Get Classroom Accommodation Audit Events

The Get Classroom Accommodation Audit Events Service should be used to retrieve history of changes made to a Classroom Accommodation record within PASI Core.

Only the organizations that own the Classroom Accommodation record will be able to retrieve Classroom Accommodation Audit Events records.


The service can be accessed by systems with the View Enrolment User role.

In addition, refer to Access to a Classroom Accommodation Record for complete access rules.

Request Information

The following information is provided when using this service:

  • A single Reference ID for the Classroom Accommodation record being requested.

Request Validations

The following rules are used to validate the information provided in the request:

Service Functionality

Accommodation information for each version of the record (including the current version of the record) identified in the request will be retrieved from the PASI Core and returned in the response.

Response Information