Rule 10034 - Missing Document for GPC 622 or 623 and Citizenship Status 5

Initially implemented with Feature 11813, removed with Feature 12348

Rule Type Advice

this rule is removed

Validated Data

This Warning Rule is used to validate the Student Document Type of the Student Citizenship Document based on the value of Student Citizenship Status of a Student Citizenship record.


When an enrolment record contains a 622 (Grants Program Codes), or 623 (Grants Program Codes) and the student has a current citizenship status of 5 (Temporary Resident), the student must also have one of the following student documents that span the duration of the enrolment:

  • Canadian Study Permit (CANStdyPrmt)
  • Canadian Temporary Resident Visa (CANTempRes)
  • Canadian Work Permit (CANWrkPrmt)
  • Consulate Visa (ConsltVisa)

Additional Notes


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Missing Student Document. Enrolments with Grants Program Code 622 or 623 assigned to a student classified as a Temporary Resident (5) require that a valid Canadian Study Permit, Canadian Temporary Resident Visa, Canadian Work Permit, or Consulate Visa document be uploaded to the student record.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

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Change History

  • Release 9.07.07 - F12348 rule removed

Upcoming Changes