Rule 40317 - Inactive School Authority

Rule Name Inactive School Authority
Rule Type Warning

Validated Data


The school authority associated to the Evaluated Mark record must be active on the Evaluated Date provided.
The school authority may be associated directly to the Evaluated Mark record, or indirectly via the school:

  • If the record’s association is ‘indirect’ via the school, then this rule will find the School’s associated School Authority on the supplied Evaluation Date; and check that the School Authority was active on the Evaluation Date.
  • If the record’s association is ‘direct’ to the School Authority, then this rule will check that the School Authority is active on the Evaluation Date.

This rule does not apply if:

  • The Evaluated Mark record is not associated directly to a school or a school authority.
  • The School is not active.

Effective Starting School Year: 1978/1979

Additional Notes

Please note: When the Mark is associated to a School, the School and Authority association from the Search Criteria may not be the same association that existed for historical mark and as a result, is not the association that is tested by the rule. In these cases the rule will check the for the authority that was associated to the school at that point in time (on Eval Date) and verify that it was active.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

  • Invalid Evaluation Date. According to PASI, the authority associated to the Evaluated Mark ({AuthorityCode}) is not active on the Evaluation Date ({EvaluationDate}).


  • {Authority Code} means the code for the Authority associated to the evaluated mark record whether directly associated or indirectly associated via a School
  • {Evaluation Date} means the evaluated date for the evaluated mark record

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 2.4 – Added/Updated

Upcoming Changes