Has Alberta School Mark (Alberta High School Diploma)

Credential Requirement Details

Has Alberta School MarkAt least 5 credits in eligible courses through an Alberta accredited institution are required.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message


The student has been awarded a total minimum of five credits through an Alberta school enrolment, as seen through Official Marks, where the marks meet the following (Inclusive) criteria:

  1. Intended Grade Level = “12” AND
  2. either:
    1. Subject is “cts” or “cta” or 'ctd“ OR
    2. Evaluation Method is not “SPE”
  3. Excludes the following courses1):
    • AEC9994
    • AEC9995
    • AEC9996
    • AEC9997
    • PED3445
    • UCR9998
  4. The sum of awarded credit as defined above must be greater than 4.

NOTE: If the supporting mark is an Evaluated mark, the Evaluation Method must be one of:

  • Course Challenge (Evaluation Method = CHA)
  • Junior High (Evaluation method =JRH).
The student has been awarded {total credits} credits through work completed in Alberta for 30 level course(s).L’élève a obtenu {credits} crédits en effectuant en Alberta les travaux d’au moins un cours de niveau 30.
Not Achieved
Non Achievement occurs if the above definition is not met.
The student has not been awarded at least five credits through work completed in Alberta for 30 level course(s).L’élève n’a pas obtenu au moins 5 crédits en effectuant en Alberta les travaux d’au moins un cours de niveau 30.

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable

Credential Requirement Exemption Management