PASI Credential Management Details

This is part of Credential Eligibility Calculator.

For future Credential management in PASI, here are the items that must be considered as things change.

Consideration #1

PASI has a concept of “Prior” and “Current” that is visible in PASIprep

  • Current = PASI can automatically calculate the credential eligibility for students.
  • Prior = This was a credential that did not have its requirements detailed within the Guide to Education at the time that PASI was built and therefore, the eligibility of these requirement sets are dependant on setting one or more manual credential requirement achievements. These credential requirement sets cannot be automatically determined by PASI without some human intervention.

The concept/categorization of Credential Requirement Sets may need to be revisited if any of the following occur:

  • Expire existing Credential Requirement Set
    • We may require a new categorization to handle the current sets that are automatically calculated by PASI that are no longer active. The “Prior” and “Current” categorizations will not really fit in this case.
    • If a Credential Requirement Set needs to be removed or disabled all together, PASI does not currently support this.
  • Add new credential
  • Add new credential requirement set

Also, there are areas of PASI that differ in their implementation of the current/prior concept.

  • myPass hard-code the “current” vs “prior” (referred to as restricted in the code) credential requirement sets to determine which credential requirement sets should have their requirements displayed or not with appropriate messages.
  • PASIprep uses a code relationship to determine which credential requirement set is “current” vs “prior”.

Consideration #2

The Credential, Credential Requirement Set and Credential Requirements are all defined as a CodeType. The code table has an EffectiveSchoolYear and ExpirySchoolYear column, however, these are all set to null currently.

The implementation of the credential logic does not currently consider the effective school year and end school year columns within the Code table and therefore, if a particular credential/credential requirement set or requirement needs to be discontinued moving forward, either the eligibility logic will need to be adjusted to start using those start and end school years OR this will need to be handled in a different manner.


The following presentation has been attached to provide a starting point for this information.

SLS: Once this area is flushed out with as-built information, the Credentials section of the Alberta Education High School Transcript PDF Specification document should be cleaned up to remove the general technical details that have been included
