SectionInfo ClassProvincial Approach to Student Information API
A Section record.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PASI.DataContract.V201204
Assembly: PASI.DataContract (in PASI.DataContract.dll) Version: (

public class SectionInfo

The SectionInfo type exposes the following members.


Public methodSectionInfo

Public propertyCourseCodes
(Required) One or a list of unique identifier(s) for a course.
Public propertyCreditsOffered
(Required) Number of credits the student receives upon successful completion of the course(s).
Public propertyDeliverySchedule
(Required) A code value indicating the type of schedule used to deliver the course.
Public propertyDescription
(Required) Textual description provided for the section.
Public propertyEffectiveUtc
The time a record became effective. This is a PASI generated value, any value entered will be ignored.
Public propertyEndDate
The last date instruction for the section is provided.
Public propertyInstructionalLanguage
(Required) A code value indicating the language used when providing instruction for a Section.
Public propertyInstructionalMinutesOffered
The number of minutes of instruction being offered to a student who is enrolled in the Section.
Public propertyIsDeleted
(Required) Identifies that the record has been deleted and should no longer be used.
Public propertyLocalSectionId
A school or school authority's internal identifier for a Section.
Public propertyPASICoreVersion
(Required) The PASI version of this object. This is used for updating the object. Value is ignored when new.
Public propertyPrimaryDeliveryMethod
(Required) A code value indicating how the course(s) in a Section are delivered based on the presentation method of the largest component of instructional material.
Public propertyRefId
(Required) The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) used to reference a Section record.
Public propertySchoolCode
(Required) Identifies the school that is offering the identified section.
Public propertySchoolYear
(Required) The School Year associated to the Section.
Public propertySectionTerm
(Required) A code value indicating which term the Section is associated with.
Public propertyStartDate
The first date instruction for the section is provided.
See Also
