Formatted Mailing Address

This calculated data element combines other Address data elements into a single string.

Business Object Address
Optionality Mandatory
Data Format String

A multi-line string representation of the address the document will be mailed to.

These various elements are formatted into various structures as outlined below. All of the following structures are defined with the intent of supporting a mail address label that has a maximum of 6 lines. Those lines are as follows:

{Street Information (line 1)}
{Street Information (line 2)} (Optional)
{Street Information (line 3)} (Optional)
{Street Information (line 4)} (Optional)
{City} {Province/State/Region} {Postal/Zip Code}


  • Each line cannot exceed more than 60 characters. If an address line contains one long string of text (no newline) exceeding 60 characters or contains too many new line characters (causing the address to go beyond the maximum number of lines supported):
    • all newline characters will be replace with a space to produce one long string value
    • this single string will be wrapped to the 60 char/line limit
    • if it goes beyond the maximum number of lines supported, excess lines are truncated.


  • {Street Information} is the mult-line value of Street
  • {City} is the value of City
  • {State/Province/Region} is the value of Province
  • {Postal Code} is the value of Postal Code
  • {Country} is the value of Country

Formatting Based on Country

The specific formatting requirements vary based on the country of the address.

Canadian Mailing Addresses

A Canadian Mailing Address is defined as an address with a Country of Canada. A Canadian Mailing Address must include the following parts:

  • Addressee
  • Street Information
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code
  • Country

These parts are formatted as follows:

{City} {Province}  {Postal Code}


  • There is a maximum of 60 characters per line
  • {Street} may be more than one line - to a maximum of 4 lines
  • There is 1 space between {City} and {Province}
  • There are 2 spaces between {Province} and {Postal Code}

French Formatting Adjustments

If the Canadian Mailing Address is for a document being produced in French, the following adjustments are used:

  • Instead of using the abbreviated province, the full French name of the province in parenthesis should be used. For example, instead of “Edmonton AB” for the English format, “Edmonton (Alberta)” is used for the French format.
  • The full name of each province in French are defined in section 4.4 of the Canada Post Guidlines (

United States Mailing Addresses

A United States Mailing Address is defined as an address with a Country of United States. A United States Mailing Address must include the following parts:

  • Addressee
  • Street Information
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country

These parts are formatted as follows:

{City} {State}  {Zip Code}
USA  [{Zip Code}]


  • There is a maximum of 60 characters per line
  • {Street} may be more than one line - to a maximum of 3 lines
  • The {Zip Code} is normally formatted after {State} unless, it would make the line longer than 60 characters. In these cases, the {Zip Code} is formatted after the {Country} on the following line. If the {City} line is still more than 60 characters, the line will be truncated to 60 characters.
  • There is 1 space between {City} and {State}
  • There are 2 spaces between {State} and {Zip Code}
  • There are 2 spaces between “USA” and {Zip Code}

International Mailing Addresses

An International Mailing Address is defined as an address with a Country other than Canada or United States. An InternationalMailing Address must include the following parts:

  • Addressee
  • Street Information
  • Country

An International Mailing Address may also include:

  • City
  • Region
  • Postal Code

These parts are formatted as follows:

{City} {Region}  {Postal Code}
{Country}  [{Postal Code}]


  • If neither the {City}, {Region} or {Postal Code} have been provided, the entire {City} line is excluded.
  • {Street} may be more than one line - to a maximum of 3 lines if a {City}, {Region}, or {Postal Code} is provided, or a maximum of 4 lines if the {City} line is excluded.
  • The {Postal Code} is normally formatted after {Region} unless, it would make the line longer than 60 characters. In these cases, the {Postal Code} is formatted after the {Country} on the following line. If the {City} line is still more than 60 characters, the line will be truncated to 60 characters.
  • There is 1 space between {City} and {Region}
  • There are 2 spaces between {Region} and {Postal Code}
  • There are 2 spaces between {Country} and {Postal Code}

Validation Rules

This data element is used in the following validation rules:

    No links found.

User Interface Guidelines

Unless otherwise specified, this data element should adhere to the guidelines below.

Data Format Guidelines

When this data element is presented, it should be formatted as a multiple strings as outlined above.

Read Only Field

When presented as a read-only field, the text is presented as outlined above as a block of text.

Editable Field

This data element is not presented as an editable field in PASIprep.

Data Grid Column

This data element is not presented in a data grid.