HomeEducationNotification ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
Contains the information needed to create a notification for home education
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.System
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class HomeEducationNotification

The HomeEducationNotification type exposes the following members.


Public methodHomeEducationNotification

Public propertyBirthDate
(Required) The date the student was born
Public propertyConfirmedAsn
The Alberta Student Number (ASN) that has been confirmed
Public propertyDeclaration
(Required) The declaration part of the notification
Public propertyEducationAccountIdentifier
(Required) The identifier of the PED Education Account this notification was submitted through
Public propertyGender
(Required) The gender of the student
Public propertyHomeNumber
The home phone number of the student
Public propertyIsCanadianCitizen
(Required) True if the student is a Canadian citizen
Public propertyIsParentMailingAddressSameAsStudent
(Required) True if the parent's address is the same as the student's address
Public propertyLegalName
(Required) The legal name of the student
Public propertyMailingAddress
(Required) The mailing address of the student
Public propertyMobileNumber
The mobile phone number of the student
Public propertyMyPassConnectionId
The identifier of the myPass connection this notification was submitted through if applicable
Public propertyParentEmailAddress
The email address of the parent
Public propertyParentHomeNumber
The home number of the parent
Public propertyParentMailingAddress
(Required) The mailing address of the parent
Public propertyParentMobileNumber
The mobile number of the parent
Public propertyParentName
(Required) The name of the parent
Public propertyParentSignature
(Required) The text signature of the parent
Public propertyParentWorkExtension
The extension of the work number of the parent
Public propertyParentWorkNumber
The work number of the parent
Public propertyPreferredName
The preferred name of the student
Public propertyProvidedAsn
The provided (unconfirmed) Alberta Student Number (ASN) of the student
Public propertyRefId
(Required) A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) for the home education notification record
Public propertyRelationshipType
(Required) The parent's relationship to the student
Public propertyResidentSchoolBoard
(Required) The public or separate school authority of the student
Public propertySchoolYear
(Required) The school year this notification is for
See Also
