Manually Assessed (Certificate of High School Achievement)

Credential Requirement Details

Manually Assessed The student achievements have been manually assessed and meet the requirements of the Certificate of High School Achievement prior to 2010.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
Set by a user.
The student’s achievements have been manually assessed and determined to meet the requirements for the Certificate of High School Achievement.Une évaluation manuelle du dossier de l’élève a permis de déterminer que les réalisations de l’élève répondent aux exigences du certificat de réussite d’études secondaires.
Not Achieved
Set by a user.

If a user has not set the requirement, PASI will assume the requirement is Not Achieved.
The student’s achievements have not been manually assessed or have been assessed and determined to not meet the requirements for the Certificate of High School Achievement. Une évaluation manuelle du dossier de l’élève n’a pas été faite, ou une telle évaluation a permis de déterminer que les réalisations de l’élève ne répondent pas aux exigences du certificat de réussite d’études secondaires.

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable
PASI System User18BYes

Credential Requirement Exemption Management