AcademicCourseEnrolmentInfo ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
A Course Enrolment represents a student enrolment in a specific Course being offered in a school Section.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V2017
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class AcademicCourseEnrolmentInfo

The AcademicCourseEnrolmentInfo type exposes the following members.


Public methodAcademicCourseEnrolmentInfo

Public propertyCourseCode
(Required) Identifies the Course in which the student is enrolled.
Public propertyCourseEnrolmentMark
The mark associated with the Course Enrolment.
Public propertyCourseEnrolmentStatus
(Required) A code value indicating the status of a Course Enrolment.
Public propertyCreditsAttempted
(Required) The number of Credit the student attempted.
Public propertyEffectiveUtc
The time a record become effective.
Public propertyEntryDate
The first date the student receives instruction during the section.
Public propertyExitDate
The last date the student receives instruction during the section.
Public propertyInstructionalMinutesReceived
The number of minutes on instruction that a student received when taking a course in specific Section.
Public propertyIsDeleted
(Required) Identifies that the record has been deleted and should no longer be used.
Public propertyIsDualEnrolment
Used to indicate whether or not a completed course qualifies for an external credential.
Public propertyIsFundingRequested
Indicates that funding is being requested by the organization submitting the Section Course Enrolment.
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) The PASI version of this object. This is used for updating the object. Set to zero when creating a new object.
Public propertyProviderNumber
The Post Secondary Institution that is affiliated with the Dual credit. This is required if the dual credit field is set to true.
Public propertyRefId
(Required) A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) used to reference the Course Enrolment record.
Public propertySection
(Required) Identifies the Section in which the student is enrolled.
Public propertyStateProvinceId
(Required) Identifies the associated Student.
Public propertyStudentSchoolEnrolmentRefId
Identifies the associated Student School Enrolment record.
See Also
