StudentConnectionInfo ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
Information of Connection between Education Account and Student.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V2017
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class StudentConnectionInfo

The StudentConnectionInfo type exposes the following members.


Public methodStudentConnectionInfo

Public propertyActivatedOnUtc
The UTC time the Education Account Connection was activated.
Public propertyConnectionExpiresOn
The Date that the student connection will expire on.
Public propertyConnectionRequestedOnUtc
(Required) The UTC time the Education Account Connection was requested to be set up.
Public propertyConnectionRequestSentToEmailAddress
Email address that will be used to send the Education Account Connection request confirmation email.
Public propertyConnectionStatus
The status of the specific Education Account Connection.
Public propertyEducationAccountEmailAddress
(Required) The email address associated to the Education Account.
Public propertyEducationAccountIdentifier
(Required) The identifier used to reference Education Account on PAS (Public Authentication System).
Public propertyIndividualName
The name of the individual that is associated to the Education Account and Student Connection.
Public propertyIsDeleted
Flag that indicate if a Education Account Connection is deleted.
Public propertyLastAccessDate
The date the Education Account Connection was last accessed
Public propertyOtherRelationShipToStudent
If relationship to student is specified as "Other", enter the relationship text here.
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) Version of the Education Account Connection record.
Public propertyRefId
(Required) The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) used to reference the Education Account Connection record.
Public propertyRelationshipToStudent
Predefined relationship of the individual to the student.
Public propertyRequestExpiryDate
The date the Education Account Connection request is expired.
Public propertyStateProvinceId
(Required) The primary StateProvinceId for the student, otherwise known as the Alberta Student Number (ASN).
Public propertyStudentBirthDate
(Required) The student birthdate.
Public propertyStudentLegalName
(Required) The legal name of the Student.
Public propertyStudentPreferredName
(Required) The preferred name of the Student.
Public propertySuspendedOnUtc
The UTC time the Education Account Connection was suspended.
Public propertyTermsAndConditionsAcceptedOnUtc
The UTC time the Terms and Condition of the site usage was accepted by user.
See Also
