DiplomaExamRescoreRequest ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
This is the contract to submit a diploma rescore request
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.System
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class DiplomaExamRescoreRequest : RequestBase

The DiplomaExamRescoreRequest type exposes the following members.


Public methodDiplomaExamRescoreRequest

Public propertyAmountCollected
(Required) The total amount collected for the exam rescore
Public propertyBillingInformationId
(Required) The id of the billing information associated to the request
Public propertyCallerInfo
(Required) Information about the Caller
(Inherited from RequestBase.)
Public propertyConsent
(Required) The type of consent the student got for the request
Public propertyEducationAccountIdentifier
(Required) The identifier for the education account on PAS (Public Authentication System)
Public propertyEducationAccountOrganization
A reference to the organization that the Education Account is tied to
Public propertyEligibleForRefund
(Required) Indicates whether the student can obtain a refund
Public propertyFeeAmount
(Required) The fee for the exam rescore
Public propertyGstDue
(Required) The GST due for the exam rescore
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) This is the PASI version of this record
Public propertyPaymentMethod
The method used to pay
Public propertyPaymentStatus
(Required) The status of the payment for the request
Public propertyPaymentTransactionId
The ID to reference the transaction that was used to collect payment for the request. This field is required if the request method is Online.
Public propertyRefId
(Required) The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) for the rescore request. This is also the identifier for the exam mark.
Public propertyRequestMethod
(Required) The method used to submit the request
Public propertyRequestorName
(Required) The name of the person who initiated the request. Note that this could be different than the user who created the request, in scenarios where a user is creating the request on behalf of someone else.
Public propertyRequestStatus
(Required) The status of the request
See Also
