record, or not.

The “Remove” action is available where the user meets the data_access_rules.

Clear Credential Requirement Exemption Dialog


This function is only available where the user meets requirements outlined in either the Requesting Credential Requirement Exemption or Approving Credential Requirement Exemption data access rules.

  • The user has the appropriate permissions to request or approve at least one exemption reason for the credential requirement (Note: the ability to request or approve an exemption is defined per exemption reason)

If the security requirements are not met, user will be denied access and will see an unexpected error instead, as defined in the PASIprep 2.0 UI Guidelines.

Dialog Content

Where the user has selected the “Clear” action next to the Exemption information heading, a dialog is displayed allowing the user to confirm that they would like to remove/delete/clear the student’s credential requirement exemption record. This dialog aligns with the Dialog Guidelines and the Language/Writing Guide.

  • Where the user selects Yes, they are returned to the refreshed View Credential Requirement screen, displaying no credential requirement exemption.
  • Where the user selects No, they are returned to the View Credential Requirement screen with no changes saved.

Audit History Tab

This section contains an PASIprep Audit History Grid which lists all Student Credential Requirement Audit Event records for the specific Student Credential Requirement record being viewed.

Data Fields

Two grids are available for the audit history of a Credential Requirement. Access to this grid only available if the user has one of the following associations to the student:

Exemption Audit History

All columns are visible by default. Columns related to Update information are also included as described in PASIprep Audit History Grid. A record is included for each revision of the record and are sorted by Updated On descending.

Updated OnDisplayed as per PASIprep Audit History Grid
Exemption StatusThe exemption status for the record at the time of the update.
Exemption ReasonThe exemption reason for the record at the time of the update.
Deleted?The IsDeleted indicator for the record at the time of the update. Where IsDeleted = 1, “Yes” is displayed and otherwise “No” is displayed.
Updated ByDisplays the Audit User Name of the user triggered the update to the record.
Updated By OrganizationThe organization of the user who triggered the update to the record.

Manually Set Achievement Audit History

All columns are visible by default. Columns related to Update information are also included as described in PASIprep Audit History Grid. A record is included for each revision of the record and are sorted by Updated On descending.

Updated OnThe date the record was updated on. Displayed as per PASIprep Audit History Grid
Achievement StatusThe Achievement status for the requirement at the time of the update.
Updated By Displays the Audit User Name of the user triggered the update to the record.
Updated By OrganizationThe organization of the user who triggered the update to the record.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics should be implemented as per the PASIprep Analytics Guidelines with page views tracked.