Edit Letter Template

This screen is used to update the editable attributes of a Letter Template in both English and French.

Secured By

The following PASIprep Permissions are required to access this screen:

Actions Toolbox


Clicking [Save] performs the following:

  • Validate data is entered correctly (all required fields entered, values are in proper format, etc.)
  • Creates the new body content of the letter.


Clicking [Cancel] closes the “edit” screen and returns the user to the screen as per PASIprep UI Guidelines.

Edit Message Template

Data Fields

The following information is available in this section of the screen (*denotes editable fields):

Field NameDescription
Letter TitleDisplays the title/name of the letter
Letter Content English* Displays the current body of the letter inEnglish.
Letter Content French*Displays the current body of the letter inFrench, when applicable.

Letter Markup Dialogue Box

The letter markup dialogue box can be accessed by selecting the info icon. The dialogue displays formatting options and parameters that can be used within letter templates.

Validation Rules

The following rules are used to validate the parameters within the message template:

Informational Message

The following informational message is always present at the top of this screen:

Updates to letter content must be approved by Communications before entering.