100 Credits (General/Advanced High School Diploma)

This is a Credential Requirement implemented as code value 100Credits-81653 (Credential Requirement).

For this requirement there are two potential message formats with each potentially resulting in an Achieved or Not Achieved status.

Credential Requirement Details

100 CreditsThe student has 100 or more awarded credits.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message

Has Adult Education Credits

The credits awarded for adult education must be subtracted from the student’s total number of credits. e.g. If the student had a total of 100 credits and the credits awarded for adult education was 5, then the student’s total credits would have been 100 – 5 = 95. In this scenario the student would not have met the “100 Credits.” requirement. The following are adult education course codes:

{Total Credits} credits awarded, {Total Credits – Adult Education Credits} credits accepted. {Adult Education Credits} Adult Education credits excluded since they only apply to High School Equivalency Diploma Alternative 1.{totalCredits} crédits attribués, {acceptedCredits} crédits acceptés. {adultEducationCredits} crédits en éducation permanente exclus puisqu’ils ne s’appliquent qu’à la première façon possible d’obtenir un Diplôme d’équivalence d’études secondaires
Does not have Adult Education Credits{Total Credits} credits awarded{totalCredits} crédits attribués
If the student still has 100 or more credits (even after subtracting adult education from their total credits), the student has met the 100 credits requirement.
[Display one of the above messages][Display one of the above messages]
Not Achieved
The student has less than 100 total credits.
[Display one of the above messages][Display one of the above messages]

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

Only the system can set the achievement of this requirement.

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable

Credential Requirement Exemption Management

  • SpecialCases - 82220