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List Alberta Student Link Requests

The 'List Alberta Student Link Requests' option is accessible from the Student Documents menu in PASIprep (see PASIprep Header Navigation Menu).

Allows a PASIprep user to view a list of Student Record Access Request records.

* Template used by this screen: PASIprep List Items Template

Secured By

PASIprep users must have the PASIprep Level 47 Permission - Manage Student Document Access Requests and satisfy the “Access to a Record (PASIprep)” section of the student record access request data access rules. If the security requirements are not met, user will be denied access and will see an unexpected error instead, as defined in the PASIprep UI Guidelines.

Data Grid

The grid should include all requests that the user can access as per the data access rules, that are within one year of the Last Updated On Date. Older records are not returned.

Data Fields

The following information is available in this section of the screen:
Note: * denotes as fields that are displayed by default on the data grid.

Field Description Field Format Data Security(Optional)
{Checkbox}Checkbox to select the record for further actions. Icon
{View Icon}Link to View Alberta Student Link RequestIcon
{Edit Icon}Link to Process Alberta Student Link RequestIcon
Last Alberta School Attended* Link to PED page for the school School Name(S.nnnn)
Last Alberta School Attended Code Link to PED page for the school S.nnnn
Last Alberta School Attended Name Link to PED page for the school School Name
Student Name* Student Name from request record entered by the requestor. {Last Name}, {First Name} {Middle Name}
Last Name Student Last Name entered by the requestor. string student record access request data access rules
First Name Student First Name entered by the requestor. string student record access request data access rules
Middle Name Student Middle Name entered by the requestor. string
Birthdate* Student Birthdate Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
ASN* Display the Student ASN (Student Record Access Request) entered by the requestor. nnnn-nnnn-n
Request Reason* Request Reason (Student Record Access Request) Alberta Student Link Request Reason
Request Status* The Request Status displays the status of the Alberta Student Link request.

Note: If the request status is 'Approved' and the current date is greater the 14 days from the approved on date, the 'Expired' statues is displayed instead.
If the request status is 'Downloaded' and the current date is greater than 24 hours from the last updated on date, the 'Expired status is displayed instead.
Alberta Student Link Request Status
Requested On Date* Requested On Date and Time (Student Record Access Request) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM
Confirmed ASN Displays the confirmed Alberta Student Number that is saved by the user processing the request. nnnn-nnnn-n
Confirmed Preferred Name Displays the preferred name of the student associated to the confirmed ASN record. {Last Name}, {First Name} {Middle Name}
Last Name Displays the last name of the student associated to the confirmed ASN record. string
First Name Displays the first name of the student associated to the confirmed ASN record. string
Middle Name Displays the middle name of the student associated to the confirmed ASN record. string
Approved On Date Approved On Date and Time yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM
Decline Reason Decline Reason (Student Record Access Request) Alberta Student Link Request Decline Reason
Cancelled On Date Displays the date the Alberta Student Link request was cancelled on. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM
Last Updated* Last Updated On yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM
Reference # Reference ID (Student Record Access Request) Integer