Diploma Exam Reminders Processor

The processor will generate and send messages/notifications to the relevant user(s) for the diploma exam session. The student will receive email notifications (if they’ve opted to receive “Diploma Exam” notifications) and the message with the details of the exam will be sent to the student’s message inbox in myPass.

To provide context on the intended process, the students who are registered for a diploma exam will receive a diploma exam reminder message and notification 7 1) days prior to the diploma exam scheduled writing date and then if any updates to their registrations (including updates or new registrations) occur after those reminders have gone out, the students will receive the 'new' or 'update' message and notifications until they write the exam.

Note: Diploma Exam messages are not sent between 10 pm and 8 am.

Information Consumed

Uses the following information to do its processing:

Processing Rules

The processor will run based on the frequency defined in the configuration. When running the processor will examine students that meet the conditions to send one of the following messages:

Diploma Exam Registration Reminder Message

The business processing logic is as follows:

  • Verify the Message Template is active (Is Active field).
  • For each Exam Sitting with exactly {DiplomaExamNotificationPeriodInDays} days from the scheduled date/time:
    • Identify all students with a not deleted diploma exam registration record with a status of Registered that is associated to the upcoming diploma exam sitting
    • Exclude any students that do not have an active myPass Self connection
    • Exclude any students that have already received any reminder messages for the same registration - regardless of what sitting is attached

Each identified student/user should receive a Diploma Exam Registration Reminder Message

Diploma Exam Registration Update Message

The business processing logic is as follows:

  • Verify the Message Template is active (Is Active field).
  • For each Exam Sitting with a scheduled date/time within the next {DiplomaExamNotificationPeriodInDays} days (excluding those within the next 12 hours):

Step 1 – Exam Registration Updates.

  • Identify all students with:
  • a non deleted diploma exam registration record with a status of “Registered” that is associated with the upcoming diploma exam sitting where the diploma exam registration has been updated to point to a different exam sitting, within the 7 days before Exam Sitting scheduled date/time, or
    • a deleted diploma exam registration that has been undeleted within the {DiplomaExamNotificationPeriodInDays} days before the Exam Sitting scheduled date/time
  • Exclude any students that do not have an active myPass Self connection
  • Exclude any students that have already received an update message (for this registration) since the last update occurred.

Step 2 – Exam Sitting Updates

  • Identify all Diploma Exam Sittings that have had either the Location Name or Special Sitting Date/Time updated within the {DiplomaExamNotificationPeriodInDays} days before the Exam Sitting
  • Identify all students with a not deleted diploma exam registration record with a status of Registered that is associated to the upcoming diploma exam sitting
  • Exclude any students that do not have an active myPass Self connection
  • Exclude any students that have already received an update message for the latest diploma exam registration update.

Each identified student/user (via Step 1 or 2) should receive one Diploma Exam Registration Update Message.

New Diploma Exam Registration Message

The business processing logic is as follows:

  • Verify the Message Template is active (Is Active field).
  • For each Exam Sitting with a scheduled date/time within the next {DiplomaExamNotificationPeriodInDays} days (excluding those within the next 12 hours):
    • Identify all students with a not deleted diploma exam registration record with a status of Registered that is associated to the upcoming diploma exam sitting, that was created within {DiplomaExamNotificationPeriodInDays} days of the Exam Sitting scheduled date/time
    • Exclude any students that do not have an active myPass Self connection
    • Exclude any students that have already received the new registration message for this diploma exam registration

Each identified student/user should receive a New Diploma Exam Registration Message and a notification, if they’ve opted to receive “diploma exam” notifications.


The processor can be configured using the following:

Configurable Item Description
DiplomaExamNotificationsEnabled Used to enable or disable the entire processor.
DiplomaExamNotificationPeriodInDays Used to determine:
- Days away that a reminder notification is sent
- Days within that change/new registration notifications are sent
StopDiplomaExamNotificationsBeforeExamPeriodInHours Specifies the number of hours before a scheduled exam date to stop sending notifications for that exam.
DiplomaExamNotificationsFrequencyInMinutes How often the processor runs.
local date