Mature Student Status

Mature student status is granted effective September 1 for the subsequent school year. All the necessary criteria are to be satisfied prior to September 1.

  • 19 years of age or older, or
  • the holder of a previously awarded high school diploma from the province of Alberta, or an equivalent high school diploma from a jurisdiction acceptable to the Minister.

The date the student has achieved, or is expected to achieve, mature student status is persisted on the student personal information in the Maturity Date and Maturity Reason fields.

Privileges of Having Mature Status

The privileges afforded by the granting of mature student status are not applied retroactively to a student's completed course work on file with Alberta Education.

The application of mature student status is conditional upon the completion of new course work subsequent to September 1 of the school year in which the status become effective.

PASI's Interpretation

PASI will implement Mature Student Status as per the first bullet from the guide and the student has at least one of the following:

  • Has a CTS course enrolment with:
    • A status of “Incomplete”, and
    • A school year that matches or is after the school year in which the student’s mature status became effective.
  • Has course work with:
    • An approved mark and
    • A school year that matches or is after the school year in which the student’s mature status became effective.
  • Has written a diploma exam with a school year that matches or is after the school year in which the student’s mature status became effective. Only the exam mark records with the following status will be considered: Full Exemption, Partial Exemption, Regular Exam Mark, SpecialCase, and SplitWriting.