Rule 10124 - Invalid Classification for Resident Board

Rule Type Warning

Validated Data


When an enrolment record contains a Resident Board Value, the Resident Board identified should be for a valid school authority for the duration of the enrolment. The accepted School Authority Classifications are as follows:

  • Public School Division (2)
  • Public School District (3)
  • Public Regional Division (6)
  • Separate School District (7)
  • Separate Regional Division (8)

Effective Period

  • This rule is in effect starting in the 2016/2017 school year.

Additional Notes


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Invalid Resident Board. The Resident Board provided ({ResidentBoard}) is classified as a '{SchoolAuthorityClassification}'. Only school authorities classified as a Public or Separate school authority can be considered the student's Resident Board.


  • {ResidentBoard} means the Resident Board field value on the student school enrolment record
  • {SchoolAuthorityClassification} means the School Authority Classification field value for the School Authority

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 5.3 - Created
  • Release 6.02 - F5400 - Removed GPC 110 Check from the Logic

Upcoming Changes