
The formatting of dates largely depends on whether or not the date is being presented interally or externally and the language being used.

External Formatting

When a date is presented externally (e.g. in myPass) the format of a date is dependent on the language being presented, but should always be displayed on a single line; the date cannot be separated onto multiple lines. This includes any prefixes considered to be part of the date (i.e. ‘le’).

English Formatting

When presented in English, the preferred format for a date is:

mmmm dd, YYYY

If space is an issue (or the date is being presented next to a label, the date should be formatted as:


Note: The Month (MMM) is in all uppercase

French Formatting

When presented in French, the preferred format for a date is:

d mmmmm yyyy


Formatting Rule Correct Formatting Incorrect Formatting
Months are always displayed in the long format and are always displayed in all lowercases 6 octobre 2014

6 Octobre 2014
6 oct 2014

For the 1st day of the month, a superscript er should appear after the number 1 1ᵉʳ octobre 2014

1 octobre 2014
1er octobre 2014

Single digit days should not be padded 6 octobre 2014 06 octobre 2014


  • When presented by itself, the date value should always follow a 'le'. This includes:
    • When presenting a date in a separate column from the field label
    • When presenting a column of dates where the column heading is the label
    • When presenting a date on a line of text by itself.

  • When a date is presented with other text, the 'le' (if required) will be incorporated appropriately into the text

Internal Formatting

When a date is presented internally (e.g. in PASIprep) the date should be formatted as: