Has Senior High Year (Alberta High School Diploma)

Credential Requirement Details

Has Senior High YearThe student has an Official Mark and a senior high school enrolment.

Credential Requirement Achievement

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
Student has at least one Official Mark. The student does not need to have received credit in the Official Mark, e.g. if the student failed all their courses in Grade 10 they are still considered to have had a senior high year.
The student has a senior high year.L’élève a une année au secondaire deuxième cycle.
Not Achieved
The student does not have any Official Marks.
The student does not have a senior high school year.L’élève n’a pas d’année au secondaire deuxième cycle.

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

Only the system can set the achievement of this requirement.

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable

Credential Requirement Exemption Management