<Business Object> Data Access Rules (Template)

The following rules are applied to control access to view/add/edit <Business Object> records.

Access to a Record

In order to access a record, the:

In addition, when being accessed via PASIprep, the:

When accessible, the following rules are applied to specific data elements on the record:

Data Element Access Controls
<Data Element> Only available if the Organization owns the record.
<Data Element> Only available if the Organization is associated to the student By Last School Enrolment or better2).
All other data elements Available if the record is accessible.

Adding a new Record

In order to add a new record, the:

In addition, when being added via PASIprep, the:

Updating a Record

In order to update an existing record, the:

In addition, when being updated via PASIprep, the:

The following functionality uses these rules:

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