APAS Client User

Short NameAPASClientUser
DescriptionUsed to determine if the client is an APAS client.

This role is not used to secure services. It is used in processing/generation of PESC messages to determine if the recipient institution is part of APAS or not. All PESC clients will have the security role PESC Transcript User. The APAS client also has this security role to help PASI know which of the PESC clients is the APAS client. It will be the one that has both roles.

There must be one and only one APAS client defined. The reason for this is the automated process that inserts new APAS institutions (and potentially updates existing institutions) in the Transcript Recipient table needs to know the client ID that is used for APAS. When creating the high school transcript the system also needs to know if the client is an APAS client or not.

Note: Only the client for APAS Core will be given this role.

The following PASI Services are secured by this PASI Client System Role

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