Rule 11234 - Student status will be evaluated on a future date

Rule Type Advice

Validated Data


A student address or a phone number has an effective or expiry date that is in the future.

This rule will be re-evaluated on the future effective/expiry date.

If there are multiple future effective/expiry dates (e.g. there exist both a student address and a student phone number that has future expiry date), this rule will select the earliest date and re-evaluate on that date.

This validation rule is in effect for all school years.

Additional Notes

Rule 11234 will always pass – its purpose is only to set the Next Scan Date on the Student Status if a student address or student phone number exists with a future effective or expiry date. This causes the student status version to be incremented and SIS will recognize the need to synchronize their data with PASI for the student as needed to get the latest current address/phone number.

The rule will examine all effective/expiry dates on the student’s address and phone number records to look for dates in the future – if there are multiple future dates, it will take the earliest one out of all the future dates and use that as the Next Scan Date for the student.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Student status will be evaluated on a future date.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 4.01 – Added/Updated

Upcoming Changes