SubmitDocumentTypeRequest ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
Contract to add or update a document type
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.System
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class SubmitDocumentTypeRequest : RequestBase

The SubmitDocumentTypeRequest type exposes the following members.


Public methodSubmitDocumentTypeRequest

Public propertyAvailableForBatchWithoutWaybill
Public propertyCallerInfo
(Required) Information about the Caller
(Inherited from RequestBase.)
Public propertyCanHaveMultipleRelevant
(Required) True when a student can have multiple documents of this type that are flagged as being relevant
Public propertyDocumentCategoryIds
(Required) Identifies the categories that describe this document type
Public propertyDocumentDescription
(Required) A description of this document type
Public propertyDocumentDisposalAction
(Required) The action taken on the document when the retention period ends
Public propertyDocumentName
(Required) The name of this document type
Public propertyDocumentType
(Required) The business key for document type
Public propertyDocumentTypeId
(Required) The unique identifier for this document type.
Public propertyEffectiveEndDate
The last date that documents can be uploaded or edited for this document type
Public propertyEffectiveStartDate
(Required) The date that documents can be uploaded for this document type
Public propertyIsOrganizationBound
(Required) True if documents of this type are bound to the organization that added it
Public propertyIsRestrictedToMinistry
(Required) True when documents of this type are only accessible to Ministry representatives
Public propertyIsSchoolYearBound
(Required) True when documents of this document type are tied to a specific school year
Public propertyMaximumImageFileSize
(Required) The maximum image size for an associated document of this document type
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) Version of the Document Type
Public propertyQualityAssuranceRatio
The percentage of documents of this type that will be targeted for quality assurance
Public propertyRequiresDocumentDate
(Required) True when documents of this type require a document date
Public propertyRequiresDocumentExpiryDate
(Required) True when documents of this type require an expiry date
Public propertyRetentionPeriod
(Required) Indicates the length of time the document needs to be kept active
Public propertyRetentionSchedule
(Required) The retention policy for documents of this document type
Public propertySecurityClassification
(Required) Identifies the minimum security level rquired for documents of this type
Public propertySourceDocumentQuality
Indicates Source Document Quality
See Also
