CreateConnectionUsingEmailAddressRequestOtherRelationshiptoStudent Property Provincial Approach to Student Information API
If "Other" is specified in "Relationship to Student" then this field is required to describe that relationship. This property is required when the relationship type is set to "other".

Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V201507
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public string OtherRelationshiptoStudent { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: String

Field Validation

  • Value must be no more than 50 characters.
  • Value must not have control characters, leading, trailing or multiple embedded spaces. Content must not match regular expression: ^\s|\s{2,}|\s$|[\x00-\x19]|[\x7F-\x9F]|[^\x00-\xFF].
See Also
