Course Marks Classification

Course Marks can be categorized into two classes: Course Work and Evaluations.


Course Work

Course Work qualifies as any mark record that stems from work completed in/for an Alberta Accredited Institution. Official Marks that are a product of Course Work are displayed in the ‘Course Work in an Alberta Accredited Institution’ section of an Alberta High School Transcript. The following Course Marks are considered Course Work:

Official Marks for Course Work have mark values that equal those of their source marks. Course Work Official Marks for Diploma Courses can have a blended mark value (Diploma Exam and School Mark).


Any mark record that is a product for work completed outside of a traditional Alberta High School is considered an Evaluation. Official Marks for Evaluations are displayed in the ‘Other Credits’ section of an Alberta High School Transcript. The following Course Marks are considered Evaluations:

  • Evaluated Marks with Evaluations Methods of:
    • Music
    • Private School
    • Alberta Awarded Mark
    • Waived Prerequisite
    • Special Case Evaluation
    • External Credential Pathway Credit
    • Exemption (Discontinued in Release 4.0)
    • Mature Prerequisite Credits1)
    • Out of Province
  • Calculation Methods:
    • Mature Prerequisite Credit
    • Retroactive Credit

Evaluation based Official Marks have mark values equal to ‘P’ if they receive credit and ‘F’ if they do not. Evaluations always ‘stand-alone’ and never blend with Exam Marks for Diploma Courses.

Course Mark Hierarchy

In general, official marks that are a product of course work are created and applied to a student’s record for a course when applicable. If no credit awarding course work can be calculated, a credit awarding evaluation may be assigned.

An exception to this rule exists in the case of music evaluations. Music evaluations are applied when they have a higher mark value than any course work for the same course.

When no credits can be allotted for a course the official mark calculator will attempt to apply an official mark based on failing (non-credit awarding) course work, withdrawn or incomplete marks, or a failing evaluation.


The process of applying Mature Prerequisite Credits via the MPC evaluation method is discontinued. However some existing MPC Evaluated Marks may remain in the system and should be classified as an “Evaluation” for purposed of placement on the Transcript.