PASI.DataContract.V201204 NamespaceProvincial Approach to Student Information API

Public classCourseAuthorizationInfo
Defines the time frame that an organization is authorized to deliver a course.
Public classCourseCreditInfo
Defines the credit levels at which a course can be offered.
Public classCourseDescriptionInfo
A textual description of a course.
Public classCourseEnrolmentAuditRequest
Public classCourseEnrolmentMarkInfo
The mark associated with a Course Enrolment.
Public classCourseEnrolmentRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Course Enrolments using the GetCourseEnrolment service.
Public classCourseEnrolmentStatusRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Course Enrolment statuses using the GetCourseEnrolmentStatus service.
Public classCoursePrerequisiteInfo
Defines an association to a course that should or must be completed prior to taking another course.
Public classCourseRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Courses using the GetCourse service.
Public classCourseSequenceInfo
Defines the order in which a course should be taken in relation to the other courses within the same sequence.
Public classCtsCourseInfo
NOTE: CTS Cluster is shown in the current version of the standard but PASI does not provide this information.
Public classEntityKeyVersionInfo
This contract is used by the request data contracts to identify the PASI object.
Public classEntityRefIdVersionInfo
This contract is used by the request data contracts to identify the PASI object.
Public classEvaluatedMarkAuditInfo
A version of the given Evaluated Mark record and its audit information.
Public classEvaluatedMarkAuditRequest
This request of retrieve audit history outlining all the changes made to a particular Evaluated Mark record.
Public classEvaluatedMarkAuditResponse
This is the response from the GetEvaluatedMarkAuditEvents service.
Public classEvaluatedMarkInfo
A Evaluated Mark record.
Public classEvaluatedMarkRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Evaluated Marks using the GetEvaluatedMark service.
Public classEvaluatedMarkResponse
This contract contains information about an Evaluated Mark.
Public classEvaluatedMarkStatusInfo
This data contract contains information about the core alerts for an Evaluated Mark.
Public classEvaluatedMarkStatusRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Evaluated Mark statuses using the GetEvaluatedMarkStatus service.
Public classEvaluatedMarkStatusResponse
This contract contains information about the status of an Evaluated Mark.
Public classIdentifyStudentRequest
The request for the IdentifyStudent service.
Public classLocallyDevelopedAuthorizationInfo
Defines time frame a school is authorized to deliver a locally developed course.
Public classMarkApprovalInfo
This data contract represents a mark to change the approval status.
Public classSchoolAuthorityInformationRequest
This contract is used to get a list of School Authorities using the GetSchoolAuthorityInformation service.
Public classSchoolCalendarYearInformationRequest
This contract is used to get a list of School Calendar Years using the GetSchoolCalendarYearInformation service.
Public classSchoolCalendarYearInformationResponse
This contract contains information about a School Calendar Year.
Public classSchoolInformationRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Schools using the GetSchoolInformation service.
Public classSchoolInformationResponse
This contract contains information about a School.
Public classSectionAuditInfo
A version of the given Section record and its audit information.
Public classSectionAuditRequest
This request of retrieve audit history outlining all the changes made to a particular Section record.
Public classSectionAuditResponse
This is the response from the GetSectionAuditEvents service.
Public classSectionInfo
A Section record.
Public classSectionRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Sections using the GetSection service.
Public classSectionResponse
This contract contains information about a Section.
Public classSectionStatusInfo
This data contract contains information about the core alerts for a Section.
Public classSectionStatusRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Section statuses using the GetSectionStatus service.
Public classSectionStatusResponse
This contract contains information about the status of a Section.
Public classStatusKeyVersionInfo
This contract is used by the request data contracts to identify the PASI status object.
Public classStatusRefIdVersionInfo
This contract is used by the request data contracts to identify the PASI status object.
Public classStudentDisclosureRestrictionInfo
Restriction on Disclosure of Student Information
Public classStudentPersonalProfileRequest
This is the request data contract for getting a student's personal profile
Public classStudentRequest
This is the request data contract for getting a list of students
Public classStudentSchoolEnrolmentRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Student School Enrolments using the GetStudentSchoolEnrolment service.
Public classStudentSchoolEnrolmentStatusRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Student School Enrolment statuses using the GetStudentSchoolEnrolmentStatus service.
Public classStudentSchoolEnrolmentSummary
A summary of a student's registration at a school
Public classStudentStatusRequest
This contract is used to get a list of Student statuses using the GetStudentStatus service.
Public classSubmitEvaluatedMarkRequest
The request data contract used to add, update, delete or undelete an single Evaluated Marks or a list of Evaluated Marks.
Public classSubmitMarkApprovalRequest
This contract is used with the SubmitMarkApproval service. It will communicate all mark values to approve or unapprove
Public classSubmitSectionRequest
The request data contract used to add, update, delete or undelete an single Section or a list of Sections.
Public classSubmitStatusAcknowledgementRequest
Describes the data in a client request to acknowledge the current status of a Core Alert raised against a particular record.
Public classSubmitStudentDisclosureRestrictionRequest
Contains all information required to update the disclosure restriction for a student.