GED Test Centre Creation

Alberta Education must approve a writing centre before it is able to offer the General Education Development Exam to Alberta Students. The following outlines the process around the application process from an Assessment perspective.


Primary Scenario - GED Test Center Creation

The process begins when a Writing Centre applies to become an approved GED Exam Provider in Alberta.

  1. Writing Centre seeking approval makes official request to Assessment.
  2. Assessment approves application
  3. Assessment sends the Writing Center information to contact GED/PearsonVue and request a Test Centre ID. This is the identifier that will be used to represent the Test Centre in the GED Exam Mark XML File.
  4. Writing Centre gets a Test Centre ID and sends it to Assessment.
  5. Assessment receives the Test Centre ID and fills out the email table with the Test Centre details.
  6. Assessment sends this information to Student Records.
  7. Student Records notifies the SADS Coordinator to set up the Writing Centre in PED.
  8. Student Records then updates the PASI mapping screen with the PED Organization Code and the Test Centre ID.

The process ends when the PED Organization is mapped to the Test Centre ID in the PASI List GED Writing Centres screen.

If needed Student Records can grant users at the GED Writing Centre access to PASI data using the GED roles.

Alternate Scenario 2 - Modification to Test Center

The Alternate Scenario is invoked when a Writing Centre’s organization code changes or the Writing Centre’s agreement to provide GED Exams in Alberta expires.

  1. Assessment requests the update/termination of a Writing Centre’s GED Exam privileges to Student Records.
  2. Student Records receives information and updates the PASI mapping table to set the Expiry Date for the Writing Center.

The scenario ends with the modification of the mapping file.

Student Records will complete a review of the PASIprep users for the Organization to remove their PASIprep access.