Full Name

The full name of the person.

Data Format String

The full name is a concatenation of the following Person Name data elements:

Validation Rules

This data element is used in the following validation rules:

    No links found.

User Interface Guidelines

Unless otherwise specified, this data element should adhere to the guidelines below.

Data Format Guidelines

Internal Format

When this data element is presented internally (e.g. PASIprep), it should be formatted as follows:

{Last Name} {Suffix}, {First Name} {Middle Name}

External Format

When this data element is presented externally (e.g. myPass), it should be formatted as follows:

{First Name} {Middle Name} {Last Name} {Suffix}
  • When length is an issue, the name may be shortened using the following formats:
    • {First Name} {Initial of Middle Name}. {Last Name} {Suffix}
    • {Initial of First Name}. {Initial of Middle Name}. {Last Name} {Suffix}
    • {Initial of First Name}. {Initial of Middle Name}. {Last Name}
  • The maximum length of the shortest format is 56 characters: 50 for the last name and three for the first & middle name initial, period and space.

Note: Omit the Last Name if it is 'LNU'

Where the user has access to the student, this value displays as a hyperlink to View Student.