Cannot Achieve Other High School Credentials (Certificate of School Completion)

Credential Requirement Details

Cannot Achieve Other High School CredentialsDue to significant cognitive disabilities, this student is not able to achieve any other Alberta high school credentials.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
The ‘CannotAchieveOtherHSCredential’ credential requirement is manually set to achieved
The student is not expected to be able to achieve any other high school credentialIl est attendu que l’élève ne soit capable de se faire attribuer aucune autre attestation d’études secondaires
Not Achieved
The ‘CannotAchieveOtherHSCredential’ credential requirement is NOT manually set to achieved
The student may be able to achieve another high school credentialL’élève pourrait se faire attribuer une autre attestation d’études secondaires

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable
Submit Transcript User18A, 18B, 18CNo

Credential Requirement Exemption Management

The credential requirement can be exempted for the following reasons: