MatchedStudent ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
Describes a student that was found by the Identify Student service
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V2017
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class MatchedStudent

The MatchedStudent type exposes the following members.


Public methodMatchedStudent

Public propertyAddresses
A list of addresses for the student. This list only includes mailing addresses.
Public propertyCurrentIdentity
The student's identity record used to establish their legal name and birth date
Public propertyHasDisclosureRestriction
The student has a disclosure restriction, if one or more disclosure restrictions are active not considering the effective or expiry date of the record
Public propertyIsDeactivated
True if the StateProvinceId has been deactivated
Public propertyIsDeceased
True if the student is deceased
Public propertyPreferredNameRefId
The unique identifier for the name the person prefers to be called. This can be an alias or the student's identity.
Public propertyPrimaryStateProvinceId
The primary StateProvinceId this student profile is linked to
Public propertyRank
The probability of this match
Public propertySchoolEnrolments
The last two school enrolments for the student
Public propertySecondaryStateProvinceIds
A list of secondary StateProvinceIds linked to this student profile
Public propertyStateProvinceId
The primary StateProvinceId for the student, otherwise known as the Alberta Student Number (ASN)
Public propertyStudentNames
A list of names for the student
See Also
