Is KAE Student (Certificate of High School Achievement)

The student is a Knowledge and Employability Student. This is a Credential Requirement implemented as code value IsKAEStudent-81475 (Credential Requirement).

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message


The student has one of:
A) An Official Mark with credit awarded for at least one academic KAE course

Implemented to consider courses with a:

B) A recent Knowledge and Employability school enrolment, meaning:

{Total Credits} credits awarded.{credits} crédits attribués


The student has a School Enrolment in the last 12 months that has a 710 GPC code.

Student is enrolled as a Knowledge and Employability Student at {OrganizationName} ({OrgCode}) in the {Last710EnrolmentYear} school year.L’élève est inscrit comme élève des cours Connaissances et employabilité à {orgName} ({orgCode}) ipendant l’année scolaire {schoolYear}.


The student has an active School Enrolment with a 710 GPC code.

Student is enrolled as a Knowledge and Employability Student at {OrganizationName} ({OrgCode}).L’élève est inscrit comme élève des cours Connaissances et employabilité à {orgName} ({orgCode}) ipendant l’année scolaire {schoolYear}.

Not Achieved

The student does not have any KAE course enrolments, is not actively enrolled with a 710 GPC, and has not had a School Enrolment in the last 12 months that has a 710 GPC code.

This student is not a Knowledge and Employability Student.L’élève n’est pas un élève des cours Connaissances et employabilité.

Achievement Criteria – Additional Details

  • In the above achievement criteria school enrolments that have a registration status of “Cancelled” or “Created in Error” is ignored.
  • If the student has more than one school enrolment with the 710 GPC, then use the School enrolment with the most recent Exit date (Use the derived exit date if the exit date is not populated). This will determine the following attributes to display for the Achievement message.
    • {Last710EnrolmentYear}
    • {OrganizationName} tied to the {Last710Enrolmentyear)
    • {OrgCode} tied to the {Last710Enrolmentyear)
  • If the Student has met both the KAE requirement and the 710 GPC requirement, then the following Achievement message hierarchy is applicable (Note: only the highest hierarchy Achievement message is returned):
    • KAE course achievement message
    • 710 GPC requirement achievement message
  • The 710 School Enrolment Achievement Criteria is met:
    • When the student has an Active enrolment, or
    • When the Exit date ((Use the derived exit date if the exit date is not populated).on this 710 School enrolment is within the 12 months of the date that the Student was last assessed (i.e. Last Calculation date).

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

Only the system can set the achievement of this requirement.

Credential Requirement Exemption Management