IPP Goals And Objectives (Certificate of School Completion)

Credential Requirement Details

Worked Towards IPP Goals And ObjectivesThis student has worked towards goals and objectives of an Individualized Program Plan that is consistent with AB Education requirements.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
The ‘IPPGoalsAndObjectives’ credential requirement is manually set to achieved.
The student has worked toward goals and objectives in an IPP that is consistent with Alberta Education requirementsL’élève a travaillé pour atteindre les buts et les objectifs d’un PIP aligné sur les exigences d’Alberta Education
Not Achieved
’IPPGoalsAndObjectives’ credential requirement is not manually set to achieved.
The student has not worked toward goals and objectives in an IPP that is consistent with Alberta Education requirementsL’élève n’a pas travaillé pour atteindre les buts et les objectifs d’un PIP aligné sur les exigences d’Alberta Education

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable
Submit Transcript User18A, 18B, 18CNo

Credential Requirement Exemption Management

The credential requirement can be exempted for the following reasons: