Last Enrolled Post 2016 (Certificate of School Completion)

Credential Requirement Details

Last school enrolment after 2016The student’s latest school enrolment was during or after the 2016/2017 school year.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
The student’s latest school enrolment has a school year that is 2017 or more.
The school year of the student’s latest school enrolment was {Student School Enrolment School Year}.L’année scolaire de la dernière inscription scolaire de l’élève est {schoolYear}
Not Achieved
The student’s latest school enrolment has a school year that was 2016 or less.
The school year of the student’s latest school enrolment was {Student School Enrolment School Year}.L’année scolaire de la dernière inscription scolaire de l’élève est {schoolYear}
Not Achieved
The student does not have any school enrolments.
The student does not have any school enrolments.L’élève n’a pas d’inscriptions scolaires.

Note: In the above achievement criteria school enrolments that have a registration status of “Cancelled” or “Created in Error” should be ignored. If the student has more than one student school enrolment in a given school year, use the school year from the student school enrolment that was most recently updated.

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

Only the system can set the achievement of this requirement.

Credential Requirement Exemption Management