Rule 3005 - Notification Type is Invalid

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate:

  • Notification Type
  • School Year


This rule checks that the notification type is valid. The format must be {synctype} or {synctype}.{schoolyear}.

  • The Notification Type must be a valid type (i.e. CourseEnrolment, EvaluatedMark, Student etc…).
  • The School Year must be a valid integer between 1905 and 2100.
  • If the Notification Type and School Year (if provided) are valid then the rule passes otherwise it fails.

This message should never be seen by an end user. It is related to the setup of calling the Is Data Available service operation and is returned as a Rule 3001 - Request Doesn't Match Schema exception.

Additional Notes

Notification type is now case sensitive so for example 'CourseEnrolment.2012' is correct but 'courseenrolment.2012' or 'courseEnrolment.2012' will result in a 3005 failure


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Invalid Type and/or School Year. The Type must be a valid Type and if a School Year is provided it must be between 1905 and 2100. ({SyncTypes})


  • {SyncTypes} is a list of the Notification Types and School Years that failed the rule.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 2.6 – Added/Updated